protagonists fall victim, in the film, the focus is on the lucky stories of those who managed to survive. Narrated by the actress Helen Mirren who reads from Anna's book right from Anna's room in the Annex, the feeling of optimism is given by the meeting of the old with the new, the old with the youth of the girl who, passionate and intrigued by the wounds of the past, follows the path of Jews persecuted by various camps. The two meet at the end of the film in Anna's room, the old leaves the room, leaving room for the new, modern and correct thinking. The graphic novel made by Ari Holfman and David Polonsky after the diary is another variant that attracts with its special and expressive graphics, which highlights the feelings of the inhabitants of the Annex through lines, drawing, color and imagination. The final drawing that captures Anna's face in many ways reflects without the help of words the multitude of feelings and feelings experienced by the young girl in the two torturous years. Bibliography: Anne Frank's Journal June 12, 1942-August 1, 1944, final version, Ed. Humanitas, Bucharest, 2012 Ari Holfman, David Polonsky - The Diary of Anne Frank graphic adaptation, Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 2018 Anne Frank: Parallel Stories, Sabina Fedeli, Anna Migotto, Editor Valentina Ghilotti, Produced by Didi Gnocchi, 2019
Holocaustul- o istorie ce nu trebuie uitată Prof. Buliga Nicoleta Georgeta Liceul Tehnologic ,,Nicanor Moroșan” Pârteștii De Jos Denumirea proiectului : Holocaustul – O istorie ce nu trebuie uitată Tipul programului : activitate extracurriculară Grup ţintă: elevii de gimnaziu clasele a VII-a, a-VIII-a Scop: trezirea interesului național pentru evenimente istorice cu impact major asupra mentalului colectiv. Obiective: informarea elevilor asupra greşelilor trecutului; 10