Another incident in the city was the gunfire that was heard on June 28, after which the Jews were also suspected, in reality, the fire came from a German plane. German patrols lined the Jews and took them to the police headquarters. Several hundred Jews were then shot in the courtyard of the police headquarters; the massacre continued in the afternoon of that day and only at the intervention of General Stavrescu did the Germans bow down and cease fire on the Jews. Reports show that both Romanian and German soldiers were involved. General Antonescu then demanded the removal of the Jews from Iasi by train, in a camp in Calarasi; on the way to Călărași (40 wagons sealed with 2530 Jews), about 1400 people died who were exposed to severe conditions during transport, heat, heat, lack of air and water, forced them to extreme gestures and desperate that many could not resist. 1,011 Jews survived the 6 days of torment; these were called death trains. The treatment applied to Jews by General Antonescu is different from that of Hitler. In 1941, the German and Romanian armed forces contributed to the mass murder of Jews in Bessarabia and Bukovina, then the Romanian authorities acted independently; the discrimination was followed by deportations, only that, in the case of Romania, they did not end in the gas chambers, but by shooting. Jews in Transnistria died slowly from typhus and hunger; the Jews were not the only ones persecuted, but also the gypsies, 11,441 gypsies were deported and then killed. Out of so many deported people, it has remained a list of names, victims of interests, hatred and racial discrimination. Bibliography: The martyrdom of the Jews in Romania, 1940-1944. Documents and testimonies, document no. 27, pp. 89 Matatias Carp, The Black Book, The Sufferings of the Jews in Romania, 1940-1944, vol. IIA, The Pogrom of Iași, Bucharest, 1948 The old dilemma, the Holocaust in Romania - this great unknown and irritating, Petru Clej., War for the Past
9 Octombrie Motto:”Cine uită nu merită” Profesor Grigore Georgeta Școala Gimnaziala Radu cel Mare, Târgoviste Holocaustul este un cuvânt ebraic de origine greacă care înseamnă “sacrificiu”. Termenul de “Holocaust” este convenţional desemnând ansamblul crimelor comise de nazişti şi aliaţii acestora 107