Bibliografie: Ancel Jean, Contribuții la Istoria României. Problema evreiască 1933-1944, vol. I, București, 2001, partea a II-a Catalin Zamfir, E. Zamfir, Țiganii între ignorare și îngrijorare, Editura Alta, 1993 Cornelia Bodea, 1848 la români. O istorie în date şi mărturii, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1982 A. Duțu, M. Retegan, Război și societate, vol. 1, RAO, 2000 George Sion, « Emanciparea ţiganilor», în Suvenire contemporane, București, 1888 George Potra, Contribuţuni la istoricul ţiganilor din România, Mihail Dascăl Editor, Bucureşti, 2002 E. Pons, De la Robie la asimilare P. Petcuț, D. Grigore, M. Sandu, Istoria şi tradiţiile romilor, manual pentru clasa a VII-a, Ed. Ro Media, Bucureşti, 2003 Panaitescu I.C., Robii. Aspecte ţigăneşti // Bucureşti: Tipografiile României Unite, 1928 Pravila lui Vasile Lupu un cod de legi adoptat în 1646. Viorel Achim, Ţiganii în Istoria României, Editura Enciclopedică, București, 1998
The Gypsy’s Holocaust Teacher Dide Amalia Larisa Costina “Constantin Noica” Theoretical High School, Alexandria, Teleorman County On October 3, 1385, the first documentary attestation of gypsy slavery on Romanian territory took place when the ruler of Wallachia, Dan I, confirmed the donation of 40 “gypsy” dwellings of Tismana Monastery, donated by Vladislav Vodita Monastery, about 20 years before. The document confirms that "40 gypsy settlements will be free from all jobs and hopes for the income of my reign." In Transylvania, around the 1400s, a boyar Costea ruled in the Land of Făgăraş the villages: Viştea de Jos, Viştea de Sus and half of Arpaşul de Jos, "as well as 17 tent gypsies". In Moldavia, the Roma are mentioned for the first time, in an act from August 2, 1414, from the time of Alexander the Good, who gave 3 villages to Pan Toader Pitic, for his faithful service: a village in Cobâla, where his house, where you are was Veris Stanislav, and another village at the mouth of Jeravaţ, where it falls in Bârlad, namely where there were cneji (of gypsies) Lie and Gypsies, and the third village on Bârlad, where he has another house of his, where there are of gypsies) Tamas and Ivan ”.