O temă istorică poate fi abordată interdisciplinar, ea se poate concretiza în activităţi diverse, aplicându-se metode activ-participative care solicită implicarea elevilor. Astfel ei vor fi interesaţi, stimulaţi intelectual, devenind conştienţi de realităţile trecutului şi încercând să evite greşelile. Participarea diverşilor parteneri a avut un efect benefic, elevii de gimnaziu.
The Holocaust - A History That Should Not Be Forgotten Prof. Buliga Nicoleta Georgeta Tehnological High School ,,Nicanor Moroșan” Pârteștii De Jos
Project name: The Holocaust - A Story Not To Be Forgotten Type of program: extracurricular activity Target group: middle school students, grades VII-VIII Purpose: to awaken the national interest for historical events with a major impact on the collective mind. Objectives: nforming students about the mistakes of the past;
inding out about Elie Wiesel; establishing the causes that led to the deportation and imprisonment of Jews in the camps; discovering some keywords; hierarchical establishment of those guilty of Genocide; highlighting the way the war was reflected in literature and film; elaboration of materials (plates) on the theme of the Holocaust; socialization of students, cooperation through group activities; 15