Workload: Try commenting on the text below: "The resurgence of interest in the Holocaust after the 1970s and 1980s changed the data of the configuration of an ideological culture at the academic level in line with a popular culture on the Holocaust and determined its repositioning in the historical process retroprojectively. The Holocaust is part of the political and cultural history of Europe, just as it is part of the history of the Jewish people. But the meanings of the Holocaust are different for each context of civilization and community that has not given up its own identity. From a general human point of view, of course, the problem of the Holocaust is revealed to us through the system of ethical coordinates and through the message that the terrible events that took place in the 1930s and 1940s of the last century send us. Mihail Milca, The Holocaust - X-ray of a genocide Conclusions A historical theme can be approached interdisciplinary, it can be materialized in various activities, applying active-participatory methods that require the involvement of students. Thus they will be interested, intellectually stimulated, becoming aware of the realities of the past and trying to avoid mistakes. The participation of various partners had a beneficial effect, middle school students.
Opțional ,,Poporul evreu – Holocaustul” Prof. Rotaru Alina Elena, Grădinița cu P.P. Nr.1, Buzău Cursul opţional îşi propune ca în decursul anului şcolar să aducă la cunowtinţă elevilor repere despre poporul evreu, cultura şi civilizaţia evreiască şi drama prin care a trecut acest popor. Elevii vor fi familiarizaţi cu elemente semnificative ale istoriei, vor cunoaşte noţiuni despre poporul evreu, apariţia evreilor în Europa şi în România, antisemitism, legi potrivnice evreilor şi deciziile din anii ’30-’40. Vor sesiza asemănări şi deosebiri, evoluţii şi interferenţe culturale, vor cunoaşte elemente legate de aportul evreilor în societate aromânească. Prin cursul propus elevii îşi vor îmbogăţi vocabularul, competenţele de comunicare şi interacţiune şi vor conştientiza accentul care trebuie pus pe valoarea umană, solidaritate, egalitatea şanselor, drepturile omului. Obiective de referinţă şi exemple de activităţi de învăţare: Vor beneficia şi de observarea şi studiul unor documente autentice prin intermediul mijloacelor audio-video, a tehnologiei modern dar şi prin contact direct cu diverse opere. 19