1944, the labor detachments, the German occupation, the Oradea ghetto, the road to uncertainty, Auschwitz- Birkenau, after Auschwitz, Oradea without Jews, again at home, the list of victims of the Holocaust in Oradea and Bihor County52. The author currently lives in Israel, visiting Oradea every year, where she spent most of her 53 life . In addition to the diaries written during the Second World War about the realities of Bihor at the time, in recent years the testimonies submitted by Holocaust survivors in the ghetto process have been brought to the public's attention, their purpose being to prosecute those who ordered the genocide to the chosen people. The National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania "Elie Wiesel", the Association of Romanian Jews Victims of the Holocaust, through its books - The ghetto trial in northern Transylvania, which includes several volumes by Oliver Lusting, were published by AERVH Publishing House, Bucharest, in 2007. Testimonies about the Oradea Ghetto are included in volume II54. This publication completes the reader's image of the atrocities, sufferings, torments to which the Jewish people were subjected. The memorial writings have a series of common points, highlighting the gradual worsening of the situation of the Jewish population with the adoption and application of anti-Semitic legislation, the drama experienced by it with ghettoization, poor living conditions, interrogations that many Jews went through, deportation, etc. In conclusion, we specify that through this study we updated some aspects related to the tragic fate of Jews in Oradea and Bihor County in the fateful year 1944, using as sources memorial writings and local publications of the time, which accurately capture the gradual worsening of the Jewish community. Certainly, the described reality can be completed with existing information in other works, which approach a similar topic.
Lagărele de concentrare Prof. Cazacu Camelia Școala Gimnazială Constantin Gh Marinescu Galați În primele săptămâni ce au urmat instalării la putere a lui Adolf Hitler, naziștii, a căror guvernare se baza pe decrete și dispoziții izvorând din „starea de asediu” declarată după incendierea Reichstag-ului din Berlin, au trecut la folosirea extensivă a violenței, care avea să devină în scurt 52
Idem, Jews ..., 411p. http://www.oradea.ro/stiri-oradea/diploma-de-excelenta-pentru-tereza-mozes 54 National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania "Elie Wiesel" Association of Romanian Jews Victims of the Holocaust, The Process of Ghettos in Northern Transylvania, Volume II - Testimonies, volume by Oliver Lusting, AERVH Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, Oradea Ghetto; http://www.survivors-romania.org/text_doc/oradea.htm 53