A Resolution by the Board of Directors

TheBanl<n I vote for Plastite, because it helps to maintain the collateral valueof a building.
The Realtor
The Plastite-built building hasa better resale value.
The Architect I feel safe in specifying Plastite because it is a tested material of known standards.
The Genqal Contractor I know from experience that any product of the Riverside Portland Cement Co. can be depended on.
The Plastering Contractor I vote for Plastite because it gives greater yardage and a satisfactory job.
The Plastqer I can do more work in a day with less labor when I use Plastite.
'The Building Supply Deal.q Plastite must be a superior material because its use is steadilyincreasing.
WHbeWSd, It is our duty at all times to keep in mind the best interests of the Owner, and
WHlleI:|.BS, Ttre owner relies upon our expert technical knowledge of the best materials and practices, ftt, llt lhasolbe!, That we will specify and use Plastite Waterproofed Plastic Cement on all concrete and stucco work requiring permanent resistance to water.
PLASTITE is a Portland cement of the highest quality, having also waterproof and plastic qualities that make its use real economy. Detailed information regarding the many uses of this remarkable material, Plastite, will be sent free on request. Write Plastite Department, Riverside Portland Cement Co.,724 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Califomia.
" Plastite Progressr" an intqesting illustrated monthly magaTine, will be mailed widwut charge
Is Our Reputa,tion Your Guarqnrtee
RAW your hardwood fooring supplies from a 3,000,000 foot local stock, every load of which is backed by the Stanton Guarantee of Quality. Our stocks are complete and well assorted, containing not only all standard grades and sizes of Oak, Maple, Birch and Beech, but also those unusual items which ordinarily are difficult to obtain. Make our warehouse yours.
Stanton Service and Quality Satisfy
? .Ask the Stanton salesman who calls upon you for full inI formation about Brown's Super-Cedar Closet Lining for which L *" are Southern California distributors.
I- Stanton & Son J.

Mgr. San Frucleco Ofricc
W. T. BLACK Mgr. Portland Ofrice
How Lumber Looks
The wholerale lumber market, at both endr of t{re rtate, har made no great changet in the part two weekr.
A telegram from San Francirco, on t'he morning of the 29th, rayr:
The fir market in the Bay Dirtrict and the interior of the rtate rhows no changer druing the part two weekr. Conditionr are about the rame.
The volume of lurrber moving into the Bay Dirtric by cargo is heavy and at the prerent time only 12 boetr are tied up. The cargo rnarket ir fairly active with pricer remaining about the ca,rn€.
The rail market is reported fair with pricee holding theh own. Retail rtockr ere below normal and dealerr afe not buytng for future deliverier but taking on only "fill in ltocks" and there is conriderable of thir burinesr moving. No. 3 Vertical Grain Flooring continuer to be a scarce itcm.
The millc report good order filee. The yard and export +mand ir fair with considerable inductrial burineu being offered. Demnd for yard rtockr and rail rhipmentr into Texer and Oklahoma ir reported good, with pricea much more attractive than is being offered by the California trade. The log rupply ir reported rcarce with a $1.0O increare re-
cently made on Puget Sound and it ir reported that a rimilar increare will be rnade on Grayl Harbor on Octobcr 1.
REDWOOD: The demand for Commonr continuer good. The eadern demand is fair with the outlook for fall burineu god. The export demand ie fair. Pricer are firm.
CALIFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE: The pinc rnerket rhowr no radicd changee. There ir a good volume of burinere; the mills are working to capacity, with no change in pricec.
In Southern California the mill repreeentdiver report a fair, rteady dernand with a e[ght rtiffening in all uppen and comnron! holding their orrn on the lwel ertablirhed thc 6rrt of September.
Shlpmentr, at San Pedro, will run heary for Septcnrber, the indications bcing for cloce to 140,O00,000 feet.
Bujlding perrnitr are good, for Septernber, with Lor Angeler orowding eight million, for September, and with the valley townr reporting r healthy condition on ncw work and good procpectr for fdl.
The lart weekly report from the Wcet Coart Lumbermen'r Ascociation rhorm production totalling 111 million, rales of 117 million and rhipmentr 113.

Who Is The Lumber Dealer, Mr. Mill Manager?

He is the point of contact between YOUR lumber and the consuming public.
He is the man on whom the character presentation of YOUR stockto the man who will ultimately use it, will largely depend.
He is the man who must sell YOUR stock, if it is going'to be sold. He is amost important man in YOUR business.
For the sake of yourown business, you should know him, you should try to understand him and his problems,youshouldcooperate with him to the end that YOUR lumber shall go before the ultimate consumer in themanneryouaspire to have it.
He is a man you have paid too little attention to in the past.
He isa very vital cog inYOUR wheel. Consider him as such, try to visualize him as such, and it will help YOUR business and HIS.
Who Is The Mill Man, Mr. Lumber Dealer?
He is YOUR source of supply.
The degree of pride you feel in the stock you furnish your trade from which to build their HOMES, must depend upon HIM.
For the service and quality which make your business a joyand the lack of which cuts down your profit and your plgasureyou must depend onHIM.
He is a most important man in YOUR business.
You should know him better than you have in thepast,and you should cooperate with him to the end that your customers may be satisfied in their building activities.
He is the man whose cooperation and friendly understanding will do much to solve YOUR most serious lumber problems.
He is your natural business ally. Get closer to him. Get his viewpoint. Give him YOURS. In this way you will help YOUR business, and HIS.
lf,eGormtek ttmbers treated or untreated -' for speelal needs!
WHERE timbers are to be used in contact with the ground, where they may be accessible to attacks from white ants, where th"y are used in salt wate4 Mc{ormick treated timbens, pili"g, poles,ties insure protection and long life.
Dealers c.rn quote on Mcconnick lurrber, treated or untreated, for any purpose, confident that orders will receive prompt attention. For 24 years this orgarrization has been building up a repuation for dependable lumber products and frrst class senrice.

Now our ovlrn vast timber holdiqg in the heart of Americatsfinest virgin forest areu', our own logging c.rmps, mills, treating plant, docks, wharrzes and feet of steamshipr b*y in the coastwise trade, cooperate to put you in direct touch with the finest lumber products obainable.
Youwill find it worth while to avail yourself of the advantages of McConnick facilities. Our nearest lepresentative or sales office wi[ gladly quote you on sraightor mixed cans and on special orders.
Gus Russell Becomes Dry Lumber Evangelist
Time was when Augustus J. "Gus" Russell of San Francisco created for himself the title of "chief wooden shingle booster", when he led the campaign of the lumber industrv when wooden roofs were threatened with extinction *ithin the borders of this sovereign state of California.
He hasn't changed his opinion a bit in that respect-not even since he got chumming around with that eloquent maker of other roofs, Sylvester Weaver of Los Angelesbut Mr. Russell has another hobby right now, and one in which he is as interested and enthusiastic as he was when shingle campaigning. Likewise he is making a decided success of those efforts, just as he did with shingles.
He is now the champion and advocate of dry Fir lumber for building purposes in the State of California. It is less than a year since Mr. Russell's concern, the Santa Fe Lumber Company, took on an account selling kiln dried Fir. He didn't know himself at that time whether or not it was a wise and lasting game. But the lumber he has been shipping and the satisfaction it has been giving has sold him thoroughly and utterly, and today kiln dried lumber comprises the large majority of stock being sold and shipped by the Santa Fe Lumber Company, and every foot of it is coming into California and Arizona. The hardest buyers on the whole list are trying it with apparent pleasure and
satisfaction, says Mr. Russell, in spite of the fact that No. 1 kiln dried costs from $9 to $tt a thousand more than the same grade g'reen, and the No. 2 costs several dollars more than the green of the same grade.
So this is an interesting campaign that the forceful Mr. Russell is conducting. He gives- the dealer he talks to something new and interesting to think about. He says to the dealer who has known only green common:
"\Mhy do YOU stand the loss in grade that comes from air drying in your own yard. When you buy kiln dried the mill has taken the degrade.
"Why do YOU go the expense of sticking your lumber piles ?
"Why do YOU sell dimension surfaced unseasoned, that is necessarily uneven in widths and thicknesses ?
"Do YOU know how much you lose every year through the deterioration of green lumber in your yard ?
"Do YOU know how much shorter lived and less practical for building purposes is green than well dried lumber?
These and other pertinent questions Mr. Russell asks the dealers he calls on. And they scratch their heads in thought.
He has been in Southern California for the past week talking his new hobby.
You will be interertd to lnow that beginning October lst, Mr. C. J. Laughlin, formerly connected with l.ong-Bell Lumler C,o., will repreeent us exclusively in the cale of our Chickasaw Braxrd Flooring and otfier hardwood products. Mr.laughlin will reside in Los Angeles and will nepresent urin Southern California from Fresno to San Diego. B€ing well and favorably known throughout the trade in that territory, l\ilr. LaWhlinta eelection ar our exclusive nepresentative will undoubtedly pnove a popuhr one, and with the long estab' lighed reputation of our Chickasaw Brand Oak Flooring for euElity and manufacture to support hb personsl efiortr in aerving the trade, we are confident that you will at all timec give him tihat cotuteous consideration to which he is entitled.

they are becoming very much interested in Kiln Dried Fir and some of our good customers are giving it a try. In every case a trial means more
K. D. F. In order to better serve our Arizona friends we have our own salaried salesman in that great and prosperous state. When you want K. F. D. Service (Kiln Dried Fir Service), you can reach him by addressing

We are often asked the question, "How many vessels are there hauling lumber from the Pacific Northwest inlo California?" So far as can be computed there are 110 ships engaged in the regular business of hauling lumber from Washington, Oregon and British Columbia to California ports.
Earl E. White, who several months ago embarked in the retail lumber business in Oakland, reports that he finds business in his district satisfactory. His new concern is called the East Bay Lumber & Mill Co. Earl has a large acquaintanceship with the lumber fraternity of California and the Pacific Coast, having been associated with the California Door Co. for sixteen years, serving as manager of their retail yard at Folsom, and prior to entering business for himself acted as traveling representative for the company.
W. R. Chamberlin, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., and Joe Rolando, Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co., are back again at their desks in San Francisco after spending three weeks in the Northwest. While in the North, they were visitors at the several mills which the Chamberlin interests represent in the California market, together with calling on many of their Northwest lumbermen friends.

Russell Gheen Was Formerly Forestry Professor at Syracuse University
Russell Gheen is the basso voiced and excellent gentleman who sells the stock of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company in Southern California territory. Before joining the Johnson forces he was manager of a buying office in Portland for, a big eastern concern, and previous to that time he was assistant secretary of the American Wholesale Lumber Association, rvhen Dick Putman lvas head of that organization.
But there was an earlier experience in this young man's life that has not been advertised. For six yeais before joining the wholesalers' association Mr. Gheen held the chair of forestry in Syracuse lJniversity, the youngest man that ever held a full professorship in that great institution of learning.
So when Mr. Gheen talks lumber and timber to you you rvill understand that he gets his knowledge of the subject from every practical source, books, science and personal contact. Few lumbermen in the country have a better foundation for a lumber career than Mr. Gheen. Besides that he likes the lumber business. and likes to sell lumber. That's why he left the college job. And he says he's glad of it.
The Glenwood Lumber Co., San Jose, have remodeled their lumber office, both exterior and interor, and have furnished the office with new equipment. The office also has a display room and the interior of the office is .very attractively arranged. O. E. Schnobel and E. Walter Schnobel operate this retail lumber concern.
Hang your saw onthe wall. Hammer and nails are all that are necessary to pr€pare frame for the Builder. Whitney Frames are properly constructed for assembly.

TIre TYhitney Company
C.L. M. Will Run Redwood Farm Bulletins
No association trade extension campaign in lumber history has been more practical and useful than the Agricultural Bulletin service that is now being issued by The California Redwood Association.

This service is prepared by and is in the very capable lTands of Max E. Cook, a practical Farmstead Engineer, and they are created for the purpose of helping the retail lumber dealer promote the use of more and better farm buildings in his territory, by supplying him with practical and successful plans and directions for such buildings and thus making it easier and simpler for the farmei to build.
The particular plans that are being issued by Mr. Cook in this effort are the result of long and thoughtful experience in such matters, and the dealer who offers such assistance to his farm friends can be assured that they are the result of the best thought and experience that can be brought to bear on the subject.
In its frontpiece, the bound Bulletin Book says: ' Recognizing the value of complete plans, specifications, and bills of material to encourage and make it easier for the farmer to build, the California Redwood Association has established an Agricultural Department to assist Lumber Dealers, Farmers and Agricultural interests rvith' farm building problems.
Plans and specifications are made available, that when
Mrdera Su*., Pin.
A True Whitc Pinc Water CureLAir Dried
Nothing could bc better for pattern ctock and planing mill lumbcr for all purporer, than our wide, thiclc, coft tertured lumber. It comcr from California Sugar Pinc treec, which arc famour for thcir cxccptional aizc and quality.

The Mark of on Every Stick
(Continued from Page 12)
NOT shorv to his trade, this material bill being HIS guarantee of selling the material if the farmer decides to build rvhatever the plan calls for.
'fhe California Redwood Association has already issued twenty of these bulletins. When a dealer installs this service, they sell trim a binder containing all of these already issued bulletins, with introductory literature in the front of same. The dealer subscriber is then entitled to purchase from the Association at cost price,'reprints of each and every bulletin he desires. These bulletins he uses for mailing o.r presenting to his customers, to interest them in this particular building or accessory. The supplement he keeps in his own office. The binder is loose leaf, and as each additional bulletin appears it is mailed to each subscriber, and he adds it to his book. Thus he is constantly building up this attractive farm plan book, and he can get reprints of any of the plans, at any time.
Also, the Association will sell him at low price newspaper mats or cuts that he can use in his advertising of these services. if he desires to do so.
This Service has met rvith inrmediate response from the dealers of California, about 300 of them having subscribed for same service already, more than 225,0n copies of reprints having been ordered and distributed, and hundreds of letters having been received from dealers, farmers and other interests, telling of successful accomplishment from this service.
Between 40 and 5O California dealers have built certain of the building things shown in the plans and used them
for display in their yards, thereby bringing about direct sales, and visualizing what they have to offer. One dealer built a septic tank from one of these bulletins, and sold more than twenty of them from' displaying it in front of his office. Many newspaper mats have been ordered.
"The California l-umber Merchant" desires to help this good work along and to that end has arranged with the California Redwood Association for permission to publish these bulletins in these columns as educational matter and in succeeding issues of this journal these bulletins will appear.
W. H. Esworthy, Vice President and General Manager of the Gustine Lumber Co.. Gustine, died at Newman on Sunday morning, September 12. He was 58 years old. Mr. Esrvorthy followed the lumber business in the San Joaquin Valley for many years and had a large number of friends among the lumber fraternity of the state. Prior to taking over the management of the Gustine Lttmber Co., which yard his orgiinization purchasecl from the N{iller & Lux interests several months ago, he was connected with the Swastika Lumber Co. of Fresno. lle rvas an active member of Hoo-Hoo and a member o{ the Fresno HooHoo Club. He is survived bv his rvife. Mrs. Maud G. Esworthv.

Ercerpt from the By-Laws of West Coast Lumbermen's Assn-
,.No mill ehau be cligible to mcmbcrship in WEST coAsr LUMBERMEN'S AssocrATroN whose gradcs arc below thc tcst of gridcs cfficiency cstablishcd by thc Board of rrustees of said Association
Any mcmbcr mil iho"" grades, over a rcasonablc pcrigd, shail fall below thc test of grading cficicncy, cstab' lishcd by the Association, shali forfeit its mcmbership in the Association'
This mcmberstrip qo.tin"ation, together with the list of Association mcmbcrs in good atanding, ahall, from timc to timc, bc nationally advertiscd."
j}".5'i33?',':f :H3r"""'ii"*"",i''$ il:";;il:i'i? A;;8"1i,"1 gtadi"g tulcs of West coast Lumbcrmcn'8 Atsoctatton:
,0" ,?i:*1'.?'-:iif "t:,:Hft,y*:fr"s?f';:#$i'oi{i{!,,:,tiilT?:"ffi3.L1i,i1b,"""5i'i:"*1:
ANACORTES LUMBER & BOX CO', Anacortes, \il/ash'
aStOnfa BOX COMPANY. Astoria. Ore'-
gEeVpn LUMBER COMPANY, Portland, Ore'
E. r. srsHoP LUMBER Co., Aberdeen, wash'
aborrt-rgl.t,Y LUMBER coMPANY, Eug^ene' ore'
anioel-v-b-tl. TTMBER co.. Bridal veil, ore.
SUF'fpLpX LBR. & MFG. CO., Tacoma, Wash'
CARLISLE LUMBER CO., Onalaska, Wash'
cenr.ssonc MrLL & TBR. CO., Seattlc, wash.
CeSCAOE LBR. & SHG. CO., Snohomish, Wash'
Cbltrnel coAL & coKE co., Kansas citv, Mo.
atARK LutusBn CoMPANY, vancouvcr,. \ll/ash.
cianr-NtcKERSON LBR. CO.' Eve-rctt, wash.
ctARK E wrr-soN LUMBER co., Linnton, orc.
Clpan FrR LUMBER co, Tacoma, wash.
A. r. coets LUMBER Co., Tillamook, ore.
COBBS & MITCHELL CO', Portland, Ore.
c6nvAr.r-rs LBR. & MFG. co., Portlqnd, ore.
Cnosserr wEsrERN CoMPANY, wauna, ore.
DEMPSEY LUMBER CO., Tacoma, \lllash.
PnUPSt DOLGE, INC., Tacoma' Was!' -
DOTY LUMBER & SHG. CO., Portland, ore'
DU BOIS MILL CO., Vancouver, Wash'
pAcle LuMspn COMPANY, Portland,- Ore.
EASf srDE MrLL & LBR. Co., Portland, ore.
patOtgvrf.LE LBR. CO., Eatonville, Wash.
sdl,rpsp MrLL CoMPANY, Evcrett, wash.
EMERY & NELSON, INC., Napavine, Wa-sh.
FIDALGO LBR. & BOX CO., Anacortes, Wash.
FiScHBn LUMBER CoMPANY, Marcola, orc.
G. H. P. LUMBER CO,, Hillsboro, Ore.
clEnoalp LUMBEI{ CoMPANY, Glendale, ore.
GRAYS HARBOR MFG. CO.' Aberdeen, Wash.
i. F. cupnnlER LBR. CO., Star Route, Chehalis, wash.
irpwrrr-r-EA-FUNcK Co., Sumner' W-"sb.
WM. HULBERT MILL CO., Everett' W-ash'
e.-C. iortxsoN LUMBER co'. coquille. ore.
xpttwoop LUMBER CO., Portland, ore.
KLEMENT & KENNEDY, Seattle, Wash'
MUMBY LBR. & SHG. CO., Scattle, Wash.
NICOLAI DOOR MFG. CO.. Portland, Orc.
OSTRANDER RY. & LBR. CO., Ostrandcr, Wash'
PhcrFrc sPRUcE CORPoRATTON, Portlan4 Ore.
PALMER LBR. & MFG. CO., Chehalis, Wash.
PARKER LBR. & BOX CO., Everett, Wash.
POSEY MFG. CO., Portland, Ore.
PROUTY LBR. & BOX CO., Warrcntoq, Orc'
nfpCpf'fpf,D LUMBER CO., Ridgeficld, Wash'
nOSfNSON MFG. CO., Everct! Wtqh'
-sT.-pa-ul E iecoue LBR. -cq.t- Tacoma, w-ash'
il6i3li HAN*iw r.uMsBR cO, sedro wool-lev, wash'
SEATTLE tvtril-a LoGGTNG co., s-eattle, wash' Srr.Bn -urr,L coMPANY, Raymo-r-r!, wash. SiIVER-FAiLS TTMBER c-o., silve-+or," orc' ,Skecrr MrLL CoMPANY, Lvman,-w-ash.
LAKE cLE ELUM LBR. co', Roslvn, wash.
iittb-o Llt-cneEK LUM B EH co', -centrrlia, wq!-!. -
iiii o 5 tt{o tvt-rta t to no nrtt L B R. c o., Tacoma, wash'
ioNc-spl.,I- LUMBER Co., Longview, wash.
LUEDINGHAUS LBR. CO', Portland, Ore.
MACHIAS MILL CO., Woodinville, Wash.
MAttt,sv, MooRE LBR. qo:, Tacomq.-wash.
McCoRuiCK LBR. CO., McCormick; W-ash.
6HAS. R. McCORMICK'LBR. CO', St. Hel-ens, Ore'
McKENNA LUMBER CO., McKcnna,'Wash.
L. B. MENEFEE LBR. CO., Portland, Ore.
MuirtlbMAH LBR. & BOx Co., Portland, ore.
SnoouailnrE FALLS LUMBER coMPANY, ',,. Snoqualmie Falls, Wash. ipni-lttsen tuiil CoMPANY, olvmpia,- wash' slAttWooD LUMBER co., Stanwood,- wash. SiiuSoll-irMBER CoMPANY, -Seattle, w-ash' Sitjut t sR. co. or oREGoN' !!ort Bend, ot-o-'ifuirlpe-r-ei isiR. r'ItLLs co., iNc., Tumwater, wash' weilecs LBR. & MFG. co., Sultan, wash' waliotl-lutvt BER CO M PANY, Ever-e-tt,wash' wAlville LUMBER co., walville, wash' wEStenn LBR. MFG. Co, Tacoma,^wash' WEST OREGON LBR. CO.' Llnnton, Ore' weSiPbnt LUMBER CO., westPort, Ore. weSi-wAtsRwev LBR. co., slattle,- wash' wsSrwooD LUMBER Co., wheeler, Ore.
wEYbRHApuspn TTMBER Co., Ev-e-rett, wash' wHCPlPn, osGOoD Co., Tacoma, Wash. WilITE RrVBn-iUtvIsER' CO., Enumcl-alv, Wash' wgirE srAR LUMBER co., whites, wash'
WHITNEY COMPANY, Garibaldi' Ore.
wil-l-atr,teTT-e Vnr,r,6v LBR. co., Portland, orc' wiilaPe LUMBER Co., Portland, orc'
willEHCsreR BAY LUi{BER co., Portland, ore' WOOD & IVERSON, INC., Hobart, Wash' w. a. wbODARD L-BR. co., Cottage Grove, orc'
SEATILE, Wath.Tacona, Warh.Portland, (he'

Railroad Association Reports California overflowing with Consistent Prosperity
California's prosperity thus far In 1926 has exceeded all previous records for a similar period in the State's history and present indications are that this prosperity will continue for the rest of the year, it was shown by'reports on conditions from all parts of the State submitted at the quar- terly conference of the Pacific Coast Transportation Advisory Board of the American Railway Assbciation, conducted at the Alexandria Hotel in Los Angeles the other day.
In only one line of production, that of grapes, were conditions revealed as unsatisfactory. The amount of the crop is somewhat less than last year and marketing conditioni have been unfavorable owing to early maturity ind unusual weather conditions in the East. To remedy-the situation, it was _proposed to form a grape growers' oiganization, a.td preliminary steps in this direction will be talen at a meeting to be conducted this morning at the Biltmore, to be attgnded by -representatives of all the different grape-growing districts of the State.
Plan Car Needs
_.T!,. meeting, which was presided over by Charles E. Virden, chairman of the industrial committee of ttre California Development Association, was attended bv almost 500 growers,_bankers, railroad executives, shippers and business men of California, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. The specific purpose of the conference was to take stock of economic conditions in these States and to decide on car needs for the shipping of commodities during the next ninety-day period.
Red Cedar Shingles
Manufactured By Schafcr Broe. Shlnglc Co. Natlonal Lumbcr & Mfg. Co.
Jor Crec} Shlnglc Co. Rlplcy Ccdar Co. Ultlct! ShlDsls Co.
Montc[no, WlrL Hoq-irn, WarL - .Alohe, Wrrh. Abcrden, Wrh. Abcrdcen, Wuh.
We are in position to furnish your requirements in all kinds of Shingles, either Grcen or KiIn Drled, for all rail or water shipment, and in order to better serve you have opened a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington.
We manufacture:
6/2 Extra *A*'s
5/2 Extra rA*'s Extra Clears
Premium Clears and all corresponding second grades
XXXXX Perfect Eurekas Perfections Royals
Suitc Zl, Finch Building
Aberdeen, Warh.
Repreeented by W. W. WILKINSON
l2ll Inr. ExcLangc Bldg. Lor Angclcr
This year's -prosperity was clearly revealed in the quar- terly report of George H. Leithner, manager for the western district of the American Railway Association. which showed that for the first eight months of the year tire total amount of freight loaded in this territory was i,ZZO,4OZ cars, an increase of 85,264 cars, or 7.2 per cent, over the number of cars loaded during the same period in 1925 and L76,Ol7 cars more than were'ioaded during the fiist eight months of 1924, Statements of perishables transported in refrigerator cars compared with the same period in l9Z5 and 31.904 cars more than in1924.It was stat;d that fully 90 per cent of the great number of cars loaded this year tepresented California products alone.
Citrus Outlook
. Reports on production and car needs for the remaining three months of the year were submitted by forty-two com-modity committees, representing every part of: the $tate. Among the more important of these weri the following:
Citrus production, it was reported bv C. O. Cornwall. chairman of the citrus committee, is laiqer this year than last, the tonnage being estimated at 70,000 ot *ore carloads. 9p to the 14th inst. it was reported that 57,800 cars had been shipped and it was estimated that 15,000 additional cars will be needed up until the end of the year.

J.. L. Nagle, chairman of the decicluous fruit committee. reported that 40,250 carloads of deciduous fruits have been
(Continued on Page 18)
A three story house uith "Perfection" ot1, all three
Mrs. B-. C. Ball's residence, 614 Iaurel Avenue. Portland. Oregon. is a particularly attractive modified English tyoe. TIie architeci. A. -n. Dovle. and .the contractors, McHolland. Bros., agreed that only'the best irali troorlng oDtalnaDle would serve in such a home.
They chose "p-gfferction- Brand Oak Flooring, us ng clear quartered wnrte oak on the trrst tloor, clear plain white oak on the second floor, and selct plain white oak 'on the 'third.
As you see it_today, the rich natural finish has a beautiful lustre. The texture rs. such that generations from now these same floors will retain thelr.original beauty. Yet .'Perfection" costs no more than a number oI otner Drands-
There's a size and grade of.,Perfection" Brand Oak Floorins for everv type ot structure, new or old. For full informatjon write todiy.
Stock Doors for Fine Homes

1\7f ORE and more, builders oF the better class of homes are finding stock I t I front and interior doors thoroughly suited to their requirements. Even Z*."ii.rg architects can be persuaded readily to the advantage of stock patterns provide-d your assortment affords a good selection from which to choose.
Are manutactured from the highest type of California Sugar Pine which is rrue White Pirre. Our "Coloiial" 5.X Panel in all White Pine with raised panels is a big seller (especially suited to white enamelfinish). We furnish this and other staidard p.ti".nt, also fined with slash grain Fir panels.. Pickering millwork products include the best oFthe forests, science and care in kiln drying and expeiienced workmanship in the making. They afe conveniently obtain' able from your nearest jobber. Ask him for prices and write us for our new millwork catalogue.
(Corl$inued flom Page 16) ported by W. W. Vallmbrink. It. was stated that more than shipped up to this time, as against 32,378 carloads last year 1000 carloads will be shipped. during the same period.
.^{9oJ production in this territory this year was given as
Walnut production this vear will amount to some 18.000 40,000,000 pounds. tons, abou't 60 per cent oi last year's production, accord- Of lumber it was reported by R. D. Baker thdt this tering to Carlyle ihorpe, *anageiof the Walnut Growersl ritor,ydugng-thepresentyearhasproduced785,117,688;feet AJsociation. The repbrt stated- further that the production '' aga-inst 65.l,175,132 feet last year. of almonds.is abouf 9000 tons, which is almost 50 per cent ; -O:r geneial business conditions, the Los Angeles Chamber over last year's production. The report concluded'by stat- of -Commerce reported that the situation ouiside Los Aning that 1700 cais will be needed to move these two crops gele9.i9 fair to good,_adding tha! in the Los Angeles district during the next three months. : t condttrons are excellent as revealed by a 14 per cent in-
codton and BeanF ,. :.,.., crease in"pbstal feceipts. ,': .:'. j
rhe sate's cotton crop wnl 3*9qt: lojguodt szo,qqo s00- ,,,;t Y;8,,1"13; ffi[!,X?
pound bales, as; against:i total,:of 3I7;?5&,last year, it was' nrrr $liat*oo_ reported'byS.R.Pratt,headofthe.cotton'cs&mittee.-1";]"'"*..
The field of beans ii egtimated at 4,6r6p,0qts4tiks, it was _,{'_1:.L"cy, reporln$ Io.t lh:. manufacturers' committee reportel. bv A:'lenman, .n"it-"" ui:tiiJln*"n---Ed-"..a of southern California; stated that the industridl situation ."'**itiei'"'--"^"*^'
' lrt r'
is,satisfacto':y.,, ".'...t -committei:'-
= 'I i:]llliii:iI;er'er. the job.bers, .o**itt". ror southern
Production'of v€getables and melons tto{ub'.an ihcrease c"iii"i"i"ffiiiij'tn", conditions in the jobbing business qf ry pe1 cent.over that of last year.l rt was rlpor,tgdly E. E. Goader. It was $tated that 19,000 cars w.flt, ,bdlrtbeded. :i l[T-*"tion had pbowh a marked improviment 6ver those ;"
"epurt o<r condi.tions in Arizona was made by a _",9"1,tj::"i:.i:u.i:.ofouctiot'r showed a z! qer g{ff$f*".* spokesman 6r,;16;'Chambrr of Commerce of that State, 3."01.il,;;:t
G. M. Rolph. It was stated that 6100 cars will be'.heeded throushout. i to move the output' l,: A_ riumber of ihe growers present expressed themselves Oil Production ; on the. subject of t_hg grape-cai plan, which they stated had _ petroreum production this year. has-reqgile d tzs;i23 cars
** launcired more or for its movement this year as against 122;945 cars last year, it was _*q*l by the report of -A. C. Mclaughlin. Thl report added that crude oil is now being produCed in Califor- GARRISON OPENS NEW YARD nia at the rate of 598,000 barrels a diy. i- rt_- t-,, Mr' c. F. Garrison, operating_ a retaii yard at l-ong
The production of rice has been thL largest in the his- Beach, rtas ;usi ofened a branih on Long Beach Rlvd., toryofCalifornia,amountingto3,750,00obags,itwasre-Magnoliapj.r.,*ftnMr.F-rankc.ntlii.ii"r'.ls;.
and "l X L"
'.COOPER" or "IXL" Hardwood Flooring-Has _Give11 Satisfaction in These Buildings Where Good t"ooldng and Long lvearing Floors were Demanded

lVoncn'r Athletic Club, L. A.
\l/crtwood School, l\fcrtwood
Bcverly Hillr School, Bcvcrly Hillr
Breatwood Country Club
Carthay Certcr School, L. rA,.
Y. M. C. A., Glcndalc.
Fcderal Building, Hollywood
Urban Military Acadcmy, L. A.
Stanley Apartmcntr, Puedcne
Longfcllop School, Whitticr
Horacc Mrnn School, L. A.
'lVarrcn G. Harding School, Sewtcllc
2035 Eart fSth St.
Loe Angclc!
Mt. Veraon Ja High Schoot, L. A.
Hotcl Nonnandic, -HollSrwood.
$ymnariu-, Paradena High School
United -Studior, Culver City
M-anual Artt High School, L. A.
O'Melveay St. Sihool, San Fcrnendo
lo-v-creig_ n Apartmentr, Long Bcech
Odd Fcllowr Tcmple. L. A.-
Alhambra Athletic itub, Alhenbra
Jcwirh_ Womcn'r Councii, L. d.
Chovy Cherc School, -Glendelc '
E-rcondijt-o Union High School, Ercondido
Phone WEshore 5131

G. W" Dow, ProPrietor
Attcotion ll[r. Kiqgrley
Dear Mr. Kingalcy:
Lonc Pine, C.lif.' Jdy 24,'1928
We are very pleased to write this letter telling yog th3rlthe car of FINISH we are now unloading I3 THE FINEST CAR WE HAVE-EVER RECEIVED IN THIS YARD. Thie car was ahipped by your Company on the | 3th. Our truck driverg all claim THEY HAVE NEVER UNLOADED A CAR TTIAT WAS AS WELL TIED AND LOADED AS THIS CAR and tfie writer only hopec that he can buy many more such cars.
(Siened) G. W. DOW.
Everything that human experience and ingenuity can devise, together with the frnegt of raw material in the shape of carefully and particularly selected old growth yellow Fir logs, goes to make our incom' parable Super Finieh. The choosing of the loge, the eawing, the re-sawing, the handling, the grading, the drying, the dreeeing, the tying, the loading, and the ehipping, are all done along scientific lineg to the end that the product may be as perfect ae guch a product may be. Our Super Finish is the standard that others are gauged by wherever such products are known.
And the 30,000 feet of lumber our mill cuts every hour is all on a parity for quality, grade, and general worth, to our Super Finish. West Oregon Fir means complete Fir satisfaction.
WENDLTNG.NATHAN CO., ll0 Merkct Sto San Francicco
E. U. WHEELOCK, lnco 145 So. Grand Avc, . Lor An3clcr

October 2l -22-23, 1926.
C. E. Klumb, sales manager of the Finkbine Lumber Co., Jackson, Mississippi, r-as a recent San Francisco visitor after inspecting their new mill operations at Rockport, Mendocino County. Mr. Klumb states that their mill operations will start around the first of November. The company will square the logs at their Rockport operations and convey the logs to their mill in the South by their own transportation facilities.
Ben Oslind, president of the Tall Men's Association and president of the Coos Veneer & Box Co. of Marshfield, Oregon, was a San Francisco arrival on September 15 and on being ushered to his room at one of the local hotels, found that the beds were not made to order for tall men. Homer Maris, the well known panel distributor. rvho handles '!Ben's" products in the N6rthern California territory, says that Ben delivered a regular oration to the hotel management when he found that he was going to have a tough time if he attempted to sleep in the shoit bed in the room assigned to him. "Homer" says that he got results, as the hotel management advised that when "Ben" returned from his Los Angeles trip that he'would find 12 rooms in the hotel equipped with long beds. We hope that "Ben" had the same good luck with his Los Angeles hotel manag'ement.
Sacramento Vglley Lumbermen's Club Meeting
About 70 were in attendance at the monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held at the Senator, Ilotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, September 18. Owing to the absence of President E. S. Mctsride, vice president W. A. Waldron presided.
The speaker of the day was George K. Rogers, Metropolitan Guarantee Bldg. & Loan Assoc., San Francisco, who gave an interesting and instructive talk on Better Homes and the benefits resulting to the lumber trade through the Building and Loan Associations. Mrs. J. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, spoke on the Retailers Annual Convention that will be held at Sacramento on October 22 and23. The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club are acting as a committee of arrangements for the Convention.
- Joe Cuneo, White Brothers, San Francisco, was in good form and made a big hit with the crowd with his reperloire of Italian stories which he tells delightfully in -the Italian dialect.
_ Fire destroyed the mills of the Defiance Shingle Co. and !lr_e E_mpire Box Co. at Vancouver, B. C., on September 9. The Stanley Lumber Co. and the Sitka Lumbei Co. were also damaged by the fire. The total loss was about $200,- 000.
The lumber warehouse of the Red River Lumber Co., lo-cated-at Anderson, California, near Redding', was destroy- ed by fire on August 30. Over 300,00O feet bf lumber was destroyed.
Another Long,Bell Product

T\OUGLAS FIR heartwood resists ex-. L) posure to the weather. The wood is straight grained, does not warp and takes paint readily and holds it. 'When rnsrlu. factured to Long-Bell standards, it assures a durable, economical and superior product.
Long-Bell durable Douglas Fir frames are available in all stock sizes or will be rraDufactured to meet your special requirements. Special orders also can be filled for sash and doorcutstock or interior trim, both cut-to-length and lineal-run stock.
D.M.BotsfordTalks toDouglasFirClub Attend Building Officials Conference
On September 2lst, at the Tuesday luncheon of the Douglas Fir Club of San Francisco, an interesting talk was given by David M. Botsford, vice president of the Botsford-Constantine Company, on the subject of the national advertising and sales promotion campaign for Douglas Fir.
Mr. Botsford, whose company is directing the campaign of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, spoke briefly about the results already evidenced after the first few months of the advertising campaign. He has just ,returned from a month's trip throughout the East where he has been studying merchandising and markets in connection with the advertising campaigns directed by the Botsfortl-Constantine CompJny. He"reported thatihroughout the East the Douglas Fir campaign had already created a considerable amount of interest.
"Fir," said Mr. Botsford, "is rapidly gaining in distfibution and is steadily growing in favor among arihitects, contractors and engineers. Douglas Fir is belng looked upon everywhere as the ultimate general utility soft wood ind the public is.rapidly becoming aware of its many advantages lft1o-uglr national magazines, class publications and personal field work under the direction of -Mr. Hogue.',

John_Fossett, mill operator at Lakeview, Oregon, was a recent California visitor where he spent several dJys looking oVer' business conditions and calling on his lumbermei friends. While in the Bay District, hi was a visitor at the pla-nt of the Wes-Co Blower & Pipe Co., Oakland, where he talked over old times with mattafer Frank Campbell. Mr. Fossett before coming to the Paiific Coast wal connected with the Victoria Lumber Co. at Shreveport, Louisiana.
C. Stowell Smith, secretary California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association; R. F. Hammatt, Secretary California Redwood Association; R. G. Kimball, Washington, D. C.; Arthur Bevan, Seattle; and Mrs. J. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. were in attendance at the Fifth Annual Convention of the Pacific Coast Building Officials, held at San Jose on September 20, 2L and, 22. The Building Code was the subject discussed, and Mrs. Fraser addressed the Convention on the subject, "Building Code in Relation to the Retail Dealers." The Convention was largely attended, delegates being present from the states of California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Idaho.
R. A. Long a San Francisco Visitor
R. A. Long, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days on business matters. He was also a visitor at the company's San Francisco office where he visited with Clint Laughlin, their San Francisco manager. He was returning from Longview, Washington, enroute to his home at Kansas City.
Harry B. Hewes, Jeanerette, I-ouisiana, prominent Southern lumberman,rwas a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent several days on business matters. He was returning from a business trip in the Northwest.
Tomorrods Lumber
Todayhere is one example of built uplumbei productsr-Iaminated door stilet. Short core-blocks, tongue-and-grooved, glued up with staggered joints. Faced with rotary-cut California White Pine. A waterlrroof, non-watpi.g, non-shrinking product.
Cocts lesr than solid wood.

For tableand counter tops, drafting boards or work benches we are makins plywood units of any required thickness and one-piece faces.
Will not check. WiU not split. Will not shrink, sliver or warp. Nahrrally smooth and clean gurface. Requires little sanding. Nofuzzy grain. Ideal for enamelc and paints.
B. 'W. Lakin Reelected President McCloud Hoo-Hoo Club
B. W. Lakin, general manager of the McCloud River Lumber Co., was reelected president of the McCloud HooHoo Club at the annual meeting held on August. 9. R. L. Ferral was elected vice president and H. C. Braden was elected secretary-treasurer; both are connected with the McCloud River Lumber Co. The following were elected to act as directors: William Pomto, J. M. Heininger, C. J. Green, J. M. Langdon and Levi Caldwell. G. T. Kernohan was.unaniriously recommended for reappointmenat as Vicegerent Snark of the District.
R. M. Gardiner is a new entry in the wholesale lumber business and has opened an office at 806 Fife Building, San Francisco. For the past four and a half years, Mr. Gardiner'has been associated with the T. M. Huddart Lumber Co. with which concern he owned an interest. Prior to his joining the J. M. Huddart concern, he spent a long period in both the retail and wholesale lumber business and has a large acquaintanceship with the lumber trade of California. I{is'many friends are wishing him success in his new business venture.
Owing to the increased demind for the upper and select c_oll1on glade of- California White and. Sugar Pine, the California Door Co. has built an additional-planing mill which is equipped with the latest types of planeri and lumber finishing machines at its mill operations-at Diamond Springs, El Dorado county.

Oscar Miller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento, was a San Francisco visitor around the middle of the month attending to business matters and looking over luqnber conditions in the Bay District. He also called on many of his lumbermen friends in San Francisco.
Jack Smith, sales manager of the Carlisle Lumber Co., Onolaska, Washington, spent a few days in San Francisco around the middle of the month calling on his lumberman friends and looking over lumber conditions in the California markqt.. Before,leaving for Texas and the east, he. also planned to spend a few days with his folks who make their home in Los Angelgs.
M. Ivory of the Sugar Pine Sales Co., San F'rancisco,: has left for the east on a three months' business trio. He. will -have charge of ,their exhibit at the American troundrymen's Association Convention that will be held at Detroit from September 27 to October 1. While in the.east, he will make his headquarters at Detroit, and will call on the trade in that district.
Herman Rosenburg, HipolitoCo., was a recent Bay District visitor where he spent a few days looking over business conditions in San Francisco and the East Bay District. "Iferman" was present at the monthly luncheon o{ the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club on September 17 and gave the boys an excellent talk on Hoo-Hoo. He is the HooHoo state counsellor for California.
Here's an Extta Profit You Ought to be Getting
You sell the studding-and by just mentioning theitem to the plasterer you can usually also sell the plaster lath that goes orrer the studding. And those few wonds pay handsome dividends.
Builders and plasterera are coming in increasing numbers to the use of Buttress Plaster Lath because it is so much easier and economical to "pply than wood lath-because it is easier to apply plaster -and a Buttress iob has none of the grief thatts always associated with wood lath.
Buttress representatives have called on mo'st plastererc and proved to them that it usually costs less to use Buttre$ Plaster [.ath than any other form of wall backing.
Hundreds of plasterers have proved this and are now urging their customers to build sound-insulated, firedefiant walls of Buttress.
Sornebody in your section is taking orders for Buttressand it ought to be you. For sales proposition, phone or write the Buttress Manufacturing Company, 6910 So. Alameda St., [.os Angeles, Calif.

Over Seventy Fir Mills Concerned in Proposed Merger
Negotiations for a proposed merger of more than seventy Northwest manufacturers of Fir, were held at Kansas City early this week.
Reports at press time, indicate the practical completion of the plan, with representatives of many of the Washington and Oregon mills in conference at Kansas City.
The plan would consolidate about one-third of the entire production of the Pacific Northwest, approximately three billion feet per year, and represents a welding of three hundred and sixty million dollars of invested capital.
The Organization Committee meeting at Kansas City is composed of Mr. C. D. Johnson, President of the pacific Spruce Corporation, chairman; Major Everett Griggs, Tacoma; Mr. James Tyson, San Francisco; Mr. Ray Danaher,
Detroit, and Mr. Chas. S. Keith, Kansas City, of the Central Coal & Coke Company.
The Kansas City meeting is the result of eighteen months of negotiations,
It has been stated that the plan would bring about greater economy in mill operations, greater efficiency, and co-ordination in water and rail shipments. Mr. Keith recently declared, in discussing the plan, "The merger would place the Fir lumber business on a profitable basis from the standpoint of manufacturing, preparation and distribution," and that the principal trouble at present is improper distribution and preparation, evils which an organization could correct, he believes.
The plan provides for the outright purchase of all assets of the merging companies for cash or its equivalent in stock in the parent corporation.

Golden lumber _pu-t yourself in the other fellow's place. Rule has proven just as successful
business as it has everywhere else.

Portland, Oregon Car and Cargo Shipments l
Ships-S. S. Robert Johnson, S. S. C. D. Johnson III. eci+Old Growth Yellow Fir aqd Si&a Spruce
s"r4 offices: ffi :fr:HffS?**:r
C. Harry White, vice president and general manager of White Brothers, was the speaker of the day at the HooHoo Club No. 9 luncheon at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, September 16, giving an interesting talk on his recent European tour. He touched on the high spots and the many interesting things that he observed in his travels through England, Scotland, France, Switzerland and Italy.
Homer Maris, H. P. Maris Panel Co., was chairman of the day. President J. Walter Kelly presided over the business session of the meeting. G. W. Fraser was elected a delegate to attend the Hoo-Hoo Annual at Kansas City on September 28-30. H. W. Sinnock, Redwood Sales Company, will have charge of the meeting on September 30, with John C. McCabe, Andrew F. Mahoney Lumber Co., acting as chairman of the day at the October 14 meeting.
H. H. Caldwell, Bertillion Expert, Oakland, California, was the speaker of the day at the regular monthly club Iuncheon held at the Oakland Hotel on Friday, September 17. His subject was "Personal Identification." Ur. Catawell's talk was very interesting and instructive.
Iferman Rosenberg, Hipolito Screen Co., Los Angeles, and Hoo-Hoo state counsellor for California was Dresent and gave a short talk on Hoo-Hoo activities in the state. Milt Hendrickson, Waterfront Sash & Door Co., was the chairman of the day. A. E. Shallish will act as chairman 9f the day at the October 15 luncheon. President J. E. Neighbor presided over the business session of the meeting.
Twenty Kittens were initiated at McCloud, Calif., on August 11. The initiation was in charge of Vicegerent Snark C. T. Kernohan. The Parson attended the affair and delivered an excellent address to the gathering.
Frederick H. White, Benson Lumber Co., was elected president of the San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club at the annual meetipg of the Club on August 9. Mr. White is treasurer and general manager of the Benson Lumber Co. The other officers elected were : vice president, G. E. Mattison; treasnrer, Fred Hamilton, Benson Lumber Co.; and Arthur A. Johnson, Dixie Lumber Co., secretary.
64 Kittens were initiated at a Concatenation held at Westwood on August 31 in which the officers and members of the Westwood and Susanville districts officiated. Vicegerent Snarks William C. Graf of Susanville and Richard S. Pershing of Westwood are entitled to much praise for their work in getting this large class together.
The Parson initiated 18 Kittens at Quincy on September 8, and returned there on September 2O to initiate 20 more and form a Ifoo-Hoo Club. Club officers and a permanent organization will be perfected at a later meeting.

J. R. HANIFY co.
Ev ery Customer Satisfied
VOU have a roofing for every cus' r tomerwhenyou carrythe complete El Rey line. And whether he buys on a quality basis or on a price basis you can meet his requirements.
Shingles in colors are now included amons El Rev produCts. Like the El R"y Io11 roofing, they are positively guaranteed as to quality.
Squarely behind that guarantee is the Los Angeles Paper Mfg. Co., for twenty,five years the leading concern of its kind in the W'est. Write usfor prices and full particulars of our ElRey line, and the dealer co,operation that goes with it.

The Little River Redwood Con
The Little River Redwood Company have their sales and city offices in San Francisco.

Their splendid big manufacturing plant and general offices are at Crannell, Humboldt County, California.
' Harry W. Cole, one of the keenest and most likeable chaps, as well as one of the best manufacturers of lumber in the Redwood game, is vice president and general manager of the Little River Redwood Company, and makes his home at Crannell, where he is in direct charge of all the affairs of the big concern, except the sales.
faith in the value and usefulness of all Redwood in general, and in the product of his own concern ln particular.
They are great folks for talking quality, are these Little River Redwood Company people. In the first place they own over four billion feet of virgin Redwood timber located in what they believe and claim to be the greatest stand of commercial Redwoods on earth, in the Big Lagoon and Little River watersheds.
Their timber is magnificent in quality and extra large in size. Not far from their mill at Crannell stands a Red-
The president and financial genius of the concern is Mr. Levi Crannell, who lives at ttawa, Canada.
The sales offices in San Francisco are in charge of W. H. "Bill" Dunning, a young executive with a splendid record for lumber salesrnanship, 'who possesses an abiding
wood tree on their property that will some day go to the saw, which they believe to be the largest Redwood tree on earth outside the National Forests. The total height of this trce is 308 feet, and it is 20: feet in diameter five feet from the ground. Allowing for a reasonable loss in falling,
and also the customary loss for bark, they estirnate that this tree when cut will produce 361,366 feet. of lurnber. It is a sound, beautiful tree. They have many other very large trees on their property, but this is the biggest one.
, The Crannell sawmill,plant isian exceptionally large one, malnufacturing an.average of 110,000'000 feet of Redwood :g.(lnual!y. The sawmill proper is equipped with three band headrigs-two single cutting and one double cutting-and a'large heavy-duty resaw. In addition to the sawmill there is a large and modern planer equipped with the most modern typi of machinery for the working and dressing of the lumber after it comes from the sawmill, and there is also a splendidly equipped re-manufacturing plant' From 60,000 to 80,000 feet of lumber goes through the re-manufacturing plant daily, permitting them to cater to every kind of Redwood buyer, of cargo, timbers, yard stock and re-manufactured stock.
The Crannell plant is operated by a combination system of steam and electrical Power.
portion of their production. A rnonorail system handles the lumber about the plant.
The accompanying panoramic view of the tqwn of Cran' nell gives a clear understanding;of how attractively this milling institution is located. The best of living accommodations, with all the necessities and many o,f the luxuries of life, are furnished for their employees and families by the
. Log Entering. I'Iill on "BulI Chain"
They operate a battery of seven Cutler Dry Kilns at Crannel.l, which turn out about 800,000 feet of kiln dried Redwpod stock monthly, and there is a large complement of shed and storage equipment that enables them to give their lumber the best of protection while awaiting shiprnent. They have ample yard capacity for air drying a lnrge
A Nine-foot Log on Carriage in Fi1ttt of, Band,Saw Little Rivei Redwood Cotnpany,: 'Ciannell is one of the loveliest and healthiest milling towns in California.
The Crannell plant is located twenty rniles from their timber shipping docks on Hunlboldt Bay, and their logging road extends at the present Jime seven miles into their timber. They operate their own standard gagge railroad and standard g.auge logging equipmeng',throughout. Like their milling inititution, their logging bquipment is the mo$ modern and economical procurab:le, keeping th'e big plant well supplied with logs the year 4round.
Crannell ships its big production of lur4ber both by rail and water. The plant is located about tvfenty miles from Eureka. It makes its rail shipments to'dll Redwood consuming parts of the United States ovei the line of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad, the Redwood line.
Its water shipments are also transported twenty mileF by rail from the mill to the two docks owned and operated : r':

by the concern, one the Little River wharf, the original water shipping place, and the other the Fairhaven wharf. Both these loading wharves are located on Humboldt Bay right across the Bay from Eureka. The Fairhaven wharves were formerly owned and operated by the Rolf Shipbuilding Company, and were purchased by the Little River Redwood Company two years ago, and transformed into the finest of Redwood water shipping docks. At this wharf the
they have also equipped it for much more practical service. They have installed on this dock a timber mill where they both saw and dress Redwood timbers before shipping.
The Little River Redwood Company also have two fine lumber carrying vessels of their own which ply continually between Humboldt Bay and the Lower California ports, the "Tamalpais" and the "Washington" being the names of this fleet.
The Redwood product of this concern is not only out of the finest of virgin timber, well manufactured, well dried, well handled and well shipped, but it is mighty lvell sold. As before stated, Bill Dunning handles the sales from San Francisco. In Southern California they have a contract bv

to the docks and load with wire or lighters, thus permitting this concern to give wonderful service in their water shipping.
Not only is this Fairhaven wharf splendidly located and equipped for loading lumber and timbers on vessels, but
Dust Collecting Systems
Exhaust and Blow Piping Fans andSeparators
We are prepared to design, manufacture and erect complete exhaust systems with results guaranteed, by mechanical air engineers.
Our references will convince you in advance that we understand our business.
The ltost Highly Perfected Lumber Garrier Made
fn the past few years all operators of modern mills have recognized that the most efficient way of handling yard, transportation is with the Carrier System. The only problem then was to secure a Carrier that in its operation and durability would properly and reliably meet with this new condition.
So it was, with 34 yeats of experience in building power transportation equipment behind him, that Mr. Carl F. Gerlinger set himself to the task of producing the ideal
lutnber carrier. Out of the years of study and experiment came the application of the time-tried hydraulic principle to the lumber carrier. The present GERLINGER is the result of this efiort. Its many distinctive features and points of superiority are now quickly placing it in the forefront of its field.

W'e earnestly believe this new Model HS to be easily the most highly beveloped, simply constructed, strongest, reliable' carrier made.
1. Height over all, 8 ft. 3 in.
2. Height to top of driver seat, 6 ft. g in.
t. Canier automatically b i nds I oad, thereby preventing strewing of lumber over docks when unit is set dovm.
4. Hydraulic lift. Lift 4 in. per second.
5. Continental motor.
6. Self starter. For
which that sterling aggregation of wholesalers, the firm ness and which aims to make Redwood better with every of W. H. Chamberlin & Company, handle their account season that passes. exclusively. They handle it themselves in Northern Cali- They have sufficient of their wonderful timber to keep fornia. And in eastern te,rritory they have their sales in the their big plant operating at its present rate of speed for hands of the great selling concern which specializes in sell- eighty y"r6 to "o*.. ing the product of. a number of the biggest and best Red*loa
in generat territory-the Redwood Sales com-
The mighty stand of four billion feet, timber that they are just now starting to cut, together with their other holdings, will last, on a conseFyative estimate by Mr. Cole, about eighty y€ars.
At the end of that time the.Little River Redwood Company will have second growlh. timber, some as old as one hundred years, good commercial trees that will keep their mills humming.
In 1925 they planted 295,00d seedlings, and to date have planted better than 50 per cent of their cutover land. Many acres of the land that was logged seventeen years ago has
pany of San Francisco, of which Mr. H. W. Sinnock is the very capable executive.
The illustrations which accompany this story were selected for the purpose of illustrating the splendid timber, unusual milling and shipping facilities, and economical and efficient milling operations of the Little River Redwood Company.
The private oflice ofW.H. Dunning, in San Francisco, should really be added to this story, although no picture was available. Many of the Redwood concerns have made use of their own wood in their San Francisco offices to show how beautifully Redwood can be used for interior finish, trim, doors, etc., but none of them to better advantage than has the Little River Redwood Company in this San Francisco ofifice, where the Redwood interior effects are wonderful.
This concern also gives much of its attention to the exploiting of Redwood for use where beautiful interior and exterior wood effects are desired. They have in their colIection many wonderful pictures of interiors where Redwood was used in a variety of ways, to rival the most wonderful cabinet woods of the world for effect and result.

Altogether, the Little River Redwood Company, its equipment, its personnel and its business activities are of a character thirt btings.' mirch,tiedit to'itre' Redwood busi-
A Tylical Stand of Redzvootl Trees
a bounteous natural growth of healthy trees, the new planting bging done on the bare spots.
Their logging equipment runs ihto large figures. The1, own and operate over eighteen miles of complete standard gauge railroad. Six locomotives, three locomotive cranes a1$_ hlldreds of logging and lumber cars ar€ but a part of the liSt.

of the
PateDtGd ln tte
Unltcd Strter and Crnadr
Don't eay 3f,g "Hilke" dcsn't 6t your ca3e, until you inve3tigate. Consider th6se facts : One machine and 3 or 4 men will pile over 10,000 feet an hour. The Hilke Piler will double or triple your yard's capacity by higher piling. Higher piling reduces costs in any yard, regardless of space available. Doubling height of piles cuts hauling distance in half-also time, labor, alleys and their upkeep; it cuts in two cost of pile bases and roofing boards.
Gas or cl@tric. Car whelr or flat truck vheb.
Hcights 24 to 60 fet. Ack lor catalog.
69 Columbia St, Seettlc, Yferh.
{Zl Monadnoek Bldg. Sru Francirco
74{ Audubon Bldg. Ncw Orlcanr
The Quinault Lumber Co. at Raymond, Washington, was destroyed by fire on September 14. The Quinault Luntber Co. were large shippers of lumber into the California market. The Hart-Wood Lumber Co. interests, Carl Gyl- ling and Eugene France, of Aberdeen, Washington, were the principal orvners.
The Wes-Co Blower & Pipe Co., Oakland, have completed the installation of their Blower Systems at the Boulder Creek yard of the Santa Cruz Lumber Co. and the D & S Lumber Co. at Mountain View. They are now installing Blower Systems at the Progress Lumber Co., Redwood City, and the Huntington Lumber Co., Santa Rosa.
Frank Campbell, manager of this progressive concern, reports that business with his company is active.
Octoiber 21 -22-23, 1926.

Sirnonds Welded Joints Reduce Band Saw
t'reaKage Orte-Half
Simonds Narrow Band Saw Blades are now joined by a new method*1gy a16 "welded" and the metal is fused, not stuck by the usual brazing operation. This makes the blades stronger and cuts down the possibility of breakage over 50 per cent. The same high quality steel is the foundation of Simonds Band Saws.
SIIIONIDS Saw and Knife 415 E. Third St. .Agency Loe Angeler, Calif.
Refinernents of deslgn that have lmmedlate approval trorn
operator and owner
1. Offset front wheels
2. IVide tires
3. Automatic load binder
4. Truck type steering gear
5. Magneto with impulse starter
'A MONG the advantagee following the thor. n ough re-deeigning of the carrier are thoee briefly list'ed aboveeimplicityo etrength and durability.
From the operator'e viewpoint, they make the work eaeier. From the owner'g viewpoint, they
Single lever control
Upholstered seat
Stromberg earbureter
Nemite lubrication
make possible higher working eficiency with fewer layups and repaire
In a wordthey make for economy. Study these points. There are manf other more vital advantages exclusive with th6 Willamette Carriers which will be explained at your request.

lfonadnoek Blalgi., gan Frgnclsco
No Policy Change
Policies of the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation will remain unchanged, the business will be carried on in the future the same as in the past, the only thought being to continue the conscientious. service that has made the name "schumacher" distinctive.,
That announcement is made by A. R. Moylan, vice-president and general manager of the corporation, as a result of the transaction in which some of the stock of the concern was taken over by interests outside of the Schumacher family.
Eail Schmidt, who has been sales manager for the Schumacher corporation for eight years and who has built up a strong distribution organization, will continue in complete charge of that department,-and the-p_ersonnel all the way down the line will remain. intact. With new capital aviilable, however, the Schumacher corporatiofi will be able to add to its manufacturing facilities and to enter new markets on a much more pretentious scale.
The Schumacher Wall Board Corporation feels that its sales organization and distribution facilities on the Pacific Coast can hardly be improved upon, and the only alternative is to develop new markets. Already an excellent start has been made.
Following are the building materials produced and sold by the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation:
Schumacher Wall Board, ft-inch thick.
Schumacher Wall Board, fi-inch thick.
Schumacher Plaster Lath.
Schumacher Ruft-Cote Paint.
Schumacher Joint Sealer.
Schumacher Paper Tape..
Schumacher l,inen Tape. -('gsh6rnxcher
San Diego in Last Concat of Year
Seven new members were taken in at the September 9th Concantenation held by the San Diego District at a novel meeting.
The ieremonies were held on the Silver Strand, Coro'nado Beach, about three miles from the city. Lights were hung along the sand stretch, a big bonfire helped to light the proceedings, and the initiatory ceremonies were followed by a Dutch lunch.
The Kittens were:
Wallace A. Walter, Wood & Walter.
Jesse O. Bacon, Klicka Lumber Co.
C. E. Coover, Klicka Lumber Co.
Chas. R. Shannon, Dixie Lumber Co.
E. R. Jensen, Dixie Lumber Co.
G. H. Gage, Whiting-Mead Co.
M. W. Herriman, Herriman Lumber Co.
This was the third Concatenation of the fiscal year for the San Diego District, and makes a total of 19 new members added to the ranks.
Two hundred employees enjoyed the annual company picnic of the Bentley Lumber Company, Glendale, at the Brookside Park in Pasadena, on Saturday, September 18th.
The office force mopped up on the yard men in a baseball game, with a score of 2L to 15.
George Bentley played third base and his brother Ray was relegated to the bench, as a substitute.
They had boys' races, girls' races, three-legged races, races for fat men and lean men, ball throwing contests for the ladies, and a number of other athletic events, followed by a basket dinner.

t[rr,n; ollben / I{rott
that the dependability of their transport equipment lies in the their tire eqtoiprr1,er1,t.
Goody ear Tires sold by us can always be depended upon because of our Expert Eer,a' ice that is a patt of every sale"

How a Clever Home Builder is Securing a Wonderful Home Prospect List
A retail lumberman in a certain Southern City (the name not to be mentioned here but available to anyone interested) gives us the facts concerning a home building campaign now being staged by a home builder of his city, that is so filled with new and practical ideas for securing a list of home building prospects, together with a complete statement of their likes, dislikes, plans, ideas, etc., for a home, that it is certain to interest every building mercfigrt.
We have published plenty of stories concerning" essay campaigns to interest home builders, etc., but this'one is a brand new slant on the idea, and a greatly improved one.
This man started an essay campaign on home building, as a direct and immediate result of which he has t huge number of people in his prospect file with a complete stateme'nt from each of their ideas of a home plan, and a complete description of what they would like to own in a home.
Here is the way he did it. He put on a new subdivision. When he got it ready for home building, he started several attractive homes on it, to show,it was real.
Then he ran an ad in the Sunday papers, that read something like this, although it was a big and well displayed piece of copy: "We are new in the home building business in this city, but old in experience. We want to know what the people of this city like in the shape of homes. For that purpose we are inaugurating herewith a contest that will bring us that information. We have $1,500 available that we are offering as prizes in this contest. Clip the coupon in the corner and mail it in, and we will send you the necessary blank plans on which you may draw your floor plan. 'We want each contestaht to take this blank, and draw therein their ideal floor plan':for a four, five, or six room home, one story high. With each plan we want a 500 word article giving any additional description of their ideal plan, telling why they favor this plan, explaining any details necessary, and making any suggestions with regard to construction, materials, details, etc., they rnay desire.

That was the outline. The prizes are ten in number, the first being $500, and they are to be awarded in the shape of CREDITS ON A HOME BUILT FOR THE CONTESTANT BY THE ADVERTISER.
Result ! When this report was received the returns were not all in, but this enterprising gentleman had in his office 166 such plans and letters. The coupon from the ad brought the contestant a very attractive little"kit" of equipment, including an attractive blank sheet on which to draw the floor plan, a sheet on which to write the description, an addressed, stamped envelope to carry them bafl$to the building concern, etc.
\-.i1.1 : I
(Continued on Page 42)
Incomparable For
Proven by experience the only satirfactory hardwood floorr for Homes-Hoteb-Public Buildingt-Schoob Dance Floorr. Fineat polish and finirh. Accept nq rubrtitute.
Enormous stocks of Oak and Maple Flooring always on hand for immediate delivery.
Let us submit quotalions anil lafte care of your requirements
Colorful &r/r Wttlt
No longer are home builders content with old fash, ionedpainted shingle roofs. They are demanding bright, permanent PABCO SHINGLES.
Pabco Colochrome Shingles are made in nine tones in a variety of shapes. They cost less to lay,last longer and look better than wooden shingles.
Offer your customers PABCO SHINGLES, they will appreciate their utility and beauty-and here the trite but true adage applies-"4 $atisfied Customer is the Best Advertisement."

(Continued from Page 4O)
It didn't say what would happen AFTER the contest was decided. I
Now that advertiser has in his possessiori the names and addresses of 166 people who are interested. in a home, who have worked out plans for their ideal home, and have placed those plans on paper in drawing and in words. This, in itself, is a wonderful asset to any home building concern. He got a lot of marvelous information out of those plans, and those letters. He got home building suggestions so keen and attractive that he began immediately incorporating them into the houses he himself is building on the property. These folks suggested little things he had never thought of.
For instance, one lady suggested that tle electric light push buttons on the walls be plated with radium, so that they would be plainly visible in the ilark. How is that one? This was one of many.
When the contest is ended, the ten winners will receive certificates of credit which they may use in payment on any home they may buy from the advertiser, or have built by him. , He will build on their own plan, and in their own way. They can have their ideal home. And the remaining large number of unsuccessful contestants are a splendid list for his salesmen to work on. The salesmen will call, knowing in advance that they want a home, and exactly what home they want. It will be practically non-competi-
tive business with any of this interesting list they sell.
It costs very little money, and will certainly p"y for itself many times over. t -.."
Our hats are off to this'enterPrising gehtleman. We believe he pulled the best campaign of the kind we ever' heard of.
cALLs "t1%T3l3rTS?r3"D HousE
At a meeting of the district sales managers-of the CreoDipt Compani, Inc., manufacturers of Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles, a new "re-beautifying" campaign was decided upon t5 help the lumber dealers of the country develop the repair and remodeling business in their communities.
2'With new buildin? showing unmistakable signs of leveling ofi," said Mr. E. p. tcenaall, Jr., President of CreoDipi "it behooves each lumberman to consider that 90 pei cent of the business possibilities of each community iomes in the old building field. New building requirements for the future in any one year will probably never exceed 10 per cent of the buildings now standing.
'tn many small towns, for example, only two to three new housei may be built in an entire year. On the other hand, in that same town there are hundreds of houses already up, and of these a very large percentage-need painting, re-roofing, interior changes, or repairing of some kind.
nThat is th1 big field for the lumber dealer to, develop, because it represents business that goes on year after year, whether new building is slow or active.
The new Hayward yard at Los Banos has been formally opened under the capable direction of manager W. H. Sloan. I[ is a modern plant in every respect, has a complete service department, and makes the seventeenth retail yard now being operated by the company.

Statietics revial,thelinteresting fact that during the years of. 1924 alnd,1925 m$rg thr*;+4,000 new homes were built within the confines of Los Angekr.
To us these.figiri:rare particularly significant in that the JOHN JOHNSON FLOORING CO. furnished a considerable portion of the hardwood fooring material used in these homes.
In this there is food for thought for the retail lumber dealer, as it. indicates the general preference in the local building field for JOHNSON HARDWOOD FLOORING-a preference built on quality material and service of the highest order.
Make up your mind now to get in on this profitable hardwood fooring business by actively pushing and selling JOHNSON HARDWOOD FLOORING. Test the idea out on youf, neKt order.
ttCan Dott
Ah Hin ues a Chink from oacr the sea, Round and, brown as a Cldnh should be; Of English zaord,.r he had far too few, But he alzaays managed, to say, "Can Do!
Ah Hin zuas busy the whole day longPerhaps he belonged to the workers' tong, But whether hi,s tasks zaere old, or neza His inaariable rnotto was, "Can Do."
He played. and restetl, he uorked, the uthile, I'[/earing a ploeid, inscrutable smile. And, under skies that were dark or blue, He cheerfully gaae us a bland, "Can Do."
If he utere weary, no one cowld tell, Ozter hi.s face no shad,ozas fell; To his heathen heart our wa\s zaere flew But h'e tackted strange jobs witn a calm "Can Do."
Therd was nezler a frozun on his queer moon face, With quiet contentment he fi,lled hi,s place; The light in his oblique eyes shone true And it d.eepened and glowed, when he said,, "Can Do."
Ah Hin zaas a heathen? May be "so, But he taught rne a lesson, this I knozu; And faith and courage I oft reneai
When I thinb of his eagcr and brazte "Can Do."
-Adeline M. Conner.
Tested and
'.' ._.1 ,.
Scientific kiln dryiug prererver within our pductr mtutre'c sturdy and beautiful qualitier, while
Modern macliinery rnd *ilted human effort iurtifies our slogu
A system of continuous inspecrion during nranufac. ture aseules exac, unvatying unifonrity for "Everlast ingtt flooring. Operaton are provided with gauger to check down to a hait's breadth r:he width" thicknecs, tongue and Sroove. You can select any piece of t'Ever. lasting" foorirrg from any bundle and f,nd that it marches perfecdy, side and cn4 any other piece from any other bundle.
Furniture Stock in Setr CUT TO SIZE Rcadv to AgemHc
Ccata of fnc vod uorLing
Nichols & C.ox Lumber Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan %'i"o tX{
Flat lsurfacer Hardwood Trim Sandcd BRADTIY

"If lt's Bradley's ltls Better"
Laminex Doors Used to Get More Business
The successful merchants these days realize. more than ever before, that they must interesi the public in their places of business and in the material which they have to offer. These are days of aggressive rather than passive merchandising for merchants in every line, and, of course, the more aggressive the merchant is, the more quickly public attention is directed his way and the faster his business grows.
The concern that can secure the assistance of the mavor
passersby, a group of interested people being at the exhibit most of the time. At the close of the test the door \r'as removed from the tank of water to give the public an opportunity of seeing it after being dried out. At this time the door was re-weighed to ascertain the amount of water it had absorbed and found that its weight gain after being in the water five days and four nights was 7 pounds, !4 ounces. In spite of the water absorbed the expansion in width and length was a scaht one-eighth inch and in
and most prominent citizens of a city of three hundred thousand people in drawing the attention of the public to the products rvhich they handle is bound to produce results. Such a thing was done the week beginning September 20th by the Waterfront Sash & Door Company, Oakland, in staging the famous "Laminex" water teit, similar to those stages in.other sections of the country, but perhaps put on a little bit more elaborately than heretofore.
Mayor Davie Officiates
On Monday rnorning, the 20th, a stock Laminex one panel door was placed in a tank of water in the Builders lixhibit Building, Oakland. Hon. John L. Davie, Mayor of the Citl'of Oakland, E. M. Tilden, President of the Builders Exchange and of the Tilden Lumber Company, and Maury I. Diggs, prominent architect of Oakland, attested to the weight, .ividth and length of the door before its submersion in the tvater, Mayor Davie autographing the door to prevent substitution. The door remained submerged until Friday afternoon, the 24th, at 3 o'clock, and cluring the days and nights of its soakingwas viewed by hundreds of
thickness one-sixteenth inch. The door was inspected by the committee and found to be free from warp, buckle or blister with panels and joints undamaged and veneer solid.
Prizes Awarded
During the test, cards had been passed out to the public giving the opportunity to estimate the amount of water the door would absorb. The nearest estimate was 7 oounds 11 ounces, made by William Moon, Oakland, California, rvho received a cash orize of $10.00. The next hearest estimates were those of Arthur Mock, Oakland and H. E. Buckland, Oakland, u'ho received prizes of $5.00 each.
Printerrs Ink Used
This test was preceded by publicity, otherr,vise it could not have been the success it was. The three leading Oakland newspapers carried ads two columns wide and 12 inches in length immediatcly preceding the test and during its life, and all of the newspapers gave considerable news space, the connection of the Mayor and prominent
(Continued on Page 46)

ufactured by
Mernphis' Tenn.
Largeet Manufacturerr of Arometic Red Cedar in the World
A higLly rpacialized product, which corta no more thal ordinary cloect lining. Made of Tenncetce Aronatic Rcd Ccdar, accuratcly sawn; tongued and grooved aud cnd matched. Each package bearr the nane, 'BFown'! Supelcedarr" as your protection againat rubrtitution.
Writc for intcrerting inforrnation and delivered prieer, to our Southcrn California dirtributorr:
Loc Angelee, Calif.
You Buy Service not Lumber
Back of good hardwood
lumber there must be ggod policies,the exercise of careful selection, and an experienced, properly equipped personnel.
Strable Hardwood Company includes these in every order. Full co-operation is our establishedrule.

We try to serve well by serving carefully.
Dietributorr of Oak Leaf Oak Floorins
Maple Flooring
Triple Sheath Building Paper
Wall Boerd Panels
(Continued from Page 44)
citizens with the event, etc. In addition to the newspaper publicity the Waterfront Sash & Door Company, aggiessive firm that they are, sent out personal letters to all contractors, architects and retail sash and door dealers in the East Bay region, calling their attehtion to the test and asking that they make it a point to be present at their convenience, but particularly at the close of the test.

After such a drastic and tconvincing test "there is little wonder", says Lou 'Woodson, Manager of the Northern California office of the Wheeler, Osgood Company, "that the sale of Laminex doors has met with such unprecedented success." The Wheeler, Osgood Company offer a free ad-service that enables dealers to sell more doors and make more money, Dealers who welcome advertising and selling helps are offered a set of free newspaper electros and other materials with "directions for using".
A. A. (Bert) Dimmick, San Francisco wholesaler, was a visitor to the Northwest during the early part of the last month on company business matters. Included in his trip was a call at the Western White Cedar Co. of Marshfield, Oregon, which company he represents in the California market. During his absence W. H. Woods looked after the company's affairs in their San Francisco office.
W. F. Knox, the r,r'ell kf,own Sacramento retailer and manager of the Superior Lqmber & Fuel Co., is on a visit to Minnesota where he is looking over his old territory and visiting with many of his Minnesota lumber friends. Mr. Knox vras in the lumber business in Minnesota prior to his entering the lumber business in Sacramento. He will be away about three or four weeks.
A. J. Russell, Santa Fe'tumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a week's business trip to Los Angeles and other Southern California districts, where he was looking over lumber market conditions and attending to company business matters. While in Los Angeles, he conferred with Bruce L. Burlingame, their Southern California representative.
Mr. Jerry Sullivan, Jr., popular San Diego lumberman, and one of the heads of the Western Lumber Company and the Sullivan Hardwood Company, was chosen by the members as their recommendation for Vicegerent Snark, for the coming year.
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 24.-Feature pictures of high climbing as practiced in the Douglas fir woods were taken recently by T. D. ("Shorty") Randolph of New York. Topping a spar by chopping and by dynamite were photographed and Randolph caught a close-up of an eight-foot Douglas fir being felled. The pictures will be developed in New York and probably will be returned to the coast within ten days or two weeks.
J. B. Olson, who for the past six and one-half years has been in the advertising business, has joined the staff of The Industrial Service Co., Portland,'Publishers of Abbey's Register of Western Lumber Industry, The Western Lumber Register Quarterly and Abbey's Lumber Buyers' Charts.
Vertical Grain Flooring
Vertical or Mixed Grain Finigh
Vertical Grain Stepping
Thick V. G. Clear K. D. Factory Stock
Vertical Grain Shop
AII mode trom the tinest of
of soft texture, dried in strictly modern dry kilns
Mills: Raymond, Washington
Salca Ofice: Gacco Bldg., Portland, Orc.
Florida Real Estate Boomers Have Moved To Texas Panhandle
Amarillo,'Tex., Sept. 24.-Deserting their lot sale grounds in' the Sunshine State, Flqrida r:eal estate promoters are moving into the Panhandle of Texas, organizations, tactics and all.
In Ar.narillo alone there now are probably more former Floriddns than in any other city in the southwest, while virtually every one of the other Panhandle towns now booming also has a quota of Floridans helping things move'
All the tactics of the frenzied Florida selling campaigns are being employed in the new boom area, with the addition of a new departure of applying real estate sales tactics to the oil game.
The largest real estate organization in Amarillo was imported almost bodily from Miami, for example, bringing its salesmen, staff and campaign system with it and using precisely the same sales strategy that made the Florida city famous,
"Bird Dogs" on Hand
"Bjrd dogs," "Pointers," oceans of bright colored flags and pennanls on every lot, treasure hunts, free lots, free automobiles, "sight-seeing" tours, huge advertisements, dodgers, hand bills, broadsides, all the weird devices for separating the investor from his cash for the lot are in use'
The "bird dogs" or "pointers" are comely young women stationed in the principal hotel lobbies and other places where possible buyers may be found.
u1{101{ IUMBER C0.
Croclrr Buildb3
Phoro Suttrr CIIO
Lrbc Mogtjr3r Bldj.
Phoac TRtalty 22tE
Adcqueto rtorrgc rtocl rt3u Podto
California's genuine'White Pineis this month celebrating the l.00th anniversary of its romanticdiscovery,by David Douglas, the iritrepid explorer and pioneer botanist of the Pacific Slope. Coming events cast'their shadow before, and just as the planet Neptune was discovered before it was seen, its existence rnade known by its satellites, so was the existence of Sugar Pine foretold to Douglas by seed in an Indian's pouch. It was in October 1826, L00 years ago this month, that the explorer botanist first came uPon the Sugar Pine after a year's search that had taken him from the Columbia River at Vancouver, Washington, where he fust saw the seeds, to the Sierra Nevadas in California.
Today, explorers in the tealm ofbetter lumbir for-sash, doors, exposed wood wotk aod patterns, are again discovering Sugar Pine as the ideal species. The search which has qone on sinfe Eastern \7hite Pine wanEd, is being successfrrlly and happily ended formanyin theirfirst car of genuine ' Vhitc Pine from C,alifornia.
Ifyou have not tried it order a car today. The results will both sutprise and please you. Tfrite us for further iriformation about ihis wonderful and romantic wood and let us Dut you on the list to receivc "Sucan PrNlr Ficrs", a monthly publication full ofuseful andinterestin! data about this splendid lumber. SUGAR

The West Improves in Prosperity
The business map of the country published in the last issue of "The California Lumber Merchant" should give the business men of the Pacific Coast much cause for self-congratulation and satisfaction.

In thirty. days' time the Pacific Coast territory had improved in business and financial condition more than any other part of the country, and the whole nation showed marked improvement.
Those maps are issued by The Nation's Business, published by the United States Chamber of Commerce. The conclusions arrived at are by men with no axes to grind, no purposes of an ulterior character to be served. They are honest digests of unbiased opinions on conditions.
The free state of Arizona took the cake, nationally. In August all of Arizona showed "FAIR" on the map. In September, thirty days later, it all showed the white of prosperity. The entire state, and one-third of the western side of New Mexico with it. And the whitq spread across Southern California to Arizona.
_ S. _E. (_Sam)_ Dalton, popular manager of the Melrose Lumber Co., Oakland, ii in the Nort-hrvest where he is calling on the Oregon mills and visiting with his lumbermen friends. He will be arvay from biusiness about two weeks, returning around the fiist of the month.
The only other all prosperity state in the Union in this map is Oklahoma, and Oklahoma was half white the month before. Texas is a little more than one-half white, the rest fair.
The Los Angeles territory and all of California from the Los Angeles east and west line south, is shown white. The entire Bay District of San Francisco, Oakland, etc., is white with prosperity. No part of California is worse than fair.
The western half of Washington turned white, and the Portland territory in Oregon showed the same way. The rest of both those states showed fair conditions.
The California-Arizona district, the Pacific Northwest and the Texas-Oklahoma district are in grand shape. There is only one other prosperous diitrict of any size shown in the country, and that is the Chicago territory and surrounding district.
The Pacific Coast is going great. Let's help make it even better.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dunning, recent newlyweds, have returned to San Francisco after an enjoyable three weeks trip to Honolulu where they spent their-honeymoon. Mr. Dunning is the popular sales manager of the Little River Redwood Co., rvith headquarters in San Francisco.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturerr of Califotnia Whitc and Suglr Pinc Lumbcr
Dfflb et Suranville end lfilt, CeL
15O,O(X),(X)O Fcct Annud Crpdty
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Sale. DGpt. Firrt National Bank Bldg. . San Franeirco
Figrrred .Wocrds
The use of selected veneerst prop"tly matched, is as im' portant in your furniture as the design itself.
Tell ur your requirements; full sized ramples upon request.
The ldeal Wooil for INTERIOR FINISH and CLOSET LININGS Port Orford

Port Orford
Cedar Veneer
Widthc 18 in. to 43 in. x 86 in. Loag
Manufactured by the coos VENEER & BOX CO.
Marahfiel4 Oregon
Write or Phonc for Ricec
Valuable Informational Book Issued for Dealers by California Redwood Association
A valuable book for the library and desk of every retail lumberman, wherever he may - be located. or w-hatever yo_gq. h. 1n"y be stocking, has just been issued by the California Redwood Association of San Francisco.
It is an attractive, well printed, well bound book, with 84 pages and cover. It will be bigger. It is done in loose leaf binder form, so that additional bulletins and pages can be added as they are sent out by the association. -
While it is printed and sent out and paid for by the Redwood Association, it is not a narrow-minded bobk by any means. It contains, for one thing, wonderful tabies of facts_based on g'overnmental reports, showing the compara- tive building values of every - commercial - wood .oid in America, something ferv lumber dealers have ever possess'ed in simple form before. It shows what woods are 6est fitted for a great variety of uses, and also there are tables that show the strength and mechanical values of all commercial woods. In addition to all this valuable general information, there is a lot of good rvood building-stuff, and a lot more of Redwood testimonials, Redwood ficts, figures, sales helps, etc.

It is a wisely planned, rvell prepared and very valuable book.
. It is free to every lumber dealer anywhere, for the asklng.
^ L.A. (Louie) Godard, Hendrickson-Godard I-umber Co., San Francisco, is in the Northwest where he is calling on the mills in the Portland, Columbia River, puget Sound and -Gr-ays lfarbor districts. He expects to 6e in the North for about two weeks.
A new secies of pattertrs for you to uce in creating profitable bucin6s.
5 in. and 7 in. in tound edge, cquare edgc and bevel edge patterns.
Practically os thicfr as 3/+u sidkg at trittle more lhqr cost of 5/g".
The b*el eilge paltern especially gives a ilif erat and very pleasing efect.
Arthur Heavenrich, sales manager of the Madera Sugar Pine Co., and one of the most prominent lumbermen in the pine industry, died at Fresno on Sunday, September 19, following an illness of several months. He was 44 years old.lle was President of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association and for many years took an active part in association affairs. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan where he studied law. He was associated with the Madera Sugar Pine Co. since 1903, a thorough student of all branches of the lumber indttstry, and his passing will be a great loss to the pine industry. Funeral services, rvhich r,vere largely attended and at which there rvere many beautiful floral tokens of esteem, were held at Fresno on September 22.
D. M. Botsford, vice president of the Botsford-Constantine Company, addressed the sales force of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. at their San Francisco office on September 21, when he outlined the plans and policies being followed in the company's advertising program. Walker Campbell, manager of the Botsford-Constantine San Francisco office, and Miss Edith Abbott of their San Francisco office, were also present at the conference.
..aod lumbcr quicL?
a carlord or r rticlt
5tb aad Breaara Str,, lha Frucbco
rith conplotc rtoclr or Lerd h ell 3rrdor, borh crrlilrrT rnil uluiutl riro:
REDwfi)D (ro*cd)
Cudsnqs Wll Tcll You"

What Do You Mean, Mr. Montague?
(Under the title "Pretty Tough," this poem by James J. Montague, recently appeared in the'Los Angeles Times.) Much fault with trees has long been found, Because their trunks are fashioned And, when sawed up leave bulgi lryhich will not serve at all as

flanks, ks.
If trees grew square, the mill
Their cares would vanish all
So rnen have searched the And found at last
Yet still must men fare
To fell these trees and saw
And every saw that c "them rnust of dust, Leave irr their wake a trai
Which winds,across the Creating economic loss. A thing on which we all Because it cuts the profi dowtr.
If trees would only saw In shingles, Iath and pan
And turn themselves to Of small suburban Or fall apart in any That fitted with the of man, What stacks of money c be made By people in the lum trade !
"You must reduce by taking exercise," said the doctor to the too-fat woman..
"\l[/hat exercise do you recommend," said she, glad to know she didn't have to diet.
"Push yourself away from the table three times a day," replied the hard-boiled doctor.
.Henry Van Dyke (says Thomas Dreier) says there are three rurfailing causes of strife and contention among men: Land, women and the formula of religion. Why do we quarrel about these things when we know that only one of them is worth quarreling about?
A certain auto owner who read the motor papers and motor advertising, installed a new Carburetor that was guaranteed to save 20 per cent in gas consumption. He then installed special spark plugs that were guaranteed to save 20 pet cent of the same precious fluid. He put in an intake superheater that was also guaranteed to save 20 per cent. He then put in a patented rear axle with a guarantee of a 20 pe,r cent saving, and put on a brand new set of tires that were guaranteed to save 20 per cent in gas consumption. Finally he drained his crankcase and refilled it with a new oil guaraqteed to increase his mileage 2O per cent. Now, with a fuel eco4omy guarantee of 120 per cent he has to stop every hundred miles and bail out the gas tank to keep it from running over.
Too bad that of worth, Produced by this earth, cobl, the oil, uch toil.
The trees, the stones, Involves in getting, so
Too bad that man, To lie around and ne
in hordes p boards, toss, frown, shelves, rows would prefer stir
Where fields are and skies are blue, Has always so much to do!
On street car-Hey, boy, wake up ! Boy-I ain't asleep. I just got my eyes closed. I can't bear to see the women standing in a crowded.street car.
tlere's to the girl who's mine, all mine.
She drinks and she bets and she smokes cigarettes, And I'm told when she's out with the boys, she forgets That she's mine, all mine.
California Retailers Annual Convention
J. E. Frazer, Secretary oi the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, announces that arrangements for the Annual Convention tb be held at the Senator Hotel. Sacramento, on Thursday, Friday and Saturclay, Oct. 2l-22-23 are nearing completion and that an excellent program will be presented at the Convention. Among the many subjects that will be discussed are "Credits and Collections", "Grade Marking of Lumber," "Certification of Grades of Lumber by Retailers", "Local Association Management". "Salesmanship", "Ethical Relations between Wholesalers, Millmen and Retailers" and "Economic Lumber lJtilization."
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club are making the arrangements for the Convention, and at their monthly meeting at Sacramento on September 18. C. D. Pinkerton, Presiclent of the California Retailer's Association, and J. E. Fraser were present for a conference.
Adolph Pfund, Secretary of the National Retail Lumbermen's Association, Chicago, will attend the Convention and E. D. Kingsley, West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Oregon and A. L. Landrum, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, Washington, rvill address the Convention on important subjects pertaining to the lumber industry.
A complete program of the Convention will appear i' the October 15 issue of the "California Lumber Merchant".
The Pickering Lurnber Co. have purchased all the timber holdings of Robert E. Whiteside of Duluth, Minnesota, lying south of the Stanislaus River, Tuolumne County, California. The tract consists of between 11.000 and 12.000 acfes.

Bill Hamilton, Los Angeles, Lloyd llarris, San Francisco, and Harvey Isenhower, Sacramento, representatives of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., were recent visitors at the company's San Francisco office where they conferred with salesmanager Fred Holmes. After a short conference at San Francisco, they left for Eureka where they spent three days at the mill. One of the features of the meeting at the mill was a Grading Contest in which the salesmen and employees of the shipping department participated, which proved very interesting and instructive. At the mill there was also a conference between the salesmen and members of the shipping department, the purpose being to secure better service and co-operation for their customers.
Announcement has been made of the recent marriage of Miss Mildred Allen of Sacramento to George Harold Swift of Oakland. Miss Allen is a popular member of the younger set in the Capital City while Mr. Swift is a prominent East Bay lumbermen and manager of the Swift yard at Oakland. They spent their honeymoon in the Northwest and on their return will make their home in Oakland where Mr. Swift has just completed the construction of a new home.
L. St. Clair, Central Coal & Coke Co., Kansas City, was a recent visitor in San Francisco where he spent a few days on business. While in the Bay District, he conferred with A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., who represents the Central Coal and Coke interests in Califorhia. Mr. St. Clair was returning to Kansas City from a. visit to the company's Portland office and their Northwest mill operations at Vernonia, Oregon, by way of San Francisco and Los Angeles.
By Jack DionneAge not guaranteed-Some I have told for 2O years-Some less
And Enjoy Doing It, Too
Pat came over to this country and landed in New York, and he wasn't long in getting a good job. His big muscles and willingness to work made him a very desirable man for a big house wrecking company, and Pat was put on the payroll regularly.
They could have saved money for a while on Pat had
October 21-22-23, 1926.
F.'W. S. Locke to Leave for East
F. W. S. Locke, well knolvn San Francisco lumberman and for the past two years and a half manager of the San Francisco office of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., resigned on September 30 and plans to leave for the east in \he near futule where he u'ill locate in New York City as the representative of Pacific Coast lumber interests.
Mr. Locke has an interesting lumber career and has been associated with the lumber business on the Pacific Coast for many years, dating back to 1906. During the year 1908, ire represented a chain of Pacific Coast mills in Tngland. In 1909 he was located at Mobile, Alabama, where he spent four years in charge of the export business of the Chicago Lumber & Coal Co., and in 1913 he was back on the Coast again as manager of their Seattle office. From 1915 to 1919, he was a major in the English army during the World War. He returned to the United States in 1919, but later in the year he returned to London as the representative of the France & Kennedy S.S. Co., rvhere he spent four years looking after the foreign interests of their trading departrnent. In 1923 he returned to the Pacific Coast again and became associated rvith the C. D. Johnson Lumber Co.,
they known his state of mind, for he wrote home to the folks on the Ould Sod and said:
"Sure it's one gran' jobf'm afther havin' over here. They're payin' me four dollars a day to tear down a Protestant Church, an' if they only knew it I'd tear it down fer nothin'."
later opening their San l-rancisco office where he had charge of their export and fir business in California.
He has followed the lumber business all his life, getting his first experiences rvith his father, rvho rvas a prominent lumber importer in Ireland. FIis many Pacific Coast Iumbermen friends wish him success in his new field.
Chas. Vernon, of the lumber firm of Baldinger & Vernon, New Orleans, La., has been a California business visitor for the past two weeks. Mr. Vernon is engaged in the commission lumber business in Nelv Orleans and their business is by f.ar the largest one of its kind in the state of Louisiana. A year and a half ago they took on the Redwood account of the Union Lumber Company for New Orleans territory, and have built up a very fine trade right there in the heart of the old Cypress district. While at first they sold mostly siding to replace Cypress siding in many yards and for many purposes, they now sell many other Redwood items, and feel that Redwood has come to New Orleans to stay. Mr. Vernon spent a week with the Union Lumber Company at Fort Bragg and San Francisco.
Mrs. J. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, will leave for New Orleans around the first of November to attend the annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association which rvill convene in New Orleans at the Roosevelt Hotel from November 8-12. Preceding the convention, on November 8, there will be a meeting of the Association Secretaries.

Window Glass
Excerpts from a recent Bulletin of the Millwork Institute of California, by H. T. Didesch, Managing Director.
Machine-made glass in the past 15 years has practically displaced the products of hand-made factories. It reaches its greatest perfection irt the factories of America and todan "domestic" window glass is far superior to any foreign make.
The Master Specification for GLASS for glazing purposes as prepared by the Federal Specification Board of the United States Government, contains the only definite grading rules to be had and classifies clear window glass as follows:
Single Strength
IAA Quality lA Quality I ( | Average Weight ,B Quality I lStl oz. per sq. ft.
\C Quality I I
(AA Quality
)[-0;;iiii )A.,e'"geWeight
WINDOW I Double Strength) \24% oz. per sq. ft.
cl.A,ss | (B Quality (
I | (Glazing Quality Weights
I Heavy Sheet I 26 oz. 29 oz.
t (Factory Run 34 oz. 39 oz.
The total production of window glass from domestic factories, based on the best results obtainable, will grade about as follows:
3/o to4% C Quality
65% to 70% B Quality
27% to 34% A Quality
2/o to 3% AA Quality
''"Single Strength" glass runs from t2 to lol lights to the inch and has an average weight of.I8l oz. to the square foot. The maximum dimensions recommended are 40x50 inches. "Double Strength" glass runs from 9 to 8 lights to the inch and has an aveiage weight ot 24l oz. to the square foot.' The maximum dimensions recommehded are 60x80 inches.
European glass is marketed as 16 oz. znd,2l oz. and, ol course, is thinner than domestic glass.
.The weight or thickness of window gtass.has no bqaring on the defects allowed. The size of the sheet governs the extent of defects permissible in both "single" and "double" strength.
There is no such thing 19" plrfe-ct window glass.
Inasmuch as "AA" A,f;,ro::Tllitutes so small a percentage of the total output, it is not available from dealers' stocks, neither is there any certainty of the factories having the stock on hand. Delays are bound to occur, which, with the additional expense of L. C. L. shipments and extra hazards of breakage, make its cost far out of proportion to the results looked for.

In unusually high class residence work and wherever the cost of the glass is of secondary consideration, polished plate should be used, particularly on street elevations, and in all lights having an area greater than 16 square feet. The rear and less conspicuous elevations, as well as smaller lights, may be glazed with "A" Quality, either single or double strength, depending upon their size, with satisfactory results.
If the cost of polished plate (its present cost is 3 to 4 times that of double strength) prevents its use, "A" Quality should be used. Lights having an area of from 5 to 16 square feet'should be "dou-!fe strength." Those under 5 square feet should 'be r"sing{e ''strength," bearing in mind that French doors and large casements which are more or less subjcit to sudden o-pening and closing, should be glazed with "double strength." "' ir
(Continued from Page 55.)
It should be understood that it is almost impossible for the industry to furnish "AA" Quality window glass. Undoubtedly in the past, the promiscuous specifying of "AA" Quality has lead to substitution of 'AA' Quality to a minimum, or better still, to avoid its use altogether.
Bear in mind, please, that your specifications must be reasonably obtainable to be fulfilled.
Quality 0"q1";3':Slur'"i#ree f rom defects.
When plate glass cannot be used, office buildings, exclusive apartments and the better class residences and hotels should be glazed with "A" Quality glass,. particularly on the street fronts. The rear, alley and court elevations may be glazed with "8" Quality and the cost materially reduced.
Lights of areas up to6 square feet can be "single strength" (unless there be extra rvind hazard). Those from 6 to 16 square feet should be "double strength."
A saving can be made by using "8" Quality glass in all openings not in the line of direct vision, such as transoms over store fronts, transoms over high windows, borrowed lights, etc.
DS (double strength) glass costs approximately one-third more than single strength. In lights of 6x8 td 18x30 or those of an area of. 3l to 4 square feet, nothing is gained in either effect or service by using DS. In the interests of conservation, schools and other public buildings, in which lights are of this area, should be glazed with SS (single strength) glass.
In. ordinary apartment houses, hotels, dwellings and all medium class structures, "B" Quality should be used, particularly in the service part of the buildings. It is the custom to select the best lights for the lower sash of double hung windows and the more prominent openings, thereby eliminating to a large extent, the defects bccuriing in th-e line of vision.
, "B" Quality glass should be used in loft buildings, warehouses and small dwellings when the size of the lights does not exceed 16 square feet. There will, however, be occasions when it is necessary to use "A" Quality, as on street elevations, in the offices of large buildings, and in living and dining rooms of houses.
QUATITY Oak Flooring
Maple Flooring
Southern Hardwoodt
6046 C,arlor Ave.
"Fourth" Quality and "C" Quality glass is produced in such small quantities that they are not carried in stock in this territory. Their use is confined principally to hot houses, hot bed sash, barn sash, t"tc.
DON'T specify "AA" with the expectation of getting perfect glass,
DON'T specify "AA" rvhen "A" Quality will suffice.
DON'T specify "Double Strength" rvhen "Single Strensth" will suffice. rength"
DON'T soecifv "W specify "Windorv Glass" rvith the expectation of getting the quality of "Polished Plate."
Heavy Window Glass
This glass is produced in trvo qualities-"glazing quality" and "factory run," and in four thicknesses-26 oz., D oz., 34 oz., and 39 oz.
26 oz. runs from 8 to 7l lights to each inch
8 oz. runs from 7 to 6l lights to each inch
34 oz. runs from 6rl to 6 lights to each inch
39 oz. runs from 5l to 5 lights to each inch
The average dimensions obtainable are as follows:
60 x 84 inches for 26 oz. and D oz.
48 x 72 inches for 34 oz. and, 39 oz.
The maximum size recommended by the United States Government Master Specification is 66 x 90.
This glass is made with the same materials and by the same process as "single" and "double" strength rvindow glass. It contains all the defects of. l8l and 24rl oz. glass. Its only comparison with plate glass is in weight and thickriess. fts use is as a substitute for polished plate glass in cheaper grades of rvork, or where an extra heavy glass is required.
Heavy window glass is sometimes referred to as "Crystal Sheet" or "3/L6 inch Crystal." Many have the impression that crystal sheet is similar in quality to plate but lighter in rveight, which is not correct.
The word "Crystal" is a trade name, and a misnomer rvhen used with reference to quality.
Heavy window glass is just rvhat the name indicates. Heavy window glass is not available from stocks on the Pacific Coast and recuirements of it are ordered from the factories, subject to tire same delays as "AA" Quality.
W. H. Enlorv has succeeded I{. B. N{ason as manager of the'Hammond yard at Watsonville.
The J. K. Fine Lumber Company, Lennox, suffered fire loss of $5,000 on the morning of September 17th.
GRanite 9il2
Oak Flooring and Mapb Floring
1109 Fint National Bank Buildins
Telephonc Douglar 9117 J.
Cdrt BU&
TRhity 63tt2
The Winnor Lumber Company's yards at Owensmouth and Reseda have been sold to H. C. Hunt of Los Angeles. The new name of the concern rvill be the Van-O.rven Lumber Company.

A new yard has been installed at Phoenix, Arizona, which will be known as the J. H. I\{iller I-umber &'supply Co. Mt. J. M. Miller is manager of the new concern.
A New Method of Packing
A nelv and unique method of packing lumber products has been adopted by George C. Brown & Company in the packing of their Supercedar Closet Lining.
This company, said to be the largest manufacturer of Aromatic Red Cedar Lumber in the world, and which has within the last two years gone to manufacturing the finished product, is packing their Closet Lining in corrugated fibre board boxes. These boxes are 8% inches in length and a{ter the stock is placed in the boxes, the ends are sealed and the package {astened with three steel straps.
The Sales Department of George C. Brown & Company states that retail dealers all over the country are becoming very enthusiastic over this new systern of packing. The stock can be handled with a great deal less labor, stored in less space, and delivered by the retail yard to the job in the same fresh, clean -condition in which it leaves the mill.
Dealers have suggested that this company has started a system of packing which may eventually be adopted by a great many lines of the lumber trade.
Supercedar Closet Linihg is rvholesaled in Southern California by E.J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
"While only one employee in the Redwood Lumber inclustry won a cash prize in the National Waste Prevention Contest ending last spring, for a nerv and practical milling device. the directors of the California Redrvood Association are convinced that there are many more employees in the Redrvood industry rvho have the ability and ingenuity to perfect worth-while devices that prevent waste or reduce manufacturing costs and are entitled to some sort of recognition."
This staternent uras made by Secretary R. F. Hammatt
Findlay l|lillar Timber Co.
Kolambugan Lbr. & Dev. Co.
Millr at Kobnbu3rn rnd Menib, PLilippiac ldendr
Sdcr O6cc: 910 Ccntrel Bldg., Lor Angclcr
W. G. Scrirn, U. S. Rcprcrcntrtivc
when he announced that the California Redwood Association would hold a Regional Prize Contest for the two best, original devices or methods of operbtion, that would decrease waste in logging or milling, improve the quality of the lumber, or reduce logging or manufacturing costs, developed by an employee in the Redrvood region and applicable to operations peculiar to the lumbering of that great wood.
C. H. Garner, formerly assistant, has replaced Stephen Gile as manager of the Escondido yard of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co.
G. W. Winnor, who recently disposed of his yards at Owensmouth and Reseda, has opened a branch selling office for Lounsberry & Harris at Owensmouth.

L. A. Beckstron
Wholesale Lumber
Los Angeles Representative tor
Puget Sound Saw Mills & Shingle Co.
Wallace-Ballord Lumber Co.
Sell the shingle your customer knows
f\ F course you can scll Creo-Dipt Staincd
rvf Shingles casier than an unknown brand. For years Crco.Dipts havc been advertiecd in lcading magazincs. Architccts, buildcre and home owncrs &now that Croo Dipts arc selccted red ccdar, staincd and prccerved with such care that thcy last for ycars without onc ccnt for upkecp. Why not ride with a winn6. Write for the interesting Crco-Dipt dcaler proposition. Cro-Dipt Conpuy, Inc- North Tonawanda, N. Y. ln Northcrn C:lifcnia: Mr. Albcrt F. HGlf, Buildinr Matcrial Erblblt, Inc., Zl (IFerrcll StrcGt, Setr Fran- ciro, Cellforule. In Souttcrn Calllonle: Mr. J. G. Skcllic, Building Matcrhl Exhibit, Mctro,politen Bldr., Broadway et Fifth Strcct, Lor Angclct, Cal.
(Thc Clearlng Hourc)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't'Wants" is for: rhe t"$fly-Wfil,Y,ftrf
{fi J"tJ. o s e'
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-t27, care California Lumber Merchant. z-l+tf.
Connection rvith lumber firm by young man who has excellent record; last employer twelve years managing large yard; best references, including employer; come at once. Address Box 4-190, care California Lumber Merchant. 9-l-l
Wanted-Position as Yard Foreman. Now in full charge of retail yard in Los Angelesl Changes being made in organization leave me open for position. Know both stock and detail finish and can furnish excellent references. Address Box 4-191. care California Lumber Merchant. 9-1-1
Married man, 35 years of age, wants position manager of sales, manager large wholesaler or manufacturer. Entire career spent in lumber industry, from woods to marketing. Well educated, efficient executive, knows the business. Past six years executive and selling in North and East. At present employed. Best of references. Box 200-4, care Calif. Lbr. Merchant.
200 heavy 5 ft. lumber jacks, used for assembling loads-good condition-92.00 each.
Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
Want position in lumber office in San Francisco. Have had four years experience with San Francisco wholesaler. Thoroughl.y familiar with all .branches lumber office work. Can submil excellent recommendations.
Address Box 300. c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Yard manager for retail yard in Los Angeles.. Must be capable of taking entire charge and exceptionally good salesman, who can. build up and hold business against strongest competition. In first letter state full particulars, salary asked and references. Address Box 4-166, care California Lumber Merchant. 6-l-tf
Experienced Retail Yard Manager, bookkeeper, estimator, salesman, Los Angeles experience, keen competition, can make small investment, highest references. Address Box 4-1'95, care California.Lumber Merchant. 10.1-1
Young man, 28 years- of age, twelve years' experience in lumber, one in mills, two selling sash and doors on road, balance in retail yards. Good accountant, fair salesman. Wants sales position with large retailer or wholesaler. Good references. Address A-I25. care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Loading the largest cargo of asphalt, roofing and asphalt shingles yet turned out by the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company for Hawaiian shipment, Edward A. Mulford representative of the company on the islands and in the Orient, sailed last week to resume his war on boring ants and dry rot which have been causing increasing destruction in the tropical climates.
"Having been in the buSiness of manufacturing high grade building felts for more than 25 years in Los Angeles, when the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company announced a few months ago that they had added one of the best equipped prepared roofing plants to their factories, for the production of scientifically processed asphalt roofing, veteran builders became regular customers almost from the start," said Mulford.
"It has been a case of stepping up production ever since, and with wet weather anticipated in the near future, roofing materials that are guaranteed to stand the beat of the elements for 10 and 2O years are springing into brisk demand."
Jimmie Atkinson, connected with the rail department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from his initial trip through the Sacramento Valley territory where he was calling on the Valley lumber trade. He accompanied Hasting Garland, the Company's Sacramento Valley representative, over the territory.

Extensive improvements by Hobbs, Wall and Company are at the present time under way, under the direction of Superinterldent Ira Thompson, in the form oJ a much larger mill pond, and a new yard on the south side of their plant.
The Red River Lumber Company,"Westwood, is constructing a mammoth new roundhouse, particularly designed to house the motor cars operated by the company.
Mr. L. St. Clair, assistant sales manager for the Central Coal & Coke Company, Kansas City, is visiting relatives in Long Beach.
It's Tirne To Sell Re,roofitrg on ThePioneer TimePayment Plan!

ooEverlr Hipolito Screen f)oor and Vindow Sereen rnust beentirely satisfactorv to the ultimate user."
---tlral's tlrc gtrararrrlct'. \o "gr:rdt'rrrlcs" or "s1x.<.i(ications"--rro "loogl lrolcs" or :rrbilrlliorr. \Ilr<.rr rort scll Ililxrlito S<'r'r'r'rr l)rxrrs :rrr<l \firrrlou S<'rccrrs r orr sr'll sal isl':r<'liorr---ll a riglrl lrri<'r'.

:rlt'corort:tl bt this blanket grrar.arrlc(, ol r.onsrrnrer satisfa<:tiorr. 'f hat's x lrr. so nr:rn1. lrrrnlx,r rnercharrts :rr<' It:rrrdlirrg llipolito S<.rct,n l)oors
:rnrl \f-irr<lot S<'r.r'r'ns. .\rr, \-orr?
-l'hcrr.'s a slo<.k rk'sign lirr r.rtrv nctrl. \\ ritr lirr <::rlalogrrr..
.\lI llipolito Stn'r'rr l)oors :rnrl \\ irrrlorl Sr.l.r,r.rrs itn' ntark'ol'lrt'sl sck'r.tttl (lalifirrnia Sugar I'irrt. clros<'rr lirr ils lrorr-u:rrlrilrg. rrorr-shrirrliirrg r1rrllilics--tht lrtst lrrrrrlrcr lo lrt hltl lirr tlris Irrrll)()si,.
') lsl iln(l \larrrrctla Sts."
l ,os ,\ ng('l('s. ( la l i f .
\\ J'lstnr()t'(' 6 |jl I