Chapter 1
What’s Happening with the World of Work?
You can click the Edit tool to the left of the Browse tab to display the editing tools for the SharePoint site. The Ribbon changes to display the Editing Tools tab, which enables you to format the text on your page and insert new page elements such as pictures, videos, tables, and more. (See Figure 1-5.)
FIGURE 1-5 To edit and format your SharePoint pages, you’ll find what you need on the Editing Tools
Format tab.
You can click Site Actions on the left side of the Ribbon to display a list of ways you can modify and interact with your SharePoint site. You’ll learn all about customizing, formatting, and sharing your site in Chapter 5, “Creating Your Team Site with SharePoint Online.”
Real-Time Connection with Microsoft Lync So we’ve talked about using Outlook to handle your email and scheduling needs and using the SharePoint team site to keep everybody on the same page—what about those times you need to communicate in real time, using instant messaging or online meetings? Enter Microsoft Lync 2010. Microsoft Lync is an exciting addition to this suite of online services, enabling you to keep in touch with all your contacts and make calls, set up meetings, and send ideas and messages on the fly.