82 GLAUCO MATTOSO #0951 BIRTH SONNET I was born glaucomatous, not a poet. I became a poet because of my rebellion which makes me curse and swear against the world and makes me interpret life as hell. Because I am a bastard poet, my goal was never to follow a guru nor to believe in the return of the Messiah, but to challenge all that forbids. I compensate with my foot fetishism, the humiliation which was abusively imposed on me, by licking from under the torturer's feet. But I can't compensate my blindness with my masochism, not even for the hottest cum, and my porn poems are only an imitation of Bocage's.
SONNETTO NATAL Nasci glaucomatoso, não poeta. Poeta me tornei pela revolta que contra o mundo a lingua suja solta e a vida como barathro interpreta. Bastardo como bardo, minha meta jamais foi ao guru servir de excolta nem crer que do Messias venha a volta, mas sim invectivar tudo o que veta. Compenso o que no abuso se me impoz (pedal humilhação) com meu fetiche, lambendo, por debaixo, os pés do algoz. Mas não compenso, nem que o gozo exguiche, masoca, esta cegueira, e meus pornôs poemas de Bocage são pastiche.