When you get a gudden demand for lumber, or any building materials, which exhausts your own supply-call on the nearest Hammond yard.
From Hammondts stocks You can fill every need-not otly for lumber but for practically every kind of build' ing material.
The Hammond organization has a reputation for seryice to tfie trade.
_The_picttre shows why it costs money to get out Sugar Pine Lumber^._B_y_r, itp"yt to use it.The soft even texture and long strarght grarn-its ease of working_its longevity under exl posed conditions, makes it the woild stairda-.d for soft piire.
For thirty years Spe cialists in Colif ornia Sugar and LVhite pine. Of6ces: 2050 E. 3Eth St. Loe Angeler, Calif.
Sales Ofrce-327-8 Lumbermen's Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON
We carrv a complete stock of UPPERS-DIMENSION and LATH for PROMPT SHIPMENT.
THE builder of this beautiful home decided that it would I be comfortable in every respect when he chose Andersen Standard Frames. Because Whjte Pine is used in all exposed Dortions. the Andersen Frames will last for years without waroine. shrinkine or rotting. The tight constmction and
Andersei Frame feitures absolutely keep out wind and rains, y€t permit smooth running windows.
Reosons Why Andssen Ftotncs Ate Ptefend:
l. Immediate delivery-no exlrcnsive delays ?. Double shoulders on the sillg against which waiting for special frames. the sash and storm windows ot 6cte,ena rctt'
2. l2l sizes ready for every purpose make Andersen Frames much warmer and
3. Delivered in two "o-p""a bundles plainly proof against wind and rain matked for size and easily handlcd. & Better results in frame, brick or stucco
4. ? units instead of 5?. No small parts to be' buil&ngs come lost ot broken.
5. No sorting, measuring or re{gnsr__1';
10. Made by largest exdusivc etandard framc
accutacv and plete frame nailed up with Pockets ano i"fiivri?i'it""Jii-t..'-nrin,rt"*-
6. Accuracy gives smooth running windowg manufacnrter. Thc ttade'mark ir abcolute - y"t .*.lrrd.i weather. - protectioru
Dcpt. AC-9
BaYPort, Minnerota
prompt deliveries are some of the advantages of the Hipolito way.
Lumbermen can add to their profits by handling Hipolito Window Screens and Screen Doors. Their advantages are well known to builders and contractors. They sell easily and quickly. Write for our dealer proposition.
HEN a manufacturer has some new product to offerhis trade or to introduce into themarket,when he has a new method of merchandising that he believes may be of aid to hisindustry,when he has a new line of thought to offer, he wants the worldtoknow about it.
Mgr. San Frucirco Offie
W. T. BLACK Mgr. Portland Olfice
JackDionne ,ptfiI*hu
tncoraontcd udcr tfic L.-r ql Crlilordr
J. C. Dionm, Pra.--ui-tnr; Phll B. Hrtt' YlcePrcr.; J. E. ltluta' Srcv' Publirhcd ttc trt ud 15th o[ ac'L ncth rt
.8-c FAY BLDG' LOS ANGELES, CAI- TELEPHONE VAIdL. 'Ea6 Entircd u Scod-clu! uttd Scpimbor 4 9ZL rt thG Portofio rt In Angclcr, CdIfo"Di* ur&r Act of Mrrch a f&t
Subrcription Pricc, $2.1X) pcr Ycar Singlc Copierr 25 ccutr each.
Two weeks a8o, in tte issue of Aug' ult 15th, thir page raid that the general lumber rituation was much better than of thirty dayr previour, and that tbe California lumber ritrntion especielly, was in a much improved condition
That ttat *atement, and othen Predicting a quick comeback of the de prered boytttg conditionq had a foundation. has be€n evidenced by the resulting eventr.
On lnd efter Scptcnbcr lrt thir publicatioq togcthcr sith itr p.rcDt Jounel, Thc Gulf Cout Lumbcrrnen' will bc pcrnancutly rcprcrcltcd in thc grcrt Pacific Northwcrt' by htvilg o6ccr rt Portlend, undcr thc dircction of Mr. lV. T. Bleck.
Mr. Blrek, who ir en old crpcricnced lunber journrlirg her beca idcntiGcd with 'Thc Crlifornir Lumbcr Mcrchant' for thc lrut ri: nonthr in thc rdvcrtiring dcprrtmcn! rnd har nadc a hort of fricndr in Southern Crliforaie. Hc ir wcll rcqurintcd 'in Orcgon end lVerhiugton" heving rpent a grcrt dcal of tirne in thrt tenitory.
Jurt two days afte the lart icsue went to presE, two of the large line yard concernc in the routAern part of the state started to buy, and tLeY bousht right and left. Bott of theee companiee are large urert of Fir, ttey buy in copious quan' tities, and naturally when they came in to tte market ttere war a scramble for lumber. The wholerale men were a busy lot for the next few dayr, taking inquiriel, and orden, and getting themcelver lined up to get back to work
A buyer for one retail outfit war heard to remrrk that he regretted that be had not bought TEN MII I ION feet more ttran he had bought, prior to the 15th of Augurt.
Common random ir worth a good $2.0O more than it was bringing two or three weekr ago. Cutting orderr
rre not u crly to ud priccr
hcre arc 6tu' at thc Eill Roogl clean hevc rlrcogtbcocd, itcn rl badrrerdfor e tire' duc to overto& in tbc Nodf," Lath [dr brvc littlc, bGGo horsvcr- rto&o hnd relling for hro weekr, an actuel come jurt price reaction will no about tLe llL Cargo recciptr at Lc llrF bor will run at about lf ftct of Fir end Rcdrood. T, tbc DfuU oe thc 27th, 84 boeb hd rcpatc4 fcct. Th. crrrying onc hrndrcd total for July wer 91 fcct
The Fir millr, eccording to t[e lut rcPdt 6c Wqt Coart Lumbermcn'r rlrrocirtion, ctb in a e totel of E9,E66,fi)O fcct, and theh relcr totrlcd 11 ftci. They rhipped but?9 mitlion in 'Lir pcrird. I Thir repct rhowe their unflled Grport cdcrr o hend td be ovq 74 million feeb and tfiey heve forty.ooc bu&cdlcen unfllcd rail ordcrr.
The lart r€port of the Crlifotdr giver a week'r cut of tr3(X)r(X)O fGGt lnd
8,70O,(nO fccL
Vere Hunter, prominent Bay District lumberman, died at Oakland on August 12 following a Prolonged illness.
Mr. Hunter had been a familiar figure in the lumber business in the State of California for many years and his entire business career was associated with the lumber industry. At the time of his death, he was a member of the Cole-i{unter Lumber Co., the u'ell known San Francisco wholesalers. Prior to'his affiliation with the Cole-Hunter Lumber Co., he followed Association work in the Bay
District. At oni time, he rvas the manager ( Lumber Co. with retail lumber yards in Oakl the Hunter keley.
Mn Hunter rvas held in very high esteem v his fellow lumbermen and his passing means a big loss industry. His funeral was held at Oakland and as a mark of respect the retail yards in ( at noon to attend the funeral services. Hoo9, adjourned their meeting that was sghedu 14, so that its members could attend the fun
Unifo,nnly excellent grades delivered in any quantity in accordance with the buyer's request.
It implies:
l. Satisfactory perfornrance of C,ontnctr.
2. Courteous Treatment.
3. Prices C-oncistent with the Market.
Genenl Oftcea SeEtth, U. S. A.
Southern Sder Ofice: 729 Bank of ltaly Bldg., Log Angeh., Caliif.
There's a fine question for you to ask yourself, Mr. Lumbennan. Do they buy YOUR stock because theyfind it cheaner: tipithe stock the other fellows have to offer, or do they buy it because they PREFER {o buyfrom YOU?
The answer really classifies you.
It distinguishes you either as "Mr. Pep," or as "Mr. Pip."
Mr. Pip sells his stock strictly by the price route. According to his poychology and philosophy of business, there is just one thing to sdesmanship: when a man decides that he needs some lumber or other building material, he finds where he can get it fot the least moneyr and there he buys it.
Mr. Pep's philosophy is directed dong entirely difrerent lines. He is after the trade of the people who want to buy from some one FROM PREFERENCE
Mr. Pip's place of business is like the side street stores t'hat you see, with rmattractive front, and parcels of stock hanging thick in the windows and doors, each with a price tag in large letters, and each tag showing that the article is "marked down "
Mr. Pep seeks the trade of people who want expert advice and assistance, courteously rendered; who want stock and goods that best suit their needs and want to depend on some responsible peron to furnish it; who delight in doing business with good pcople; .who likeskillful and expert service; and who appreciate ttre generd delights of a bigh class establishment.
Mr. Pip gives his time and attention to taking business away from his competitor, AFTER that business develops.
Mr. Pep makes a specialty of giving such splendid building service that pcople will thinkof him first when they thinkof building, and he CREATES BUSINEISS by placing himself in position to advise and suggest building IDEAS and FUNCTIONS to his trade.
Mr. Pip sits in his ofEce and waits for his chance to bid dfbusiness.
Mr. Pep goes out into his selling territory to discover what people actudly NEED that he can supply.
Mr. Pip's business is entirely competitive.
Mr. Pep's business is largely non-competitive.
They trade with Mr. Pip because of PRICE.
They trade with Mr. Pep because of PREFERENCE.
AreYOU a PRICE or PREFERENCE merchant?
The Second Quarterly Meeting of the Millwork Institute of california came to i conclusion at noon, Saturday. Au*url ZSta, after a very successful period of three business :;;;;;, ;i* the're were brought gu.t a.great number "t nirnfv interesting points dealing with the economlcal i"i'.ii-.' handlin? bi ttte millwork business, as it pertains to the Pacific Coast.
There was a good attendance' Mill men from all over ttte tt"i. ;;t; fit evidence, and the most interesting feature of the Convention was the extraor{tlty amount ol interest that was shown by all of the Delegates'€ various Dapers presented, and the efficient manner ln \Yhrch ;i;'6-';iti;J h"r'" taken care of their respective duties'
President H. W. Gaetjen, of the Empire Planing Mill' San Francisco, opened the first session with an ?pproprtate *.t.o-ittg address. This was on Friday morning'
The Secretary-Manager, H. T. Didesch then made his ,"oori for the tliree moiths, since the last meeting at Sa.nta b-;J;t;, and showed the Institute to be in good condition, both in a financial way, and in point of members gatned in the period.
Mr. E.R. Maule, of the Hammond Lumber,Company' I-os e.tgefes, spoke on Cost- Finding' His address dealt *itn tn.- -.ihod. employed by his Company in determin-
ing the manufacturing and rnaterial cost of hvork pro-
Cataloss: T. A. Farnsrvorth, Los Angeles' Estima-tor Ralph Button, San-Fr' Foremanship Training i e. n- Iltaqfe, -Los Listing Buriaqs t P._N. Pdrvards, Oakland'
Membirship: E. J. Nutting, San Francisco' At the Friday aflernoon- session, Mr.- H' F
Los Angeles, a very interesting address Ethics."- He Srought out a good many very in connection wit[ the proper handling of s rhc rnrnner in which theii pioducts should be the manner in which their products the public. Mr. Dixon also spoke later on Lossls in Distribution."
A replesentative of the Nlaterial Men's C ,t of Los Angeles, sPoke onthe movem ti;;;i A"geles, spoke on- -thq movemerft 3t Sacramento to abolish"ot a-6t d the Mechanics Liefr !au" He .iionstv urged the I\Iiltwork Institute to take {ction in the fight -t6at fr'e thought rvould be necessary to lcombat the legislation.
Ahe Saturday morning session--was devoted discussion by the membCrs on different topics.
sco. les. Dixon. of "Selling points and on nted to "Operating a general
well ventilated sheds in our yard where HARDWOOD LUMBER and FII)oRING-arc-P:o-!:-cjed "rra "r. "J i"il'J to you BRIGHT and CLEAR and FREE FROM CHECK!i. WE RUSH RUSH ORDERS
We emplov HIGH POWERED, -COMPETENT MEN to 6ll orders. Ve -carrv- EIG-{ - - SToca urd *" '"it t" iricg clAss TRADE at DOWI\ RIGHT Low PRICI WE SATISFY YOULET US SHOW YOU
Phone HUmbolt 1335
JACK DIONNE SAYS "Retail lumber dealers read the advertisements in the Lumber Merchant"
HE ALSO SAYS 'This JOB SIGN-in four striking colore bn heavy water-proofed Duckine, 22x38 inches in size is a d--n good dealer proposition."
The answers we get from this anirouncement
You can get this JOB SICN, printed in four quantities and at prices as follows:-
will prove whether or not Jack is right-on both counts. colors, over your own narne, Street and City address in
1O to 24 Signg @ ' 25 to 74 Sisns @ 75and over @
3Oc each
25c each
2Oc each
These low prices are due to the fact that we have absotbed a big proportion of the cost. All orders must be sent to our San Francisco office. Include your name and address just as you want it to appear on the sign.
Allow two weeks for deliverv.
Alblon Lumber Company
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blair Redwood Co.
Hammond Lumber Company
Mernber Mills
J. R. Hantfy Company
Hobbs, \ilall & Company
Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.
Little Rlver Redwood Co.
Mendocino Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
The Pacific Lumber Co.
Unlon Lumber Company
California brought the Hoo-Hoo year to a close with a bang on Saturdiy evening, August 23, when a State I-ength Concatenaiion, Entertainment and Dinner was helcl-at theHotel Casa Del Rey, Santa Cruz. I umbermen. together with the ladies of Hoo-Hoo,-w9-re-present from all-parts of the state and the Hoo-Hoo Rally- !19ugh-t to a conclusion the Quarterly Meeting of the Millwork Institute of California-which rvas in session there on Au.qtrst 22 and. 23.
the Vicegerent Snarks for the excellent and for ihe support and cooperation thq! him. Short talks were also made bY Frank Trorver, and Dave Woodhead.
Follorving the dinner, the Concatenation
6:0O P.M. about 250 sat down to an excellent dinner in the beautiful Sun iParlor of the hotel. During the dinner hour a fine entertainment was given by the hotel entertainers. At the speaker's table rvere seated C. D. LeMaster of Fresno. Snirk of the lJniverse; R. A. Hiscox and Frank Trower of San Francisco, Past Snarks of the Llniverse: Ed. Tennant, Past Snark of Universe, Los Anseles : State Counselor Dave Woodhead of Los Angeles; \;icegerent Snark Herman Rosenberg o! Lo9 Ang-eles; Vice[erent Snark A. B. Wastell of .San Francisco; -Vice- sete;'t Snark D. A. Williamson of Galt; Vicegerent Snark t. ff .Ctifen, Jr., of Santa Cruz; and H. E. Verbel Vicegerent Snark of Fresno.
- At the conclusion of the dihner, A. B. Wastell, Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Q1l District, acted as th"ir-rn and introduced C. D. LeMaster, Snark of the Universe. Mr. LeMaster gave an excellent talk on the rvork that Hoo-Hoo had accomplished throughout the country during the past year and expressed'his apprecia-
"The Rialt6" on the Board Walk where 47 initiated into the mysteries of Hoo-Hoocharge of the initiation was as follows:--S Mast-er. Snark of the lJniverse; Senior Hm-H
Rosenberg, Vicegerent Snark of the I-os An1 Iunior Uoo-goo, Rod Hendrickson; Scrive lSimpkin; Bojum, A. B. Wastell, Vicegerent San'Francis.o Bay District; Arcanoper, D. A. Vicegerent Snark-of the Sacramento District; C. H: Griffin. Ir-. Vicecerent Snark of the C
C. Griffin, Jr-, Vicegerent Snark-of the District ; Jabbirwock, Bob Grant; Gurdon, There weie 6 reinstatements made.
Following the Concatenation, dancing--was l:00 A.M. in the Hotel Casa Del Rey Ball Ro dav. August 24, there \f,'as an extremely lumbermln golfers for the Hgg-Hoo -t rvhich was hild at Santa Cruz Golf and
The following Kittens rvere initiated:
A. U. Stinrlah. Wood Bro* Lunbcr Co. S.dr
had given nselor and thev did extinded' Simpkin, as held at ittens rvere Nine in , C. D. LeHermaa District; , Parson of the illiamson, County Neylan. until . On Sunturn-out of 'ournament Club.
G. W. Woo4 Wood B1o-.-Lgobcr-C9- S.c-( f.-8. hiUruoa,.Cber. R IcCaricl Lnmbcr Co- Fnncirn
E. H. Garlicl Cutter Mill & Lumbcr Co., Sacramento.
A. IL Drake, Cuttcr Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.
J. E. Sin&erson, J. H. Sinkerson Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.
Mason E. Kline, Chas R. McCormick & Co., San Franc:sco.
E. E. Phillips, T. A. Work, Monterey.
Waverly Tilderl Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland.
E. A. Paul, Mandarys Planing Mill Co., Fresno.
J. H. McElroy, McElroy-Che[m Lurnber Co., San Jose.
J. F. Clark, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville.
C. M. Smith, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville.
E. J. Labad,ic, Ilomcr T. Hayward Lumber So., Santa Cruz.
H. H. Alzina, Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.
L. E. Eldemann, Richards Hardwood Co.. San Francisco.
ft[. S. Johnstonc, Sugar Pinc Lumber Co., Fresno.
G. H. Nichblson, Pacific Door & Sash Co., Los Angeles.
,, R. L. Sandefur, Hayward Lumbcr Co., San Bernardino.
J. Cuneo, White Brothers, San Francisco.
G. W. Kaiser, Lammon Bros. Mfg. Co., Oakland.
J A. Williamsorl Fruit & Berry Box Mfg., San Francisco.
H. E. Weylcr, Boyd Lumbcr & M,ilt Co., Santa Barbara.
M. A Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co, San Francisco.
G. I. Williams, Jrr, Richards Hardwood Co., San Francisco.
D. E. Dalton, Melrose Lumber Co., Oakland.
4. 9. _Hay-ard, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas.
J.-H. Farnsworth, Jr., California Door Co., Los Aigeles.
W. W. Boyd, W. B. March Lumber Co., Ivanhoe. -
E. L. Esch, Sugar Pinc Lumber Co., Pinedale.
J, M. Maddock, Santa Cruz Lumber Co.. Santa Cruz.
_L. p. Chciqr, McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co., San Jose.
F. C. Boock, Gilroy Lumber Co., Gilroy.
C. O. Kelley, Gilroy Lumbcr Co., Gilroy.
B. G. Green, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Sacramento.
L. H. Chapman, Sacramento Lumbcr Co., Sacramento.
H. E. Anderson, Anderson Bros. Mill & Mfg. Co., San Francisco.
E. J. Nutting, Spencer Planing Mill, San !-rancisco.
W. S. Watkins, Anderson Bros. Mi[l & Mfg. Co., San Francisco.
A.. R. MorlcS Califonria & Oregon Lumbei Co.,.San Francisco.
H. W. Gaetzen, Empire Planing Mill, San Francisco.
p.T. ltforton, Campbell Lumber Co, Campbell.
H, S. Herwig, Watsonvillc Lumber Co., Waisonville.
J. W. Summers, Wood Bros. Co.. Santa Cruz.
A. E. Andcrson, Ha5rward Lumber Co.. Watsonville.
tr l: L_._Clynick Millwork Institute of California, Los Angeles.
S. C. Hesser, Millwork Institute of California, Los Angelis.
J. M. Chcelcy, Chas R. fi:tffitrt"co.. s"r, Francisco.
J. W. Kelly, Chas. R. McCornaick & Co..'San Francisco.
Keith Mclcllan" Whitc Bros., San Franoisco,
$.!ry_C.f-rc{, S_o. Calif. Hardwood & Mfg. Co., Los Angeles.
T. H. Br-adford, Bradford Planing Mill, SeEstapirl.
D. N. Edwards, Oakland Planing- Mill, Oakhnd.
,,\. B. \Vastell of San Francisco was awarded the rvinning prize for bringing in the largest number of Kittens. Forthis honor he was au'arded the winner of the Santa Cr-uz- Bathing Beauty Contest u'hich rvas held recently at this favorite beach resort.
A. B. Wastell was the General Chairman of the Arrange- meht Committee forthis successful affair. C. H. Griffin, Jr., Vicegerent Snark of the Coast County District, was in chargg of_ the local arrangements and was ably assisted by Judge Isaiah Hartman, Grant Wills, Frank Tiou'er, and Rert Ne-vlan.
. Joe Cuneo, well knorvn to the Bay District lumbermen, is novr. representing White Brothers and is calling on the trade in the East Bay and Coast territ6?y. He rvill travel as far as Bakersfield on the South and as far North as Redding. He has follorved the lumber business in the San Francisco District for several years and during the past trvo vears has been associated with White Brothers at their large San Francisco yard.
Mr. C. C. Knight, manager of the San Fernando Lumber-Company, is-enjoying_a motor trip v'acation among the Redwoods, in Medocino County.
Warehousing storage facilities is the anEwer- for every day in the year Woody lt* "t leqt 1,000,(XX) feet of oak, maple, birch and beech ready for delivery anywhere in Soutfiern California. Goi every grade for every uEe, too.
We carry that much alwaya, so we can rupply several big orders at one time for ourmany customers, if necessar5r. service is the thingWoody is particular about. Rapid transit trucks put your order where you want it oN TIME.
"A__million feet is SOME flooring Woodg."
"Yes, but ue curg it dag in and dag out."
The above is the heading over a very interesting article appearing in the Annual Booster Number of the Byron "Times,"-published at Byron by NIr' Halry Hammond-
The picture appearing in the article is- reqro.duced on thispage. Mr. Hammond had, in -part, the follorving to say about this very progressive reta,il concern.
:'Handling everytliing knorvn to the lumber and bqilding material tride, and rdcognized through Eastern Contra Costa County because of intelligent management and courtesy in handiing all business placed rvith the organization. the Brentwood-Lumber Company has lvon its rvay to the front as community uPbuilders.
"Land owners, and especially those interested in the erection of buildings of any sort, homes, farm and ranch structures, warehouses, sheds, barns, etc', are extended every facility in building operations by -this co-mpany.
"In the hindsomely appointed nerv offices of the Brentwood Lumber Companf ire shorvn numerous painted pictures, hanging on the ttalls, each featuring -modern id.eas of architeclu.E in buildings. These shou'the homes as thelappear rvhen completed, even unto the painting.
^nFor the benefii of interested persons a great album is carried on display at the disposal of prospective builder.s. This book shorvi manv viervs of homes and structures in beautiful colors and lafe designs. gives architects drarvings and explains construction, and the manager of the Brentrvood Lumber Companf is ready to follorv out any plan.
give the builder an idea of cost of construction,. supply the llans, furnish all building materials, and to aid in every way.
"\\'hether the building is to be inexpensive or more commodious the helpful hints are just the same- Floor plans are s'orked out lnd a varietl' of ideas are sho'rvn that are interesting. Ilanl' unique features are presented, specialties beingfincorpoiated into the plans, even unto providing buildingiontractors rvith complete specifications-
"This compan)' ranks foremost among the unbuilding factors of Eaitern Contra Costa County. For many 1'ears it has served the builders of Brentrvood. Knightsen, Lone Tree, the Delta and other sections rvith lumber and materials used ir.r all kinds of constructive rvork.
"The Brents'ood Lumber Company deal in all classes of lumber, rough and dressed products, interior and exterior decorative paiis, rvindotrs, sash, doors, mould-ings, light hardrvare, lime, brick, flooring, rrall board and I\1t- Diablo cement.'Everj'thing.neecled-in building matdrials is sold by- this cornpan)'.
"The Brentu'ood Lumber Companv is localll' managed bv Clarence Elsrvorth. one of the valued emplol'ees of the .otnpa.t1'. He is a rvidell- experienc-ed luml>er and building materiai tnan. knorvs construction in allits angles, and is in a position through personal knorvledge-'19 git'e pat-rons valuable suggestioni and serr-ice rvhere building of an1' kind is contemplated."
Nineteen sturdy golfers of good and fair ability, teed ofi in the State Hoo-Hoo Golf Tournament at Santa Cruz, held on Sunday, August 24th, at the close of the Quarterly Convention of the Millwork Institute of California.
Lumbermen from all over the state attended the Millrvork meeting, also the Directors mebting of the State Retail Association and the State Hoo-Hoo Banquet and Concatenation, at which there were 57 Kittens and several Reinstatements.
The golf play started in the morning at the Santa Cruz Golf and Country Club and the players rvielded the irons and other clubs all day. The Tournament play was eighteen holes, played in the afternoon, and 'ivas capablv handled by C. H. (Chuck) Griffin, of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Company of Santa Cruz. This gentleman looked after all the arrangements of the affair, and awarded the prizes at the end of the play.
First prize went to Mr: J. A. Stroud of San F'rancisco, forlowgross. He turned in an 82 for the eighteen, the best by three strokes for the day.
A. B. McAlpine of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, carne in next with not onl1' the second low gloss, but the low net. He played u'itha 22 handicap, making his net score 63. He was alvarded second prize.
H. A. Cahalan took second lorv gross with an 86, and Z. T. Thorning rvith a 91 -rvith a handicap ol 21, took second low net.
Detailed scores for all the players were as follows:
J. A. Stroud 82 l0 72 Low gross.
A. B. McAlpine .. .. . 85 22 63 Low net.
H. A.Cahalan..... 86 17 69 Second low gross.
Erection of a monster lumber shed for the Gray-Thorning Lumber Company of Redwood City is under way at the headquarters of the company in the Five Points district. The storage building is to be 400 feet in length and rvith additional yards giving entrance from three streets. It u'ill be completed 'il'ithin the near future, according to reports from the office of the company at Redwood City.
At the Quarterly Convention if the lVlilhvork Institute of California at Santa Cruz, last rveek, it rvas brought to the attention of the meeting that a movement had been started in California attempting to adopt legislation completely abolishing the existing Mechanics Lien Law, that rvould, it is believed l>v most material men, so cripple the present legislation as to make it practically useless as a protection.
It was stated in the meeting at Santa Cruz that the movement had been started at a meeting of the State Builders Exchange Association and a paper was read, the article supposingly having come from this meeting. It attacks the practicability of the present statute, and makes the claim that in effect it is but a "collection agency" operated by the State for the benefit of the material man.
The MilhvorkInstitute adopted a resolution putting their body on record as being in favor of retaining, u'ithout change, the present larv.
It is also understood that other retail lumber and associations of allied businesses are taking action to fight the action.
In learning and practicing salesmanship, other things, one should study nature, mechanics and You rvouldn't sell a well man a preparation to prevent his flesh from burning, but the ps mo-
ment to make a deal u'ould be just after he into the stove oven for a hot biscuit instead of the pan as his better half would have done. the history the opportun turn
Hich Gradc Stock and mixed crrl orr rpccidty.
All doorr nadc nortiee and tcoon"
Cepacity 10fi) Doon Daily.
There is not a day that passes in erage retail lumber ddaler, but such The dealer who is prepared to see, opportunities, is the one who gets Talk service, and FURNISH service to talk, and you won't find it necessary to advertise in order to sell your,goods. Quality, sen'ice tion, backed up by your quickness to see the materials, have got price slashing beat to death getters.
realize, and the gravy.
reached out grasp
h, leaving
Enters a handsome young man."Do you auto accessories here?" he asked. The little her srveetest. "Only me," she replied.-Good
avuP. his up your ut prices satisfacfor your business smiled ware.
With the closing of the case before Commissioner Lewis Interstate Conimerce Commission Docket No' 15684e effort to obtain something like favorable rates from rs Angeles Harbor to the inierior of California and also rizona" inaugurated in I. C. C. Docket No. 153O3 and R. C. Casei Nos. 1951 and' 1973 now rests with the two rmmissions having jurisdiction.
I- C. C. Docket No. tSfOl and C. R. C- Case No' 1951 ere initiated by complaint of the Los -{n.g-eles^ Lumber :oducts Compiny vs-. The Southern Pacific-Company' R. C. case N". iqZS is entitled the Madera Sugar Pine )mpany et al vs. the Minarets & Western-Railway Com."y et lt and was combined with C. R' C. No' 1951 as the ;u'es involved were the same. These three cases cover the rli{ornia movement. I. C. C. Docket No. 15684 was ;ainst the interstate movement to Arizona.
The complaints alleged unreas,onable- rates out of Los ngeles Harbor to all p'oints,involved-when compared rvith m'ilar service for.greater distance from other and com:tins points. The- Madera Sugar Pine Company et al akii'g'the same allegations for their mo-vemenl
For-instance. the ra-te on lumber from, Westrvood, Cali,rnia, to Sacramento, California, is now 14c for a distance i 317 miles with a haul over the Sierra Nevadas' The rte from the Harbor to San Bernardino--€S miles is l6lc rd the rate from Portland to Los Angeles-l123 miles is )c as against 45c from San Pedro to Phoenix, Arizonai0 miles.
decision as to rvho isright now rests with the and California Railroad Commissions.
Many interests were concerned and interver Oregon and Northern California l\fills noticeablyexhi-bits were introduced by both sides and it will edly take some considerable time for the Comm disest them and render decision.
fur. H. M. Wade of 'San Francisco and Mr. Hof Los Angeles represented the Complainants an mer Wesdake was attorney for the Southern F sisted by Mr. H. C. Hallmark and IlIr- A. A. Joht Gwyn H. Baker of San Francisco ap-peared for tl Sugar Pine Company and others. In- all there an"array of legalialent around the table and the undoubiedly, ivhen decided, result in what has desired by iumbermen, an official and equitable a of the rates in question.
Breaking all fornter records for time betrveen Colrrmbia -and San Diego Harborl the Tug "Ht arrived at that port on ihe morning of Augus-t 1' the third raft for the season for the Benson Lur pany's mill.
conna" towing r Com-
On the showing made by the complainants the Southern ".ifi.
favoied Northeln California and Orern mills as^agiinst the waterborne movement through San edro. Furth"er, it has curtailed distribution through the crt to a small aiea of what reasonably might be considered ; tributary to Los Angeles Harbor. I
The Souihern PacifiJ Company denies this and claims rtes out of the port in all-cases are reasonable' The
ll-ReY Booxo Boors ,[.-Rrv Loosr Lsrr BooE
l.Rrv SrersrsnT & Accouit Lrocrrg
X-Rev Srocr Rzcou Srstrrs.
X-Rrv lwoexrre.
Rrpro F:rs lhcgtx! Boorrsrrrrc I:ocag
Rrsro Fnr Prrnrorr. Irwrroet Svstrx*
Rerro Ftrp frorx:rc.
Rroruu Qurcx Rzrsnxcr Ner: Inor:.
Rroruu Snonr Accouxt Lmsr Lur I.lmsr!
I{rusxr Recr Izocrr Brxozrq
Aoyusro Trat Brxprrs.
This raft, 900 feet long, and containing about i feet of logs in addition to a deck load of app three milli,on lath ar:d shingles, rvill be followed ly bv tu'o more. one that left on the l5th, being the :'Sea l\fonarch" and the other to leave on tl
The "Humaconna" made a record trip, taking days to make the triP.
I-Xer Fcrrno Crrrrrr. - Sencsrm SuttrY CEECr -sor"lr.
SrrvriJs veurr Trocr & lzocnr Rrr
Srro. Trncrr, Corr rro Boors
Frrr.r lfrcsrir Dodrrtruo I]rsrl
Dorors Crrrs
Slr Drrosr Boxr -
ng V. Sclcoth SL TRrnrr 9f59
Srg, Srrrs. Fgtro Eovrrrrtr.
Sncrrs Rruo Burr B@r3
Srrcrer. Ios: Lsr Forxs. Crp lxprx SYsllrl & suPrLrt3
A3ocy: Brv City Lmbcr C,o'
A. J. WG.t Lubcr Co.
t. The r. Many ndoubtsions to iddiford Mr. El:ific, as)n. I\Ir. Madera as quito rses will ng been ustment )lves he lorve re million rximately nmediatetowed by : 25th. ut twelre
Old Commodore Vanderbilt once remarked that-"Any man who plays the United States short is a damn fool'"
That's the way we feel about California'
That's the way we were feeling three months ago when there was so much pessimistic talk flying around about Southern California and her "slump," and the "sad conditionof the lumber business" in California, etc'
So we used every issue of The California Lumber Merchant to pump common sense, and optimism, and sunshine, and TRUTH into these California folks.
It sort of tickled us to hear our "misplaced optimism" criticized; our lack of "economics" deplored, etc'
We had to get up on our hind legs several times to tear down fogs of pessimism that had been turned loose in our territoryby "experts" who knew just how many years it would be before California could "come back," etc'
We said, in these columns and orally, that the depression in Southern California was only temporary, and that she would be booming again in no time. We said that the lumber market had always swung back and forth, and that we would have a fine fall business.
Already both predictions have materialized' Everything is improving, financially, economically, industrially, and
MENTALLY. Already the pessimists arc pessimism; doubt is turning into faith; frowns i fears into new-found courage.
For there is nothing ttre matter witt She needed a "purgative." She got it. There is no to stop the tide of prosperity, coming this way- This a bad
year in many ways. The wavc of tourists, of workers, swung low.
It will swing bacL, and tte tide will bc the because of the "short" year. Nert winter will sec ln fine shape. Ncxt spring the tidc will swing as spring it swung low.
Tell that to your "cycle" sharps. Thc world iscoming to California- And Cdifornia has as much ever.
and as last ofrcr as then, since. in the marwonder-
The lumber markct hal dready turncd" our Predictions July First. Souttern Pine swung up just as we said. It has been swinging higher \f,festern lumber has followed, just as tte pond seeks its generd lcvel. Thc Cdifornia ket has taken a fine surge upward. Things fullybetter. Thc old gang is smiling again.
Prospects look great.
The Annual Picnic of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco and their invited guests was held on August 17 at the IIoo-IJoo Inn near eupertino in the beaut"iful Santa Clara Valley.
The afternoon was spent in outdoors sports which tvas featured bv a baseball game for the men-and a shoe race for the lades. At six o'ilock, the party which consisted of sixty-five, enjoyed an excellent dinner-lvhich was followed by dancing until late in the evening.
Mel Salomon and Fred Roth formed the general arrange- ment committee for the party. Richard C. jones and Hairy Corlett h-ad charge of the .iports u,hile Bbb Gehring had charge of the music. Eddie Brush and Ward Brori'n received. special commendation for their rvork in assisting the committee in making the affair such a great success.
Those who attended u'ere: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Saloman; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kerr; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I\{ood-v; I\{r. and Mrs. Chis. McFariane; Mr. and M-rs. I_{enry Bodie; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Elliott j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hart; Mr. and Mrs. Williim Rampe an<l party; _Mr, and_!{rs._lIenry Faull; Mr. and Mrs. J. b. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. N. M.- Hutchinson: Mr. and -Mrs. J_oh_nson; Hutchinson; and G. M. Buckley: I\f r. and Mrs. Ward Rrorvn : Mr. and
y; Ward Brou'n: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porn'ers; Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Syming.t""; ntr. a"a
Special Weber
Cast Steel Light rnd ExceptionaIIy Strong.
Alro Builderr of 2, 4 and 6 Wheel Trailerr WEBER AUTO AND TRAILER WORKS
15OS Santa Fe Ave. Lor Angeler
SPeciolt!: Old Groatth Ycllou Fir Clcus Southcra Rercrcntrtivc
ALPINE LBR. C0. '"'#s#v
Mrs. Sam Towle; Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Smith; Mr. and Mrs._ Joseph Rolando; Mr. and Mis. C. W. Jenne; Mr. 1gd Mr.s._Joseph. Bell and party; Eddie Sudden-and party; Mr. and Mrs. Edrvard Bruih; Hugh Mcphee; Otto Freesl i Bill Clarkson and partv; Bob Sudden and Richard C. Jones.
From the Oakland "Tribune.',
Fifteen homes under way since July 5, the day the company formally opened its 6uilding-loin service, is the contr.ib1ti.o.n of Matheny Bros. Lumber Co. to the development of Oakland and the Eastbay as it offects the small'home owner. And these are home that otherwise would not have been started. The "personal building service,' of Matheny Bros. made them possible.
. "We are highly gratified with the response of the small home owners to our special personal building service," said-Roy -Ma_theny, who with his brother, Harry-, own and conduct the Matheny Bros. Lumber Co. yard and buitding service at East Fouiteenth street and Twentv-fifth avenui "As we told the people when we opened, our idea is that
more people should own their own homes. The The question has been to arrange a plan which is fair to them and puts a nas Deen ro ar-rang'e whrch ts a home within their reach. We believe we have come niarest
to solving the problem of the man or woman of limited means who wants to own his or her own home. Combining the services of our building department with our buildin! materials department, aiding the home owner to check hii plans and.thus keep building.costs down, furnishing plans when desired, rve are able to give the small homJowner that service rn'hich he has long needed."
The Community Lumber Company, Merced Street, Baldn'in Park, is about to open for business.
"Everlastingtt Flardwood Flooring is manufacfirred under idealconditions by men who understa:nd fine woodworLing. ft is scientificdly kiln-dried, tongued and grooved with split-hair precision, and shipped in wire-bound, easily handled bundles.
R. M. Williamson, of Dallas, Texas, the nationally nown Platt Book Man, has been a visitor in Los Angeles rr the past ten days, and has entered into an arrangement .hereby the retail'lumber trade of California rvill-begiven *."tL.tit opportunity to see and use his plan service in the rture.
As a matter of fact \{r' Williamson's photographers have een photosraphing beautiful California homes for the past ii.L'y."t.-to^tttp[ly his plan books rvith nen' ideas, and ie laige majority'of his fromes are already built in Calirrnia.
Mr. Williamsonhas appointed the nes'ly organiztd Vesterr, Building Promoiers, of Los -Angeles,,.as sale,s sents for his entire plan service in California' 'I-hey wtll ?obably cover Arizona likewise. This concern is comosecl oi three voung men u'ho are.long.experiencedin ql-an oof. *"i.. work,-having been idenlified rvith The Naional Builders Bureau fJr years. The firm consists of .- i. p"o". Rex D. Westoni and L' P' Buckley' Their ffitev aie'at 527 I. W. Hellman Building, Los Angeles' lhey have been rvorking for.some tjqe on a plan, a.$vgrisine. an<l trade extensi6n se'rvice of their orvn to sell the ;"iilL";" Lumber trade, and they have simply added f\{r' Milliamson's line of Plan Books to their business, since ,n account of its particular character it does NOT conflict uitt ttte service rvhich they themselves rvill furnish the rade.
Mr. Williamson follorvs a unique line of Plan He furnishes no advertising or selling service of He simply creates modern and practical- plan t lumber dealers that are guaranteed absolutely c every detail, and he selts them outright in setr consists of a stifi-backed plan album, containing five pages, each page being of stifilinen, with-ar photogiaph of a home, and a floor. plan of attache' -the nime of the lumberman who purchases tl printed in gold on the front cover of the dbur complete sets of blue prints, one for each hon albuh. The album and blue prints are delivered all at one time, complete. Mr. Williamson em highest class of architects to make his plans, and guaranteed perfect.
The Williamson,plans are knorvn nationally. nishes the plans foi the Southern Pine Associal dealer service from which have been built abot homes. He likervise furnishes the plans for va eastern firms that promote home building-, among plan service of The Long-Bell Lumber Companl Cameron & Company, and others.He has a tr from a single retiil line yard concern that they I about 5,000 homes from his Plans.
Mr. Williamson is a lifelong lumberman' a ma means, who has been out of the lumber busines
.A'beralccn Lrnbcr & Shlnalc Co- Aber'leen' Wrsh' Amerlcrn Mlu co.' Aberdeen' wasn' fr;fii;;irimtlr'c ehlrglg co., Eoqulam' Warb' ei"-rpit lutll Co- Prosper' Ore' ft;"J'-.;;i^;;itir co-- Ravmond' vfash-' - l'i'r".'Tifi;= flJiE-Lo-r"r o6., south Bend'' wasb' i;1;-";i-ilttt co., Aberdeen' wash' ilwi;-futlt;-&-irht"t oe., south Bend' wash' i.-i.-ri-r. slrDsre Go- Sbuth Bend' W'ash'
Glo Arctic Club BIdg.
6th Floc-Hi
230 Califomi
Seatde San Fran'
Didributing Agentr for ClarL-Nickerron Lunbcr Co. Evcrctt, QYuh.
Dcmprey Lumbcr Co, Trcorne, Warh.
Dc6ancc L'nlsr Coo Tacomrr l\farh.
FcrrSr Bakcr Lumbcr Coo Evcrct! Wuh. Littlc Rivc Rcdwood Co, Hunboldt Bey.
Setice. ,ny kind. ooks for rrrect in . Aset twentyoriginal I thereto, .e set is ; and. 25 e in the and sold rloys the they are He furon retail r 1m,000 rious big them the , of Wm. stimonial ave built of large actively
Brootlyr natr.rl Ge16cl Crch ' Gntr Errbor Ctrrlar Ofdttclr.r Grtlcrhc lo. !'rddcr EaD Cld.icL.r Ytlltr Etr.
nd Blds.
9111) A. G. a Slrcct circo Lo Angclcr
. Opcradng Stcam
W. R. Chrnb.din' Jr. Der F. Hrdor
iiuy Hrdor Bcrtir Hrdol LOS
for a numlter of years, and has given all'of his time to the development of his plan service to help build more and better hornes. His son, Alex Williamson who is associated rvith him in the sale of his Plan Books, accompanied him to California.
The members of the \,Vestern Building promoters are !Stigl!:9. rvith the selling contract they -have made with Mr. Williamson and expecl to make this iervice well known in California.
Berkeley-contemplates revising its building laws so that the city will have a uniform law with San Fiancisco, Oak- land .and othel bay cities. City Manager Jno. N.'Eddy has directed Building Inspectoi gtanley Kbch and City Attorney Earl J. Sinclair to make a study of the Berkelev laws and to call in a local architect and -builder to confer 9"..t!." prgposed changes. At present Berkeley has a local building larv which a-cording io Building Inspector Koch conflict.
,.H9.""t blil$jng.this fall particularly in peninsula and Northern California interior- sections is the' prediction of Henry E, Tweed, mqnagel of the factory-cut products de- partment of the National Mill & Lumbir Co.- An unpre_ cedented number of inquiries has been received duiing the past month, according to Tweed.
Tilden Lumber & ]\,{ill Co. of Oakland has taken over the Oakdale Lumber Co. at Oakdale. The consideration is reported to be in the neighborhood of g25,000.00.
The Kellogg Lumber Company has opened offrces at 911 Central Building, Los Angeles, and will conduct a general wholesale business, specializing in California White and Sugar Pine, and Red Fir.
The Company, headed byMr. C. M. Kellogg, will also handle uppers in Douglas Fir, and they have a Redwood account. This department is being handled by Mr. C. J. Meilstrup, well known throughout Southern California, through his association with the Germain Lumber Company, at Los Angeles.
Mr. Kellogg, besides his California business, is largely interested in the hardwood game, and the Kellogg Lumber Company, of California, will handle hardwood lumber manufactured by the Panola Lumber & Manufacturing Company, Memphis, and the Kellogg Lumber Company, of Fondale, Louisiana. These two mills are manufacturing Southern Gum and Oak exclusively. Mr. Kellogg is president of both companies, and they are managed by his two brothers.
^ l{_o_-9t T. Hayr,r'ard Lumber Co. capitalized. at $150,- 000.00 has filed articles of incorporation at Santa Cruz. Directors are Homer T. IJayrvard. Maud A. Hayward, Arthur G. Hayward and C. H. Griffen, Jr.
The following anonynorrs letter was rcccived just rccently, and is reprintcd for the thought thet it conains. The nanc of the pub[cation originating thc editorid, (not ttc C' L- U.) is omittcd.
August I lth, 1924. comes in.
EDI'TOR, California Lumber lUerchant, Fay Building, Los Angeles, California.
Dear Sir:
A few days since a friend shorved me an article, printed in a recent issue of. .., headed"Unjust Claims."
This editorial was u'ritten purely from the standpoint of the wholesaler or the mill man, and indicated ihat when prices u'ere low and trade was dull, the average retiiler looked rvith more than justice in hi_s eye af everything that was delivered to him, and took every opportrrnity to make claim on grade and tally, rvhether same was justor not.
.lhe editorial was exceedingly well written, but to the writer's mind, confused badly "cause" and "effect."
It is undoubtedly true that rvhen conditions as described above prevail, there are more claims received bv mills and wholesalers than under other conditions, ULt ttris should not be laid to the immoralitv of the buyer, except that in during such periods the buyer miy have a greater opportunity to judge carefully the material he receives than rvhen his yard is exceedingly busy and material is moving out almost as fast as it
The rvriter of the editorial in question did not into consideration the fact that rvhen prices ar' Pnces are tremely lorv, the mill man is endeavoring to. cul cloth io fit his coat. He is using cheaper labo more anxious than he should be to get every cent he can out of the product of his logs, and in r cases, he is so anxious to get the money f"-t tht. ment, that he puts anything onto the car that resembles the items on the order so that he may somethins from the value of the goods.
The wiiter has had shingle man9fac-turers thJbecause they were sellin-g shingle-l-for much than the cost of production,-they deliberately t productton' they delrDeratety the shingles thinner and shorter thanthe G Rules allowed.
Takine it all and all the editorial is very unfa the retail trade. Lumber speaks for itself ; it is .oia i" sealed packages and at any time a,clai made there is ivery"opportunity tb judge fro stock itself rvhether or not it is what it purports
In iustice to the California retailer, will publiJh in an early issue the above version of bittr. case, evenif it Ue poorly presented?
Your very trulY'
For 13 years thir onpcny hlt bccn n*' ing truclrrr rcrmtain rtagpl city' ilcr city aDd drect nihray hrrrcr" ttr trrdo and burcr havc nr& good frm bggbg campr to thc [ghte* ddivcry rd&.
Buih by wedcrn ncn YfroLoow wcdcrn conditionr; thcy ut tuPcrior fd wor& rmder therc condition
The San Fernando Valley Lumbermens Club met at their regular monthly luncheon, at the Black Cat Cafe, San Fernando, on the night of Wednesday, August'13th.
The Club, formed just sixty days ago, is growing rapidly, .and now numbers twenty-six members, from seventeen Iards. The membership is taken from the yards located at San -Fernando, Owensmouth, Newhall, Van Nuys, Zelzah and Reseda. They provide for a membership for iwo repre- sentatives from each yard, and it is underitood will limit their membership to this district.
President Campbell called the meeting to order after an excellent dinner and called for a report from the Committee on_Arrangements for their first Annual Ladies Night.
This affair is scheduled for the evening of September 10th, at the Encino Country Club. Arran[ementj are be- ing ma_de_ for a -dinner and a ball, and it ii expected that this will be a highly enjoyed event.
After the reading of minutes of the former meeting, and
the disposal of other Club matte'rs, the President introfuced Mr. Jack Dionne, publisher of ,,The California Lumber Merchant."
Mr. Dionne talked to the members on .,Modern Merchandising." He dwelt on the possibilities in the Building Material Merchandising game, ]nd of the duties of the re"r tail lumberman toward hiscommunity.He said that it should be the acknowledged duty of ev-ery member present to see to it that his company made at least onb sale to every home owner in his district, at least once each year. Ho spoke of the necessity of the modern plan and Arihitectural Service that all up to date yards have installed, and of the non-competitive business that could be built up.
Mr. Dionne's talk was applauded by the mimbers, and he received the hearty thanks of the President with an invitation to "come again."
The Club meets regularly on the evening of the second Wednesday of each month.
Our20 years' expefience in eerving trade has proven the wisdom of our policy stocks on hand at the dock or in transit on northern lumber ports.
the California lumber of selling lumber from our own eteamers from delivery and of getting the finest quality by taking advantage of our lumber eervice. STEAMERS co. Guco Bldg, Portland
Las' time I pass me on de town, For mak de sport encore; I think for tak some back wit me So I go on radio store, An' I tell de feller back of bar I got de cash on han', For buy hees bes' gawdam machine Dat play de wireless ban'.
So me, I buy de fine machineCos'price of fifty quart, But I don' care for beeg exPense' So long I have de sPort
I pack heem up an' tak de boat, For pass on Haywire BaY'
An' tink bout lots of fun we have, Bedamme ! we'll make her PaY.
De boys at camp was mightY Please Wen dey see what I was bring; Dey work lak hal for feex her uP, An'mak de wireless sing.
'Bout nine o'clock we get her JakeAn' I turn on de juice; She geev wan yell lak Siwash Ann+ You tink she's on de loose.
"Dat's alright, mY fren," I saY, "She go better Pretty soon; It tak some tam for warm her uP
An' play de firs' class tune." I try again-for one minute
We hear fine iazzy !31'-
But den some feller sing a song, Bout "ain got no banan."
"De weather she has come mor'col"' Was nex thing dat we hear; An' "Bootleggaire on Bellingham Is pinch for selling beer."
Den once again we hear nice tune, But den-mojee ! batan !
Dat haywire punk keeP on hees song, Bout "ain got no banan."
Jeem cries ! Dat fellar mak me mad, Jus sure's I feel de'troot;
He spoil de music every tam, Wit hees bunch of dago fruit. So I get de axe from bull-cook An bus her slick an clean, Now he ain' got no yes-baban, An we got no machine.
(From a p Bulletin)
Every maker of a new fad food that comes {ong hac 16 tell us in specific terms just exactly how much lmore nourishment there is in each package of their dope,l than there is in a pound of beefsteak- Isn't it about timelthe lumber folks got out a little of this alleged-statistical regarding sawdust? How do we know? We r{ay be overlooking a fortune?
The time is coming when the beautiful you admire on the signboards you pass, will just as many beautiful home and other building as theynow have automobile, tobacco, and cream invitations to buy. complerion
"Capacity-ONE S\f,IEET UAUA-" "The tin you love to touch."
"This car has put many a good girl on her
When the weatter suits you not, When your coffee isn't hot, TRYSUILING
When your neighbors don't do TRYSUILING
When your relatives dl fight, Sure it's hard, but tten you mi TRYSUILING.
Doesn't change the things of JUST SUILING
But it cannot make ttem worse And it seems to help your case, JUST SUILING
Brightens up a gloomy place, Then it sort O' rests your face JUST SMTLTNG.
To garage man: "Joe, your doctot's out tirertt
Jo*"Diagnose the case as flatulcncy of and charge him accordingly. That's thc way
Added equipment now enables us to guarantee full shipments of Perfection Brand Oak Flooring upon receipt of order.
The demand for Perfection has increased so rapidly that for the past season we have been scarcelY able to keep up with this demand.
This growing popularity of Perfection can only be due to the Perfect matching, uniform grading,andour national advertising in the leading home magazines.
We have some attractive folders and a new beautifully illustrated book which we will supply for distribution among prospective home builders. Ask for samples and full information.
Pine Bluff, Arkanrar
(From GuU Coast Lumberman, August l5th)
With thc anaual mceting of Hoo-Hoo clorc et^ hrad' bt"t".i-Joor tbc -.-uo" in-all rcctionr ir slotittg bvoluc' fn Oc SoutE arrcll ar in thc Xlcrt thb bt rcrt L Delilcrtctl i" -*tir"-.ith til.clccdoa of e mcccsc to C. D' IG' Mastcr as Saart of thc Univctrc.
---S-i"; th-Da-" of aclr Woodhca4 of Bcstqlod' Tq4' hae bcco put forrard by hir fricod!' old cetr ld you+t ht: &-thr"tigh;,tt tlc Soith and Wcrt are enrr-gring thc--gtr and it is J:pectod tlet e rtrmg &l,cgati'oa Fl gD b -Ifi!niaooUJ-ncri nooth to lrcscot Eir namc to thc c@vcdi@'
---B"th th" Oioo"o pitti"ationr' T!9--qq[ Coert Luobcr-"o-ii-a EHE-cALIronxre -LUUBER rER9rrAN-T' navc alrcadv "ooot-"cd trcir spport of !rfr' woodhcad for thc honor ol gnidinc thc destincr of Hoo-Hoo DGtt ycar' -- C;;;ndE ia"l"cr frm Cdiforai+-that ltrb bar drcaaipractiJfuy-pt ag"a it$lti! fevc of Xr- Woodbcd ud ;u'dd a liniai dei[cslEon to thc covtotioa b hi. bGh.E lUit ati lootinr-to Ucttcrared Louiriane b bG -lcfc- scotid at thc annual ti6 biS dclcgatiolr in rupprt of ticir home candidatc.
---pa* S"ati of ttc Univcrrc Franf Trorcr' rto irc of thc leadinr lloo-Hoor ir Cstirclir" b8tt!.a elrtive part in pushhs- thc can<Edecy of Ir. Woodhca4 aad ottcr lcadinrmcmFrr of the cdcr lrc baeling hin sp.
- Therc ir no qucrtion but tbat ihc Sootb crn lend the tronor oi-a-ting ehc Beaunont naq if a cooccttd cfiort ir madc, bccausc frr. Woodhcad irlcll Lnorn in hdcr cbIti -dnrougtout thc couatry, ald ti$ rtc unitcd rqport o[ both tbc South and thc Wist, bclidc. rtcrumct of oany othet scctions, hil clcction tould bG arrulcdSncc Mr.' Woodbcad ir aot rccling thc bohc but b.l beca olaccd in thc nrnoins bv b fricoal+ itit W to'thc ncmbirs of ttc ordcr and ibc HeHoo cbb. bffu rcctio to give hi- tbcir hcartt lupport and crpccidly b gqt--but and scc that a fornldablc delcgation il lcnt to bcxircapolir convcation rrcrt rnonttl
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club met a! thei-r reC{lf weekly luncheoi at the Los Angeles Athletic Club on Friday, August lsth. There wala- vgT small attendancc, cauied Ui ttre attraction of the Golf Tournament staged at the Breniwood Country Club, on the same date.
C. S. Estes announced that a base ball team it Big Bear Lake had challenged theHoo Hoo team, and that they would likeagamiat the lake, in the near future' The matter was turned over to the team manager.
A resolution was passed, putting the Los Angeles Club on record as being in favor 6f Spo-kane, Washin4on being selected as the place for the 1925 Annual- A Committee was appointed, ind instructed to forward the resolution to Snark6f the Universe, C. D. Le Master.
It was announced that David Woodhead, of the Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles, and- paqt Vicegerant Snark of the Los Angeles District, would be proposed at Minneapolis, for electi,on to the Supreme Nine, to-represent California. A resolution uras pasJed, endorsing his candidacy.
Professor Smiley gave the fourth and last of his lectures on lumber. IJnfortunately the picture slide machine failed to function and the Professor was unable to show a series of views of California forests that would have been interesting. He answered numerous questions by the members' The Snark thanked him on behalf of the Club for the instructive talks.
An announcement was made in regard the Dinner Dance that was scheduled for that evening'
Remetfrberue ttto,nufacture both
ee and * inch boards
There are rnany different kinds of wall boards on the rnarkdt. Sorne of thern are good, sofile are indilferent and soltle of thern are very bad.
It is the verv bad ones that you should be warned against. The only virtue they have is the rrrice and this is not a virtue as you wiil so6n find out after t}re board has been up a short while.
Wtry not getthebest? It will prove econornical in the long nrn.
You can mske sure of getting wall board that will alwavs give cornplete satisfaction if you insist urr6n-Schurnacher V/all Board. Look for the drade-rnark on every piece you buy.
Schumacher Wall Board is a totally different kindofwall board. Its manufacture is protected byU. S. patents, and it is backed by the narne of a retrrutable rnanufactrrref,.
Accept nosubstitutes for this superior wall board. Your carpentef, or builder or lurnber dealer will tell youabout Schumacher Wall Board.
Scftum acher stands for quality in materiol and seraice
We adaertise for the Lumber Dealer
We operate a fleet of truchs to insure prompt deliuery
Will select condidate for recommendation to State Councellor who zpitl make fitnl oppointment.
The I-os Angeles District Hoo Hoo will vote for their choice for Vicegerant at the luncheon at the Los Angeles Athletic Club on Friday September 5th.
At the rveekly meeting on August 22nd,, nominations were taken from the floor, three for Snark, and from one to three for the other eight offices making up the Nine. It rvas decided that the Standing Committees would be appointed by the Nine, and a resolution was passed that all men before being eligible for candidacy should be a member of Hoo Hoo for at least one year.
The three men nominated, one of whom will be chosen and recommended to the State Councellor, are:
C. J. Laughlin, manager for the Long Bell Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
Befne S. Barker, of the Pacific Ready Cut Homes Co., Los Angeles.
Phil B.Hart, I\{anaging Editor, "The California Lumber Ilerchant.
It is a good ticket.
Mr. Laughlin, hailed as "Clint" by everyone, is one of the most popular of the Southern California boys. He is about thrrty-live years old, has been a lumberman for a good percentage of the time, has a dignity that would grace the position, as lvell as a reputation for having a keen mind and a ready rvit that would give Hoo Hoo a great leader.
Berne S. Barker, one of the heads of the Pacific Ready Cut Homes, Inc., is equally well fitted to handle the job. He is a well known gentleman with a fine personality, has done great service for the grder in his faithful committee work, and rvould no doubt make' a good Snark.
PhilHart, the third candidate, has been in the lumber game in Southern Califot'nia for fifteen years. For the past year and a half he has been Managing Editor of "The California Lumber Merchant, and prior to that rvas Sales Manager forthe Woodhead Lumber Company, Los Angeles.He enjoys the acquaintance of a great number of Southern California lumbermen, has been in the order for a number of years, and has been prominently identified in the order, through his having served as Senior Hoo Hoo under Curtis Williams, and through his serving on various committees for the past three years.
After a conference rvith Snark of the lJniverse LeMaster, at Santa Cruz, Vicegerant Rosenberg has changed the original plans for the'election of the other officers,. Instead of balloting for a selection for each position, it will be the duty of the newly elected Snark to appoint the members of his Nine, and it will be recom,mended that he make his
selections from the list nominated at this meeting. Nominations for the place were mado as follows:
For Senior Hoo Hoo:
F. M. Coanolly, Woodhcad Lumbct Co.
C. S. Estcs, J. O. Means Co.
For Junior Hoo Hoo:
B. W. Bookctaver, UcCullough Fagan Luobcr C,o.
H. V. Ilarrsoq Cdifcnie Pand & Vcoccr Co.
A. L. Hoovcr, A. L. Hoovcr Co.
F. W. Wilso4 Ucycr & Hodgc.
For Bojum:
J. A. Tho-"r, C,oos Bay Lr'-bcr Co.
G. F. Tully, A- W. Sutdth Luober Co.
C. J. Bemis, Benir & Cman
For Arcanopcr:
T. E. Lawrencq Eert-Wood Lumba Co.
Clifi Bergstrom, McDoaald & Hardnglon
T. W. Jacobs, Lurnbcrmcn's Rcciprocal I
For Custocationi
T. _W. Jacots, Rcci!'roal Asocietioo.
M. G. Coe, Woodhcad Luobcr Co.
For Scrivcnotcr:
W. B. Wickcrshan, Chas..R tcCotlicl & Co.
Harvey Bowlee, Long-Bell Lunbcr Co.
For Gurdon:
F. A. Dcrnicr, Lrunbcrmen-r Scrvicc Asloci.lti@-
N. H. Parsons, Ganahl Lunbcr Co
Earl.Hoffman, $}lloffman Co.
rror JaDDCrwocE: -
B. W. Byrne, Wcstci Hardrood Luobct Co.
J. J. RcA \fif. f,. Qhanhcdin Qe.
J. L. Hodge, Ucyer & HodSGFor Treasurcr:
Milton Mctder, Miller Bor & Lunbcr @. Wiffrcd Coopcr, Wi[rcd Coopcr Lumbcr Co.
J. C. Ellis, Santa Fc Lunbcr Co.
Ballots will be mailed to every Hoo Hoo member in the Los Angeles District, about August 28th, with instructions to check the name chosen and to either bring marked ballot to the September 5th meeting, or to mail to the Scrivenoter, prior to that date.
The announcements for the nomination meeting were gotten up in a clever rvay, and excited much cqrrrmenL They read as follorvs:
All Officrn tor !G rlf fr Eh:tl It Brllo,t PRIMARIES, AUGUST 22Dd Blue Room, Loc Ansclcr Athlaic Club 12:fl1 Noon
6lvir Colldr Bolrtrr
Johr Drvir Hst
Robcrt lrFollottc Hrnro
l-co Tntrky Brrtc
Western RedCedar Poles, and Fir
In the last Hoo-Hoo "Bulletin." Henrv Isherwood said:
"It is my purpose here to call to your attention the very important matter of paying your 1925 dues promptly. They are now due. You can readily see the importance of prompt payment of dues to the general welfare of the Order. The activities throughout our broad domain necessarily cost money. Anything worth while does. When dues are paid promptly International Headquarters and officers in the various districts are free to devote their full efforts to promoting these activities.
q'That of course, is highly important.But the principal reason why you should pay promptly if to safeguard your pprsonal interests in the work of Hoo-Hoo. If you are delinquent the $100.00 death benefit payable to your beneficiary automatically is suspended and is not reinstated until 60 days after delinquent dues have been received at the fnternational Office."
For the thirty-third time Great Hoo-Hoo has sounded the call to his sons of the North, the South, the East and the West to mobilize under the banners of Friendship, Confidence and Education.
"On to Minneapolis-September 8, 9 and 10" is more than a mere convention slogan. It is an invitation to the lumber industry of the rvorld to assemble under the frqternal influence of Hoo-Hoo, and to rveldfrom its best thought a program dedicated to friendly co-operation within the industry and sterling service to the public.
It is with keen pleasure that I add to the call of Great Hoo-Hoo my personal invitation, as Snark of the lJniverse, to lumbermen throughout the world, regardless of whether they are members of the Order, to join with us in this most important meeting. Those who cannot join us in Minneapolis may do their bit by offering suggestions to the Secretary-Treasurer for the betterment of Hoo-Hoo.
Hoo-Hoo has enjoyed in the past year a tremendous membership growth. Zest has been given to its very activity by the unquenchable spirit and loyalty of its sons. The road lies straight ahead toward greater achievements for the industry and the public it serves. Let's take it.
C. D. Le Master.J. M. Brown, president of the Long Lake Lumber Company and one of the outstanding Western Hoo-Hoo, was elected president of the Spokane, Wash. Hoo-Hoo Club at the Annual meeting.He succeeds that most ardent and energetic Ffoo-Hoo, R. L. Bayne, u'ho served as president of the club for a year and at the same time very ably attended to the duti-es of Vicegerent Snark.
Charles Platt,an important cog in the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company organization, was named vice-president; E. R. Edgerton, secretary, and R. B. Canfield, Advance Lumber Company, treasurer. The directors are: W. G. Ramshaw, Ramshaw Lumber Company; L. C. Carr, Western Pine Manufacturing Company; C. D. Fludson, Exchange Lumber Company; H. L. Masterson, National Builders' Bureau, andC. A. Weiss, Central Warehouse Lumber Company.
Vicegerent Bayne was renominated for that post, and Andrew McCuiag was approved as an ideal man for the Supreme Ninefrom the Northwest. His name will be proposed to the Annual.
Spokane is determined to land the 7925 Annual of Hog- IIoo, and the newly elected president. indicated in a brief speech that he will continue the aggressive pace set by his predecessor in endeavoring to accomplish this. H-e urged the sending of a strong delegation to Minneapolis.
Whereby these tluee huetling young Plan Book rpecialirtc are now the Sals Agcntr fc all the Wi[ia-"on Plan Book Service in the State of Cdifornia, and they ere drudy out among t{re lumber trade displaying tfiie very practical and at'lractive rewicc. They will be slad to tell and show you about it'
Several Times in Each Year
There is hsued an Entirely New Set Each Consisting of
l2Y+ bv 85/a h rize, bound in handsome gtifi backed covq, witt deaterr narne emboued in gotd letten---on fnont- contdning 25 photoeraphe and 25 foor planr of beautiful-li"-"", -"u ;E;I'p["t"gr"Jr" il;fu pracically and ettractively on linen.
One for each picture and plan in. the book the bluc printr guaranteed to be abrolutely pcrfect, and m,adc by the higf,G.t
clar of architecte.
'Y'r Fs'ev" us rrr :
There are 3O of theee PIen Book retr already on the market. The latect ir romething nsw, an
(Ark about thic new one particularly-ittr a wonder.)
The Brentwcjod Country Club, Santa Monica, was the scene of avery successful and- delightful Dinner Dance' tt"fJ-Uv the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club, on the evening of Friday, August 15th. --O""-ftiritaret and twelve members, with their wives and U.J-Sitls, lined up at the tables at seven thirty' Th." aitttt.? that followid *as up to grade -in every respect' fr.i"ta"a by the clever menu reproduced herewith'
Dinner Dance
Fridav,-4,ueust lsth' 1924
Fruit Cocktail a la Rosenberg
Celery 5%" Stile Assorted Nuts S4S. 2nd Growth Olives Poached Halibut, Duglere, Ship's Tackle Re-sawn Chicken, CountrY StYle Green Peas, f"li CJ""i---'nitl"le-Potatoes' I(iln-Dried -"-'H;;;td of' Lettuce, Thousand Island, -Green Stock countrv aa"t-*, :X"ft'h Jto-o*' "'"t" Cafe, SaP
Harrv V. (Veneer) Hanson, of the California Panel & V;;;l Company, Los Angelesr Yls the Master of Cere;;;i;;, a"d i. did ..t.ty good job in keeP-ing the ball rolli"g a"ii"g the meal. Tliere was a-splendid orchestra' some lr.-rr, *ooi singers, and, after the dinner, there was no slackeniie"in the Jpeed of the dancing and fun' -"Fr-".t iVit,i. of Patten & Dai'ies, Los Angeles, was in charge of the entertainment' - eU-""i twenty-five of the boys had played golf in the
afternoon, in an eighteen hole !!ght-!o1 three prizes that ttrJ U."" furnished"bl' the Hoo-Hoo Club' E' D' Tennant; .iin"tlr nttg"t"t Dittti.t Lumbermen's Club, was giv.el ;;.'h;J;;"i the lowest net score; Rav Thro-litjl
L. H. Iv6s & Company, Los Angeles- came in second' anc L'4.'Di;;";, pubtlish6i of "The"California Lumber MerLhant" came in third. ---fi""f.
"ppointed Dave Woodhead, Bob Forgie.and Jack f)ionne as-judges in the dancing contest that touowec' - About tri*/ couples lined up for the bell, were put th;;;;h .rl- .ir itt.i" p"..t in the. fox-trot, one-step and ii*rtrl ""a after mucli debate and discussion among the j;&;!,-;td.+ i""ia*t?lly, bv tlr:ir wives, the -prize for ih"'t.rt couple .u.. gi"6" t6 Miss B.row1 and Mr' De iVltr n..a"r,'of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company' Tack Dionne tilas again impressed into service to call a "dJ-t"""ri' d"n.". "Ttre paie was fast and furious' Daniing continued until rnidnight-'.
H;;;t ft""ror, *"" itt. C!a-iqm1g,-Frank. Wise in charle of the entirtainment, "Red" McAlpine took.c.ale of the i'ublicitv and the ticket selling, ang twenty or thrrty of the 6ther boys helped out in q-aking this one of the ntcest ;fi;it. -ttt"t I-"t Angeles Hoo-Hoo has had'
It has been reported that V. & E' Townsend,, formerly "i-itr"-Litrned Lumber Company, at Seattle, have pur;;;e Tti. p.. B. Cook Lumber- Companv, at llermosa Beach.
Kalama. Wosh. Brand Sfiingles 5/f ;;-6i'; PrnPEcrs (oo/o cte-' too%o V.C. m Sq) Greqt or K. D. also *A* ad cleos.
"BRIDAL VEIL" CLEARS Soft okl Crovth YeIIov Fb Flnirh, Floorirg, Cciling ud Sidiry in Srrrirht or Mircd 6n
Wcll eeeorted ttoc'rr rt our Lor Angclcr Yird or dircct carloed rhiP' mentr from mill.
MORRILL & STURGEON LBR CO. 1117 Ycoa Building Pctbn4 Orc.
Pronpt rttcntion Sivcn dl ordcr rnd iaquiricr.
-_ Delegations from all sections of the great domain of Hoo-Hoo are prepartng- f."r the move io l,fi"n""pofiq Il[1nn., for the Tniity-tEird Annual meeting of the O'ra;;: -Special cars are biing made up in many sictions. M;;; of these, "^9Ting from.i-he Southi "?,J p"rt,*ili.f,i'_ prge aj.ltricago in time to embark on special cars of the rwrn urtres Limited. of the.Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, Saturoay evenlng, september d"
, The Chic?g:o, Mihvaukee & St. paut is the official road gqtryeeT L. hicago and Minneapolis. The Twin Cities Llmlted wlil leave Chicag^o at 8:15 p.m" Saturday and will arrive at l\{inneapolis at 1-0:05 a.m. Surrary. fnJ St. Loui, delegatron rvill depart in special car orrer the Chicago & Alton at 12:15 Saturda1,""a *ilt;.h; i; ai;l;;?; ; /:5U p.m., boarding the Twin Cities Limited there.
The official road from the South is the Illinois Central, f$-l *ill carry..1nlny delegations, some i" .p*;"i-""r"l *anJ ot these-will join the Hoo_Hoo of other iections on tne nnal lap of the journey, at Chicago.
__The officers and directors of the Coos Bay, Ore., Hoo_ Hoo Club "did their stufi', so .f."tu"iiv during the oast year that they were le_elected unanimorisly "iti"-""ir"i .l"flj9","lugust 8, 't ryotelNg;th ii;;;; N'orirr C;;;;-b;;: r ne omcers reelected were: A. lI. powers, president; W. W. Stout, vice-president, and F;k a. n"ri,.. .".r.d"i"_ treasurer. The directors are: A. H. powers, W. W.-ai;;t, B, B. Ostlind, Andy_ p. Davis "na ff.nry j. Leaf. Vi""j gerent snark A. T.-Lagerstrom -""i".o*-ended for re- appointment as Vicegeient Snark.
Exclusive representatives in Southern California, Arizona, NewMexico.and Texas for the HutchinsonLumberCompany, Oroville, Cal.
Manufacturers of White and Sugar Pine, and Douglas Fir.
We handle all varieties of lumber manufactured by this splendid mill.
Our officea are located at 330 Chapman Building, Los Angeler Phone VAndike 4gl2
A FTbl, -Ceiling, Floor-ing, Mouldingr, Commonr, etc., from reveral of the most reliable milrr in oregon and warhington. Alro Redwood from Humboldt co.ntv 'ritt",-ii"rl.Jliiip- mentr with Oregon Pine if derired. CARGO
_Eve-ry.thing_ in _Fir and Redwood for prompt ahiprrent to San Pedro, Redondo or San Diego.
har iust anivcd at Lo AD' gelee llarbor from qrr mitls in the Islands.
Check up on ydrr nccdt. We can make pronpt dc' liveriee in carload lotr at rurpriringlY low Pricer
We are direct imPortcre of dl Philippine Hardwoodr -for furniture and cabinet work, interiu tdnr ruht doon, etc. ShiPmcntr arc coming forward at fre' quent interwalr.
If you ere not famitiar with all the rnany utet to which there beautiful hardwoodr are adaptable, write fc a copy of our free booklet
"Philippine Hardwodr and Thcir IJtc.." Pricc.t deliveriel and other infor' mation gladly furdrhcd-
(From the "Rodeo," Rotary Club Magazine)
Fred Kellcy, authoq-of numerrus books on'business subjects, recently ofrercd a prize for thc worst busincss letter. Hcre ii the one that took the prize:
This is to acknowledge your kind favor of the 31st ult. and note your rcferencc to our ad.
Wc beg herein-to hand_you our catalog, together with price list, embracing a line of Brief Cases and Portfolios, * !V^e beg herein to hand you also a circular showing a line of Snet L;ascs that do not apDear in the catalos.
W_e are pleased to name you a discouni of 50 per cent trade rrom thosc pnces.
.- $gbj.qt -to -the following terma, nanelyz 2 pr cent for cash rf pllq strictly in 10- days from datc of inrroice' oi 30 days net _- We also. note that you are intercsted in-the travciing goods line and we lieg hercin t6 hand you our ""t t"s. emOracinc-a -site; Irne of Travcl;ng Bags, such as Club, Kit, Glaiistone and Suit Case Etyle!,_ each number of dependable quality.
We arc qilgascd to name you 4d pcr cent disocunt from thesc prrceq and subiect to our regular terms a8 above citcd.
W_e believc if you are inlerested in securing cithcr a nice line of Po'rtfolios- or, Travcling Bags, that you will-be able to make a corrrect selection of your requircments.
Awaiting your further kind favors, we remain Yours truly,
Note thc number of palavering words. A translation of the prizc__letter into_ simpler l,anguage might bc somewhit as toilowi: \il/e-are sending-you our catilogs,-circular and price lists show- ing brief cases, portfolios and traveling bags. Our-terms are 2 per cent for cash rrithin ten 4ays after invoicg or thirty days net, Lesides 50 pcr cen't tr_?de discount on brief cases or'po*iotios,'a"t 40 per ccnt on travcling bags.
Mr. Chester McReynolds, of Blue Lake, has purchased 'the Fernwood sawmill from the Austin Lumber Co*patry, is installing machinery, and in a short time will be cultting the fir logs that are stored atthismill, which is located near Bald Mountain.
The Albion Lumber
"tor"a all its property, comprising the lands on the Albion and Navarro Ri"ers an<i their tributa4gs, to camping and hunting for the balance of the season. This step was taken in ordei to protect the redwood timber holdings of the company from'destruction by hre.
The 1924 Membership Roster of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club hasJust been sent out from the office of their- very efficient and popular secretary, Mr. I. E. Brink, of Chico.
The Roster, ve_ry well arranged, and in an attractive gray cover, contains the names of seventy one lumber complny members in twelve counties, and also the names ofthirtv seven wholesaler members, mostly at San Francisco anl Oakland.
L.H. Chapman, of Sacrarnento, is President of the Club this year, and Mr. Brink is Secretary
Mr. H. M. Van Houten, manager of the Hammond Lumber Company yard at Brawley, has returned from a several weeks vacation trip through the Northwest.
A proper understanding of your business is a prime essential; a definite aim at that rvhich you desire to lccomplish, brings quick returns; an intelligent equipment for furnishing service to your trade, is indispensable; but on top of this, and the other fundamentals that go to make a successful retail lumber business, comes the necessity for the elimination of SCATTERATION and the securing of CONCENTRATION.
The golfer may have "form," skill, power, and various ability to demonstrate golfing, but if he cannot "keep his eye on the ball," rvhich means CONCENTRATION, the other assets will prove useless to him.
The baseball player may have youth, speed, experience, strength, and skill, but if he cannot CONCENTRATE on his game, he will soon lose out.
The attorney may have mental equipment galore, thorough schooling in law, the Power of oratory and persuasion, but if he cannot CONCENTRATE on the points at issue, he u'ill be more or less of a failure.
And so on throughout the list of wordly accomplishments that require mental activity. Genius will not prove useful unless backed by efficiency, and efficiency cannot be obtained without power of concentration.
And the lumber dealer of the modern sort, who aims to become a success as a building specialist, the BUILDING AUTHORITY of his torvn, needs the art of CONCENTRATION as much as any other man.
Look yourself over, Mr. Lilmber Dealer, Take stock of yourself."Frisk yourself" as the slang phrase goes, and see rvhich you are developing-SCATTERATION or CONCENTRATION.
At the regular luncheon of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco held at the Palace Hotel on August ll, Mr.J. C. Kerr u'as admitted as a new member- Mr. Kerr is well known among the lumber fraternity of the Bay District and is associated with the Acme Lumber Co' of San Francisco.
'Bart Macomber, of F. B. Macomber & Son, San Francisco, is on ari extended business tripin the east where he is calling on the lumber trade of the Atlantic Coast and Middle West. He has arranged his itinerary so as to attend the Hoo-Hoo Annual at Minneapolis. He plans to return to San Francisco around the middle of September'
Bill Rampe, manager of the San Francisco retail yard of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co., has returned to the Bay District after spending an enjoyable two weeks' vacation touring through the Northwest. He visited Portland, Seattle, .rrd V"n"ouver, B. C., and also made the trip to Mount Ranier and over the scenic Columbia River Highway' He was accompanied by Mrs- Rampe on the triP'
If delayed stock makes you rervous-T"y our right-now t'sudden
It will tickle you to death--
Almost take away your breath--
Herets your lumber--needntt wait-Call us quick before too late.
The follouittg interesting item aPp*rs ttithont cost' ment ln the t*st bulletin- of the Red Cedor Shingh Bureau:
"The sheet steel industry is planning a three year campaign involving an expenditure of over $I,ffi,ffi, to incriase uses of sheet steel and regain markets lost to other products. One of the chief aims is to preseht benefiis of galvanized sheets-for roo6ng.It is claimed the sheet steel industry has sustained a loss of $1,o0o,0m of galvanized sheet steel sales annually by-advances iade by other firms of roofing widelv advertised." '
I. E. Atkinson. formerlv assistant to Ed. Garland in tbc Sa'n Francitco oifice of tlre Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., is now representing the company in the Peninsula and Sonom" atidMariri County t-rritory. "Jimmie," as he is best knorvn to the lumber-trade, has been associated with the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. for several years and his rvork with the company also includes a year sPent at the companv's large luinbei'operations at St. Heleas, Oregon. "ji--i." is- extremelY fopular with the lumber tradi of hjotth.rn California in-d his many friends are u'ishing him success rvith his nerv work.
Mr. G-eorge M. Janeway, proprietor of the Janevay Lumber Compaiy, Belleflowir,- has announced thathis conpanv wili stirt construction immediately on a new Plant' to riplace the one destroyed by fire, early in August' Thi loss suffered in the recent confagration was in tbe neighborhood of $So,ffi.
The man who rvhisPers down aoreu
Abbut the goods he has to sell Wontreaplhe golden gleaming dollars
Like the one who tree .t . climbs And HOLLERS.
One of the standing jokes of the South is, of course, the hardness of the colored "haid," and hundreds of stories are told to illustrate the fact that the one place to hit a darkey where you can't hurt him, is on the cranium.
One of the old classics concerns Rufe Johnson, who came down the street with both feet in bandages, and a most woebegone look on his face. He meets Mose Brown on the corner, and Mose stops to inquire:
"Rufe, what in de worl is de mattah wid yo' feet? Did you get run ovah by sumpin ?"
Rufe stopped his moaning long enough to explain:
"Ah waz standin down yondeh on hat ha'd sidewalk in mah bare feet, an along comes Andy Strong an hit me
The service records of all the officers and directors of The Long-Bell Lumber Company, is one of the very interesting features of the current l,og of l-ong-Bell. Each ofificial's
9m Hfe Blds. San Francisco Phone Dug. 3415
Send your lnquitlel to ur or to our Southcnr California rcprcscntatives:
Manh-Strong Building, Lor Angelcr Phone TRinity 9667
ovah de haid with a fence post. De doctah says mah ankles is wrenched. Ah waz lucky tho, cause de club but de fust time he hits me. De doctah says if'n he'd a hit me cross de haid one mo time he'd a jest broke down mah insteps. Mah feet always waz tendah."
Then there is the old classic about the nigger who was just as tough, but on the reverse end. FIe was standing alongside a hot bonfire one night, bare footed, when someone said to him:
"Sambo, pick yo feet up boy. Doan you know you got one foot on a big, red-hot coal?"
"Sho nuff?" replied Sambo interestedly, "which foot?"
rccorcl is briefly related. The article is reprirtted from a book receutly issued b;" the company entitled "Long-I3ell I-umLrer Operations in the Pacific Northwest." The Log is devoted largely to the nsrr' lqno-Bell operations at Longvierv. Washington.
Catholic school erected in 1870
E IFTY-THREE yearr aso l' built this Catholic school C-alifornia. It is now being Redwood lumbcr it containe.
Father Henncberry for boye at Alton, torr.down for the
Scientific ldln drying pnescrres within our productr natureta sturdy and beautiful qualitiec, while
Modern machinery and filted human effort iurtifies ow slogan
ttlf Itts Bradleyts ltts
Furniture Stock in Setr CUT TO SIZE Redy to A.csemble
Flat Surfaces Hardwood Trim Sanded BRADTEY
C. nil" ClErk, Reprercntative Loe Angdce Chicago Lumber C-o. of Warh. San Fnncirco
At the Directors meeting held at Santa Cruz on Saturday, August 23rd,, it was decided to hold the Annual Meeting of the State Retail Association, somervhere in the Southern part of the state, probably Los Angeles. The time and location of the meeting rvas left for action by the Executive Board. The Annual rvill be held sometime in November.
The meeting, rvhich was s'ell attended, rvas held after the sessions of the Milhvork Institute of California Convention.
'Spokane, Wash. Aug. 17, 1924. California Lumber l\[erchant, Fay Building, Los Angeles, Calif.
Gentlemen: The 22nd, Annual Institute of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held at the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, \Vash., February l8th, 19th and 2oth, 1925.
Yours very trull'.
A. L. PORTER. ALP-I\IK.(F ro n " The H eod S azuj' hotse organ, Bloedcl-D onotton Lvmber Mills.) THE
The Diamond B brand rvill go on a nevt' product in the very near future,-British Columbia shingles, for the Shell Shingle l\'fill at South Vancouver has been purchased by Bloedel, Stewart & Welch of Vancouver of rvhich Mr. J. H. Bloedel is the president. The large clear, edge-grain, British Columbia have long ago established a good name in the American market, and especially in the past ferv years when they have been allorved to enter the United States duty free.
The nerv mill is one of the largest in the Pacific Northwest with twenty-two upright machines and is said to be the most modern and best equipped mill in the district. About fifty men will be employed and it is expected some of these will come from Bellingham where the shingle mills have been dorvn for some time.
Although the mill will be operated by Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, the shingles will be sold through the sales force of the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills and will bear the Diamond B Brand. This rvill mean that about a million shingles a day will be sold on the American market from this new mill. With the large capacity of the mill, cargo orders which are usually of good size may be cut and shipped on very short notice.
When business is good, and when every hour brings to the door of the lumber merchant people seeking stock, or bids, or both and you don't have to go outside your own door to keep busy selling building materials-those are the times when Mr. Pip often feels that he is just as well off as Mr. Pep, and even Mr. Pep himself wonders if his merchandising efforts and expenses are hot overdone.
But in times like the present, when no one is spending money easily, when no one is building except those who actually need buildings and need them RIGHT NOW, when the trade that "drops in" to buy has become a very small trade indeed,-THESE are the times when a knowledge of merchandising becomes a blessing, indeed.
For what can Mr. Pip do, when people stop coming to buy of their own accord? ffe doesn't advertise, doesn't solicit, doesn't go out in the highways and the byways to CREATE business by developing building NEEDS. The PRICE route is Mr. Pip's route-the only one he believes in,or knows how to travel.
But not so with Mr. Pep. When drop in trade gets slow, Mr. Pep begins dropping OUT withall his spare time, to see what he can PROMOTE in the line of building action.
He KNOWS that there are hundreds of homes in his town that need things of a building character. if he can
just discover and develop those needs, and bring them to life in the shape of orders.
He gets the old notebook out, and the old Lizzie, and, goes to looking over his trade territory. His eye notes the paint on every building, the roof on every house, the condition of the barns and other buildings, the fences, the screens, the paint, the walks-everything in factthat is made out of the materials he carries in stocks. or that could be improved, or beautified or protected by his stocks plus his service.
And when he discovers an apparent NEED, he checks up to see who it is that owns the place. And if the fellow who is the owner is even partly all right, the potential prospect has been discovered.
Because Mr. Pep turns to the PASSIVE prospect when busine-ss gets slow. And a PASSM prospect means nothing to Mr. Pip. For the PASSIVE prospect is the man who NEEDS building. material and can afford bui'lding material, but has not arrived at the point of deciding on the building thing which represents that need.
Don't say this idea is airy. It is being successfully followed by many hundreds of live building merchants the country over.
(Continued on Page 42)
In Forty-nine men snapped home tier, sold their last possersion, racrificed everything they owned or wished for, to plod weary thousands of miles through dust and storm toward gold that, perhapa, they never reached.
The Trail of Ninety-eight, Chilhoot Pass with the dead men along the way, ongr more cried to the world men's passion for porsession of this thing that would bring comfort and assurance to their lives.
If the nrark of HDE was emblazoned in gold on every piece of lumber we make, it might add an intrinsic and momenta4r value to that bit of lumberr. but neither gold nor further viork of man can make it better ruited to itg purpore.
(Continued from Page 45)
"Give me all the business that is pASSIVE in a town, and f will make more money than on all theACTIVE prospects that I can sell," said a great lumber merchant to me one day. And he had often proven to his own satisfaction that this is true.
For the fellow that knows he wants to buy, and is out to buy, is going to buy to what he considers the best financial advantage, and as closely as possible.
But the man who sits in his office and is shown a sample of a roof thatis being offered him, laid satisfactorily on his house for so many dollars, gross, doesn't go out looking for prices. If the price of the finished, delivered producl seems reasonable to him, the sale is closed.
You ahd f and every other man is ready and willing to
pay a premium for service, and for ideas, but not for raw materials. Mr. Pep sells ideas and service, while Mr. pip sells building materials that people come in after.
Mr. Pep's slogan is: "Get out,'get busy, create, construct, do the building thinking for your town, sell them building things they hadn't even thought of, and give them the building service."
And these are thekind of times when every creative effort is necessary to bring in business. '
Slow times are just invitations to real men to get busy. Mr. Pip foats with the tide. When the tide stops, he stops.
Mr. Pep goes after his objective regardless of the tide. Ife does it by WORKING and MERCHANDISING. They are the two sovereign remedies.
and. the usual shipment to San Francisco, oaklan<I, san
- Pedro and San Diego'
Australia was the largest buyer of lumber from port- USE NEW prrOrvB
land, Ore., in. June, total shipments to that -country being Meehan-Davis-Crown Company, Los Angeles manufac_ more than 7,000,m0 feet, rvhile shipments to Japan imount"- turers and wholesale distributo*'diit. famous ,,Superior,, ed to a little more than 5,000,000-feet and ihose to china nrJr.r"riry9;k;;-h;"e fad a change in their phone, and to about 4,000,000 feet. Domestic lumber.shipments for want the wide wide world to know about it. the month afnounted to 19,183,000 feet, rvith a value of .This chang.,9"!-;."g.since theii t..iaJ.,re.Urement telling $415'137' This is a little less than the, but much of the merit!;iih;;r product, has caused some inconveni- more than for the same month in 1923. Shipments to New ence, and it is their desire to have the new number broad- J9$ slrorved I2,9219IJ0: feet, with smallei shipments to casted. P-hiladelphia, Baltimore, -Norf-olk, Boston, Houston and To reach this company, call DElaware 2g77. Their ad- Mobile on the eastern and Gulf coasts of the United States a..s, sqrJ- wil-i;;L" Street, is unchanged.
Because the Blue Diamond -pla-ster mill is close to your market you can always have fiesh, uniform plaster "i ttiu lowest price, and wiihout choking your war.ho.r", *rith excess stock.
Manufacturcrr of California White and Sugar Pine Lumbc Millr at Suranville and Hilg Cd.
ISO,OOO,OOO Feet Annud Cepacity B. W. ADAMS, Mgt. Salec Dcpt. Firet National Bank Bldg. - San Francigco
Ore. We Specialize in
Finishand Vertical Grain Flooring. If you like extra good quality Red Cedar Shingles we can furnish them.
nfe. 'fhis vital paragraph
^ \\-'vv' wtll appeor in eight archite ctural and building magazirlcs : -every architzct ond contrdctor in America utill reod it again and again.
A 2(N-year srpply of these soods not stands in the region therc oar milk oper ate. Natural grotth of s t anding I im ber, augmetted b y natur a I r eptoduct iot and te-fotestdtton, atsures d tupply ofthese yaluable buifd. ing woods for all time.
Every architect and builder, and thousands ofpros' pective home builders (your customers) are rPiding -each month about the uses and advantages of CaIi' forniaVhite Pine and California Sugar Pinefor home building-for doors, sash and interior trim.
The man who BUY$ lumber is interested in the USE of that wood in HIS OWN HOUSE. He wants to know that California Pine doors will not stick, windows will not jam, interior trim will"stay pss"- that California White Pine and California Sue". Pine work up readily, take and hold paint and enimel perfectly; ind that the final costs of these woods make them economical for his use.
Our advertising sells the USE of California' White Pine and eaLfornia Sugar Pine for doors, sash and trim. It tells WHY these woods should be used. Back of every line in this campaign is the dy'
namic word-SELL! We wantyou to MrIKF'' MONEY SELUNG California White Pine and California Sugar.Pine. Our nation'widq million: message campa€n is a SELLING canpaign-for you!
Are vou orepared to meet the demand this SELLING cimpitg" *ttt crate? Stock these woodsC,alifornia-White Pine and California Sugar Pine. Prices werenever more favorable than NOW. And remember,-our Wood Technologist will answer all your questions about these woods, frankly and fully.
last Weekly Nervs Letter, from Secretary_Treasurer Henry Isherrvood, contained a long piece of news on the coming Hoo Hoo Annual at Minneapolis, September 9th, and had, in part, the following to say about the election to the highest office in the order, that o,f Snark of the universe.
"While the Coolidge-Davis-La Follette controversy is keeping old Man Politicus pretty close to his knitting tirese days, he might tvell cast an eye toward the coming annual election of Hoo-IJoo for a situation rvo,rthy of engaging his political acuement
"Not that the FIoo-Hoo election has anything to do rvith politics, in the cosrmo,ii coriception of that verv general and frequently vag'ue rvord, but it presents a situation which ' well might stump old Man politicus himserf. Looks like .r,r'e'll have to r,r,'ait until the votes are in_
"Three of the most distinguished lumbermen of the Unit_ ed States, each a stalwart Hoo-Hoo, are in the race for the highest honor Hoo-Hoo may ofier a faithful son_the post
of San.Francisco, Secretary_Manager of the California Redwood Associatio' i. o' a'businesi trio that rvill carry -him to l-os Angeles "nj -S."-Oi.;;. Fi: expects to spend a month in Southern California.
of Snark of the Universe. Each is eminently qualified to fill the place u'ith honor to himself and to the Order.
"From the South comes Ben S- Woodhead, of the Beau_ mont Lumber Company, Beaumont, Texas, a man who has the respect and afiection of lumbermen, and who bears the reputation of being a level-headed business man. Texas Hoo-I{oo are for him to a man, and Ca.liforn,ira, whose native son, C. D. LeMaster, is about to relinquish the post of Snark of the Universe and seek refuge in the Ho,usl of Ancients, is looking kindly to the candidacy of Brother Woodhead.
"The Beaumont Hoo-Hoo Club is prepared to send a delegation to Minneapolis, animated by a determination to n'in the honor for their Beaumont Brother or find out whv they cannot. The \\Ioodhead boom rvas launched by thi club, and the joint meeting at Houston, recently, of the Texas mill managers and the Louisiana mill manag.ers, Brother Woodhead was pledged support."
.\llan'l'urner. San Francisco rvholesaler, has r.turr,"! from a tr.vo rveeks business trip in the Northwest wheie !erva_s calling on the mills. ' He visited the portland, Columlia River, Willamette Valley, anct Central Wash_ ington lumber districts.
The best protection against competition is to demonstrate your Leadeiship in giving maximum results at minimum cost. SLo*!.opI" how they can save in obtaining the "pp."ranCe of Mahojany at the price of our ( Tradernarhed)
C adw allader- Gibs on Co., f nc.
The ONLY ln1p_ortas with our own Timber Supply anl Mills in Luzon, and with PACIFIC COAST HEADQUARTERS a, Sth and Brannan Sts.' San Francisco Oahland - Los Angeles
That there is a vast clifference in California Pines, especially in the manufactured product, is the positive statement of Nir. John Hemphill. Qeneral l\Ianager.of the sugar rrne L"*l"i Company, of Fresno and'Pinedale, and $9 11"" ;il;';;-r.$otit}ri. for the success of this rvonderful Pine oDeration, started just last year' -"in.-.rit.t""ai"g ie"t".e ihat one rvould be impressed "'i*-ln-" irip .thiough this company's oP€rati"":l tt,-t]t-' extreme care glven to the grading of the. dozens ot dttterent grades of stock that.they-are produclng'
Re"cently a representative of this-publication, in companv rvith Mr. L. H.-Stanton, who is selling an enormous qu?lii;;'"]^S"c"i "ttaWhiie Pine from ihis mill through his ;;p;";,-'E. J. Stanton & Son, and I\[r' L' I\'f' Rosenberg' ;-;;lt oi'a considerable amount, in the Hipolito 9ompany' ivere shown through the Sugar Pine Lumber Uompanl's .".*tl."t, from th.e highest logging camp u-P in the rvoods' dbwn to the loading platform and the box factory at rlnedale. -*Ein.i"tt.y is the big rvord Vp.:!
Central Camp, rvhere NIr. C. H. (Cha.rley).Smtth rs the Big Boss, the logging operation noves like clockrvork' and th; ;;tp;i is if,ireised month bv .month. fromthe advanced methods used by this veteran. logger' -Central Camp is a model of cleanliness, is as modern as the center oI a i"ts" .itv, and one is particularly irnpressed rvith the ac."ti"a"ii."i given the men in thLe clTP'. A dining.,room that would dJcredit to a city hotel rvith kitchens spotlessl)' ;G; ;a manned by chefs'who surely "know their stuff"' ;h;h;;iconducted'on the same lines, and other features
in the camp proPer that has attracted rvhat Mr' Smith de;i";;; i" ui itt"'cream of California loggers to his ca{P' They have an average of about trvo hundred men at the camp during the cutting season. --CJ"tt"t
C-amp has ma-intained a schedule of fourteen to fifteen million fiet of logs per month, for some time' th; Minarets & We"stein Railway, constructed at the same time that the camp !\'as installed, has branches into "it o"tt of the cuttings where the Sugar Pine Lumber Com"..i" n"t. eisht imt;ense electric logging and loading ma.ttin... All ivork is done electrically, after the falling an<l buckine. A huge poll'er line has been installed, with transil;il and air tondensers, with lines going over the mountains, follorving the loggersTh; railioad, abo-ut sixtyleight miles long'-rvinds dorvn the mountain, directly into the mill at Pinedale, where- the ."it t.. t"toaded into the pond. The unloading is all done bv machinery, and one large crane is kept at rvork conttnuoir.f " ior "sinkers." The-pond, filled in a natural- depres' ri""'oi ttt. ground, rvill hold about trvo and a half million i..f "f loes,-or about a five days run' so it is necessa-ry for C."ti"f i"-p and Pinedale to be working at a balanceci rate all through the season. --Tft.
-iii,-(Sescribed in detail in a former issue), electric "ll t-he i".i t'n-"gh and operated rvith porver develo-ped in ;;;;'piant, ls cutting an alnerage ol 225,ffi feet .of r-u*f.r'"".[ .igi'tt hour sh'ift, and the comPany has maintained a two s6ift day for some time.
-- pi"- tit. t.ty ntit iook that is put into the log rvhere it is washed, to the last grading table, every stick ot lumDer
September 1, 1924
is_carefully watched, graded several times, and.then care- fully.stacked in the valt storage yards that will accommodate in the.neighborhood of sixty million feet. At the pres- ent.time they have about forty million feet in the piles, drying.
The yards at this plant contain just trventy-six miles of trackage, besides the standard guage tracks tb accomodate about forty cars.
Great care is taken in the sticking in the piles, it would be hard- to distinguish one pile frori the other, from their rdentrcal appea.rance. The pilingis facilitated by electric stackers, and this work is dbne 6v exDerrs.
Ext-ra .bigh foundations under the piles, the careful locat- ingof all stocked lumber, considering the wind, etc., ex_ treme care. in grading, and the verli fine qualiiy oi the stocks-produced, are but a few of the impreisive-features around this great plant.
-_Mr-John-P. Hemphill is Vice-president and General l\l[anager of the entire.operation. He is well
knorvn to all California- lumbermen.
Mr. W. F. Baird acts as Assistant to the G. M., and is tl, ,man.directly in charge of sales promotion,;rd;ir.
wuloI the comDanv.
..M1. J..L. Fris'ch,'^ ^^n with many years experience in his line is the saw mill superintend,!"i and C. H. S-;tf, is the Logging Superintendent.
It is a pleasure to state to the lumber trade that we have taken on a building paper which we believe will eventually be sold for practically all hardwood foor laying, and for much general building.
Triple Sheath isnot an experiment. It has been used in the Atlantic States, where it ig made, for the past fifteen years. The tests to date show that it can truthfully be called water-proof, weather-proof, moisture-proof, crack-proof, trouble-proof, and fool-proof.Itwill endure as long as the best hardwood.
Thig remarkabe paper afiords all this protection, because of its composition. Triple-sheath is made of two sheets of tough Kraft paper, cemented together with an inner layer of waterproof insulating asphalt. We recommend Triple-Sheath for laying under all hardwood fooring, to protect kiln-dried flooring against moisture, and to prevent buckling. The difference in cost between Triple-Sheath and the papers ordinarily used, is so slight as to be almost negligible. Since introducing Triple-sheath in our own locality, we have found the building contractors greatly interested in it for walls, because of its moisture-proof properties,
A trial of a few rolls will enable you to test TripleSheath for yourself.
The sincere advertisement is the one that sells the most $oods.
A shopkeeper had in his emPloY utterly rvorthless.
One day, his patience exl'a-ttsted.
"\\rill you give me a character?"
The ernployer sat dou'n to rvrite His effort resulted as follou's:
a man so lazv as to lle he discharged him. asked the lazy one. a non-committal letter.
"The bearer of this letter has s'orked for me one 'tveek ancl I am satisfied."-\\'s51s1n Home l{onthl1"
Hardrvare ]Ierchant-"I tell I'ou that new salesman \Ye put outis a corker-h"li got .ideas !"
' Traveling Salesman-"\\'hat's he done?"
Hardrvar"e ]ferchant-"He's sold that big lot of oldfashioned s'ashing machines s'e had in the rvarehouse-the ones that u'ork ijv hand. vott knou'-just toldthe stout \yomen rvho catne in that ihe prettv girl he had shorving them used this ltlan to redttce-her u'eight."-Good Hard\\'are.
With our battery of five dry lcilns and our large yard and ched ltorage facilitier' we are able to have on hand at all times
The Wm. W. Wilson Lumber Company, Los Angeles, wholesalers of practically every known variety of American and imported hardwoods,.have, in the eight months of their existence, built up what they believe to be a very fine business among theretail lumbermen, and planing mills in Southern California.
The company was started in January of this year, by Mr. Wm. W. Wilson, an experienced hardwood lumber_ man, who' has been engaged in the game on the pacific Coast for fifteen years. With him is associated Mr. George
I!fr. G. R. (Jeff) Tully of the A. W. Smith l-umber Com_ pany, l,os- Angeles, has returned from atwo weeks' trip through the Northwest.
The A.W. Smith Lumber Company is exclusive reDre_ sentatives in Southern Californif ioi ttre Northwesiern Redwood Company, and theWilliams Fir Finish ComPany.
Mr. E. F. Ganahl of the Ganahl Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is enjoying a two weeks' vacation.
B. Lancaster, also well acquainted with the business, and well known among the trade in the territory.
They have a very attractive establishment on East Fifteenth Street, just east of Alameda Street, and their yard is well stocked with a variety of lumber.
Mr. Wilson states that his company specializes in Western woods, that they are now stocking Sugar pine, White Pine, Cedar and Spruce, in addition to their large stocks of Mahogany, Oak, Ash, Gum, etc., etc.
They deliver in Southern California either by car or truck.
The leading article in the August number of Bruce Every Y9"1h,_!9"..e olga,n of The E. L. Bruce Company, is eri- titled "Fitting Oak Flooring to the Pocketbookt, The article gives a number of ideas that will prove helpful to lumber dealers in creating sales for better building materials.
The Tracy Lumber Company, .at Tracy, is. one of the well knorvn'and progressive retail yards in their part of the state.
As shown, they have a very attractive and modern looking establishmeni, located in I prominent part of their city, att? sho*ing ofi to the best advantage-, some of the materials besidis lumber, that can be bought through them'
The yards are r,r-ell arranged, kept very neatll-, an<i -th.e rolline Lquipment is an advertisement, in the rvay that tt- ts L;pt ;p ittd o.'oith the signs that adorn all of their trucks, and other cars.
The company handles everyt-hing knorvn to the lumber trade, tottgi ind dressed lumber, sash, doors, windorvs,
decorative products, mouldings,.ornamental brackets, stairways, floorings, lime, brick, shingles. IIt. Diablo cement, Schumacher wall board, etc.
Thev have a modern Service Room, rvith complete plan and aichitectural books, and have a special study of the possibilities in giving the home owner and the contractor. iust a little mor-e in intelligent service that tends to lessen ihe competitive feature of the lumber business.
I{r. Fi. M. Schaur has been the manager of this outfit for a number of years, and has made a s-uccess of its- operation. He is stricily a modern merchandiser, is a-believe-r in advanced methods of retailing, belongs to the Lions Club of Tracy, the Chamber of Commerce, and other organizations.
Securing business when times are hard and business is slow, is realty"u very, very simple thin$ to accomplish.All you have to do is ptan more carefully, think more directly, serve -or" enthusiistically, smile more frequently- ornd r'ur,orh lihe the oery Deail!
That the art of making friends is one of the big things in modern salesmanship, has come to'be universally accepted as the truth. That the abilityto make friends IS in fact an art, cannot u'ell be doubted. It is both an art and a science. The abilityto make friends in your business affairs, doesn't "just happen." It is like any other good and useful thing in this rvorld, and is the result of intelligent effort.
The making of friends, is simpll' applying the science of salesmanship, to your os'n personalit-v. \'ott use the sarne manner and means that you use in selling 1-our physical commodities, but 1'ou "sell yourself" instead of the goods. Having "sold"'the man on yourself. he is mttch easier to sell with your business proposition.
You go right back to the fttndamentals of selling, of advertising, of letter rvriting, of any scientific sales effort. You aim to attract the ATTENTION of your prospect to YOURSELF; you Lrse your ingenuity to then create an INTEREST on his part in YOURSELF; you hold that interest while you "Put yourself over," rvith the prospect; you end by convincing him-all this time rvithout his knowing that you are practicing a definite selling campaign on himof your friendly value. You hat'e then "sold" yourself, and have made a friend.
The man who has a thousand friends, has a thousand prospects whom he should be able to sell his goods to more readily than to others.He has a thousand prospects to whom he should be able to sell his commodities rvith greater
ease and facility than his competitor rvho is noton the "friend" list.
The science of friend making is one of the most alluring and attractive efforts of the human mentality. The man rvho tries it intelligently, finds it a perfectly rvonderful study, and in meeting his problems in this direction, he unconsciously and automatically builds himself uP as a friend maker. It is a power and habit that grorvs rn'ith experience, just as the rolling snowball gathers size and momentum.
It is a science that some men try in vain, and NEVER learn. much to their business disadvantage. Finding them'selves in this position they sometimes rail at the success of the fellos' s'ho makes and holds friends rvherever he goes.
The rnan s'ho hasn't realized that one of the greatest assets to a successful career in nine out of every ten lines of business today is the art of making and keeping friends, has missed one of the biggest thoughts in this thing that rve call living.
And it is rvell to remember that you can't make friends unless vou yourself are really, honestly friendly, insidg ano out. You have got to find out rvhat you have to "sell" the rvorld in the rvay of personality, and you have got to use your every intelligent effort to properly present yourself to the rvorld in that light.
But first you hare got to be straight, dependable, optimistic, genial, and possessing rvarmth'of soul.
The man rvith a million friends is richer by far than the man rvith a million dollars.
One ttat stande for Action, Satirfaction and Modenr Mercbandiring. ASK THESE MEN WHAT IT MEANS TO THEM AND THEIR BUSINESS
E. W. Wood-Brey-1yr;*1t, BurnetC-Cross_Deacon
g[6s1a_pqvall_Crenf ell
J. Dean Prescott
Frank Mynard
Will Landrum
Charlie Bird
Fred C,onner
Earl Minton
Gus Ruesell
Diamond Match Company
They and Hundredr of otter Modern Building Material Merchantr recom,mcnd. indorre an{ qnnlv the Photographic Buildini Service
-Adv_ertirlng Cgny and Burineri Helpe created and furnirh"d bv-
The big thing you have to sell in roofing is not so many rolls nor 3o many squares' nor to many pounds-it is protection-ea1iefas1ion'
Neither of these is determin.d by weight' or size. They are determined by the sincerity that is expressed in their production'
The outstanding feature of
is the sincerity that is expressed in its manufacture' The purgose of its makers is to produce a roofing that wili afford maximum protection and unquali-
fied satisfaction.
Are you capitalizing this Roo6ng? feature in Weaver
Sylveater L Weavcr
2436 Errtt Eishth St. - Loc Angelet
Telephone BRoedwaY 0784
Donald E. Holcomb, San Francisco lumberman, is now associated rvith the Cole-Hunter Lumber Co' and is repre"."tl"i this rvell known concern in the Bay District' PTPt to his" ioininsthe Cole-Hunter Lumber Co' forces, Mr' U"t."*'b was- associated rvith the W.A. Hammond Company.
Arthur Cole, of the Cole-Hunter Lumber Co', S-an Francisco, is on atwo rveeks businqls trip in the Northwest ."fiiriS on his mill connections. He wiil visit the Portland, C."yiU"tUor, and Puget Sound lumbjr Districts' He rvill ietu'rn to San Francislo around the 6rst of the month'
Charlie Hammond, the well known San Francisco lumberman and associated rvith the W- A' Hammond Lumber Co.. is on a trvo rveeks business trip in Washington and Oregon, rvhere he is calling on the mills'
Each piee of SupericBrand Oak FlooriDgmaintaine i" hdh standard oI quality in fine texture,beautiful figure-and craftmanahip ia the making ' , -and iust as there is a variadon between color tone ."d *tt"- in difrerent Turkish rugs, 8o does the ;;.i" oI shade and figure in Superic Brand Oak Floorins afrod errctly the right d€gree oI ontragt lor an a-tuactivelY finieh€d roomThe home vhich pc€s a colhction of Tu*iEh ruer is usually oe oI rich beauty and artistic amc' ;HTh" lin"tU.t ie finiebed in Superic Brand t>l no*i"g eoioys tbe earoe disdnction'
-b produad h@ dnb.r which grows withia a pdiyg of hrty -iL? HC.r"-r hc which insut'et €scepdoal unihrnity in tc*ure ead figurc' Mer weradvou our hr:rtrins d*iptive boo'Ll'* o thc hw aad ;ilJ/#';B"aGrFloiirs?Aturcadiagit.vouwill besure to pite r trid cdcr. Sqerir crer dsryr @e bacl' ir Dora
B. A. Bmot COMPAI\IY csgvii,I'x|ilfiont na ffif;lu, Hebta arfire ,,.t*ut-
The only way your out-oftown competitor can sell goods in YOUR Commllois throu gh ADVERTISING. Think thatover!
(In tltis article the writer de.scribes the manner in which on ad-,,crtisins contpaign is constructcd. This .compaign. brougltt ;;, i;;r;;r;;i 4g";;", ccnl o,t tlta gross bllsiless of thc odz.irtiscr.l "
. Advertisin_g is a rvonderfully strange force. It is one that cannot be satisfactorily defined. Webster would have it that it is a "public announcement.,' Some call it a "silent salesman." Personally, I do not like either de_ finition. I r,r'ould say it is -a tremendous force which, properly _directed, is capable of greatly increasing sales. I also 'r,r'ould estimate that in e*ceJs of ieventy-five"per cent of th.e most profitable advertising is not designed to sett. ii but one ol>ject-to_ get in touch with tf,e prospect so that the adr.ertisers' salesmen can effect a sale.
This applies even to bargain sales where price appeal is the strongest.selling point. The Departmerrt Store'is not relying on sales of advertised produits to pay the cost of their advertising. The profit ii derived from iales of other rtems at regular prices made to the bargain seekers.
In .my advertising experience. f have-knorvn many retail merchants, who-on the spur of the to do some .advertising. They'd grab up a pencil ancl a bit ot wrapplng paper and in a few minutes their advertising rvould be completed.
These same business men-of the hurried advertising class-are the ones rvho say, ',Advertising does "ot p"y:. I tried it once."
Several "piffles" and a big "pooh-bah !"
Those fellorvs do notadveitise. They simply make a voluntary_donation to the printers and thl newspiper pub- lishers. Profitable adverlising-advertising which succeecls in its mission-is the result of thorough analysis and planning. ^ Nothing is left to chance. A iefinite- goal is set. A definite route is traveled. Each part of the i6urtrev brings the advertiser nearer to his destination.
The things to be analyzed, are: the potential market, the forces to be employed, the method of selling and the goods to Lre advertised.
Let us take a concrete example. For our purpose we rvill select a retail lumber dealir operating in a- city of about 40,000 inhabitants. There aie threE yarcls. "Our r.lealer is the most recently established yard but the most llr.ogressive and. aggressive. The inhabitants are mostly rnill-rvorkers lvith a sprinkling of capitalists who havi made m_oney through increased value of family land hold- ings. Ernployment has been fairly steady the past two years. Bank deposits have steadily increlsed. There is a considerable house shortage. Very few desirable homes
(Continued on Page 64.)
would y-ou b-e able to view_ the twisted, smoldering ruins, consoled in your mrs- fortune by th-e sure knowleds,e thal you are "d;q"; i"""*a,;ih ;;;; condition on the-policy fulfilled, so thai there will b: ;" ;";;"" "i tt. .-"""i you will recover?
The time to think about this question is not afteq but before the fire.
We rwgcrt you utc the A&ertiring Crhnnr of The
Its prestige, wpulafi,ty and chculqtion in rte tenitory named far surpcaaas any other
Probably the largest order for dry kiln at one time by a Pacific Coast mill was Long-Bell Lumber Co. to Moore Dry
trucks ever placed the order given by Kiln Co., North
Seven hundred fifty of the trucks are thirty inches long and are made the same general style as the longer.truckL Both the long and short truck. h"rr. three spreaders to e1;h_tryck, making them very rigid. All trucks ar€ pro_ vided with Moore's patented oil hol.., punched in the chan_ nel sides, above the axle. This is a diStinctive feature and makes it possible to oil the truck in a few seconds.
No detail of the truck equipment was overlooked. For example, the milled axles have long shoulders, the roller bearings have rounded ends, which e-liminate friction, mak_ ing them roll easily. The large wheels, the heavy spreaders, A new style short truck. you can drop a hook ozter the end spreader and draza the loaded cars bt ' pozaer. The wheels do not butt against zuheels if ,adjoining cars,as in the old type. This truck is thirty inches long_sides of four_ incb ch.annel-zaheels eight and three_quarter inch diamcter. The heovy spreaders are made to accommbdate eye-beam bunh.
Portland. This order included three thousand seven hun_ dred fifty dry kiln trucks, besides a number of special cars for handling Monorail packages of lumber to the feeding end of the planers.
Three thousand of the trucks in this order are four feet seven inches long over all, made this length so that the cross support or bunks will be four feet on centers. All of the trucks are made of four-inch channel sides with eight and three-quarter inch wheels. The spread.r, ,r. "*-t." heavy, and the shoulders of the ,pr""i.r. are spaced to
Note the oil hole in channel This simple pioaision for the conztenient oiling of dry kiln trucks -has filled a long-felt zuant. It not only saztes.labor in handling loaded cars, but also saaes time, as a truch con be oiled in a fezu seconds.
the four-inch channel sides, a lifetime, with exceedingly
produce a truck that will last low cost of upkeep..
Truck four feet seaen, inches long uith heavy spreaders made to accotnmodate eye-beam bunh, which wilt be locateg f our f eet on certters. The wheels are elght and three_quarter inches diameter and the sides are four inches chonnel. A strong, ri,gid, eaql- moving truch.
make a snug fit forthe eye-beam bunk. The eye_beam bunk which supports the load of lumber, rvill be bolted to the top of truck channels, thus making a steel frame car.
For unloading flat piled lumber, Long-Bell Lumber Co. installed two lumber lifts, which automatically raise the truck load of lumber and maintai' its top level with the end of the dry sorting chain. This facilitates unloading of. trucks and is an'improvement over the old way of ar"plirrg' the lumber from the top of the load, which often causei it to break.
The lumber lifts are the Leitelt type, for which Moore Dry.Kiln Co. is the agent.
(Continued from Page 61.)
are ofiered for rent. The recent growth of the city 'has
been rapid but steadY. -'Ciut J""fusis of loial conditions-the potential marketi"a-l."t"r-iti"f tttis city is ripe for an exhaustive residential i;;ti;;d pG;;. C'onditions are such that, given a good start, it-"s orutt- *ometttum will carry it along' t The vard is an excellent one. A large and varled stock ir ."iri"a-tff "t good quality. The-lumber is carefully ;.l;;"tiy piled u"nder " Ug- shed rvhere it is fully qrof..i.J itJt" the elements and kept clean and- dry' This n"rJ-i. one of a group of sevehty-hve yards. that are fr;;;.;d uy u l"tgi manufacturer' These yards have a centralized' buyin{ office. The- yard's force are excePi;.""iru adept in, tf,e use of plan books-and are rvell ;;;;i.;;ii and local conditions of financing' The bulk of their business is in new homes' --Th;;, our analysis of the yard-the forces to be empf"y"a:J;icloses ihree distinci advantages over their comoetitors: a greater purchasing polver and an incentive to i;#;.;;" ihrough iheir affiliation with a large organizaii""; th. L;g tlt."d capable of storing the contents of over iA'..ifoua-. of lumber and the helpful service they can render a prosPective builder. '-th.
.tiJyti. of the methocls of selling developsa condition that is-exceedingly bad. There is a great tendency on iir. p"ti of contract#i to buy.on price' No real pric-e.c.utting' has been practiced but' it is- a -vgly- n-e-al -991if1!j1ya iriB CoNrnncroR HoLDS IN HIS HANDSTHE pbwnn io sB'ntouslY cRIPPLE THIS RETAIL
Lunnein DEALER. IJnless constantly catered to, he will take his business to a competitor.
C. F, Reeder, manager of the. Peoples I-umber- Company' nifft"qt., i. making a"motor trip thiough Washington and part of Britsih a"t"ry.
Milton Hendrickson, well known Bay District lumberman and rePresentative of the Waterfront Sash & Door 'C". -"ib"r.find, is spending his vacation at Yacolt' WashGt"".- ff .*ittl.'in the- Northwest about three weeks.
The Dofan-Sine Lumber Company, Los Angeles retailers' have filed incorporation papers, showing their capttaltzation at $100,000.00'
But, if we go to the home-builder over the contractors' h.;JJ u,ill noT the results prove disastrous inl that the coni;;i;;. will be peeved ? it is absolutelv imperative that iu.-n"a a way of benefitting the contractors while we are t"ti"g this c6ntrol from th-em. It is some tough ProPosition. -'
i"-"""ty"ing the goods to be sold, rve find that this dealer ."ilr ""Vlum-ber, frill-rvork and roofing'. Quality t: ryl' Prices aie fair and uniform and permit of an honest protrt' b"fl""it service is above the avirage' The stock is ctean' Much of the material is purchased from the larger m1-1ufacturers rvho furnish dealers helps which we can utrltze for this dealer at a minimum of cost'
That rvas the analYsis.
This is the campailn that was const-ructed'
It rvas determinedlo use direct-mail-letters to a complete mailing list of residents<fiering plan books, the use lf -a-se.vice"Department in selecting-materials and in determining the bist methods of financing' Certain brands of roofin!, etc., of *-hich this dealer *'as sole distributor .""iria be-'pustred as rvell as "built-in" furniture, Eygty letter wouid be constructed on lines to forcefully drive home the thought that the dealer was anauthority on rnatters pertaining to building.
Each letter ruoild have enclosed with it a return card, ro al.igrrea that it u'ould bring- th-e-dealer the name and "aai".tof those interested in-building and thekind of tr"ifai"g in rvhich he rvas interested. The letters invite them to" come into the office and visit the Service Department to talk things over.
The Hammond Bernardino yard their present site.
MOVESANBERNARDINO YARD Lumber Company will'movetheir San to a recently purchased location' near
Moce'r. netrd drrft rnd ncchuicel rccircolelif Libt of pncticd end nodctn IYPG..
Conplctc.linc of drl lda cqubmb rncb er |rldrlt lrurfcr carr, rccording and rcgulding inrtruccl hnbc fifb rnd f,at ud edgc lrmbcr *rc&crl.
JOE STEEL, Cslifornl Rcpracuterivc
The lazy rnan would do less kicking about "efficiencJ" if he would only rcalizethat it would help him do his work more easilY.
And, all through these letters we will hammer home the three advahtages this dealer possesses over his competitors.
The names of prospective home-builders will be turned over to contractors who are purchasing lumber from this dealer's yard. These contractors will ict as salesmen for the dealer and will pay themselves in profits made on the sales. The contractor, in calling on thi prospect, will say, r'The -Yard asked meto call and tutk'*itn looo about this home you propose building.', In that or" i.rrtence he is establishing a confidence in himself and his abil- ity. The prospect who sent his name and address to the dealer did so because he had confidence in the character of the dealer. In his approach to the prospect, the contractor is making capital of this confidence. 11 often w,ill permit of his selling a new home on a non-competitive baiis.
By this method we rvill get away from this price com- p-etition, because the contractor is morally obligated to pur- chase the lumber for his job from this deiler w"ho furnished himrviththe prospect. Even should he be one of the tricky kind and inclined to do otherwise, fear that he will not be favored with. additional prospects will keep him in line. As he finds himself selling mbre houses, hi will be enthusiastically in favor of thiJsystem.He will realize that he can secure more business and at an increased profit.
Another angle-and no insignificant one in the dealer's mind-is tne \,ari r \, r r . lrr)..1 of these cases come into direct contact with the home-builder anfl finances can be mutually understood so that there will b. pro-pt Dayment.
We u'ill assist these letters by the use of newspaper ad- vertising constructed ontheslme lines. As the'advei_ tising and selling bring in the results in the fortn of new houses lteing erected, we will let its own momentum assist
our advertising by reporting in the daily papers the hames of those who are building new homes-witi the locations of them and the names of the contractors.
The psychol_ogy of this is that it not only gratifies the vanity of the home-builder and contractor 6uI ;t also secures additional business by creating desire on the part of others to build. The social climbe-rs and the friends of those who are building will be spurred on to build.
Now, let us review our campaign and see if we are cov_ ering all the vital points and if tlere is any weak ,pol-in orrr planning.
(1 The_ potential market is thoroughly covered by our letters and newspaper advertising.
-\2) The forces to be employed are fully utilized in that all our le'tters and advertiiing hamme. onthe three aj r.antages of this individual dealer.
(3) The method of_ selling is completely rounded out and rvill secure the full beneht of the advertising t; ah; clealer rvho is paying for the advertising.
(.4) . The goods to be advertised are complete homes and the knorvledge of the dealer in matters pe.tai.rirrg io home-building.
In conclusion we would like to add that this analysis and plan^ning^ netted the advertiser a 48 per cent incr'ease on tlre first five months business in 1924. '
-Building permits during that period sholved an increase of a little over 26 per cent.
There is but one conclusion to be drawn from this_it is that this dealer's competition must have lost h"u;ily ; permit the advertising dealer to make such an incrlase in his business.
It is therefore evident that this campaign not onlv in_ creased the amount of building in thii d"ealer's citv but that it_ permitted his securing alf the benefits accruing from the advertising.
Competent young man, twenty ni-ne ye-ars of age' married, wishes position as tnanager of yard, or-would consider position any capacity with -opportunity for advancement. Nine years experience. Is an-exqert accountant. Has thorough-knowledge of lumber. ETcellent references. Address goa S-p, carJ California Lumber Merchant.
Position as manager of Lumber Yard-o-r-Lumber and Buildine Material sllesman, ten years California experi".,ee. eicellent references. married. age 4O. at present in 4O, present ence, eicellent references, excellent reterences, marneo, ?8e 4u' af, PresenE-rn chaige of yard but desire change-.-with more.-oppgrtunity for&pansion. Address Box "E-l;" care California Lumber Merchant.
Young man, 23, several yebrs experience as salesman and estiirator, wants to move to Los Angeles. Good references, now employed in the state. Address, Box 12-F, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman with eleven years experience managing retail yards wishes position with good concern in California. Thirtv-four years-of age, married, very best of references.
Addr6ss, J. L. S. Routi 1, Box 890, Tujunga, Cal.
YOUNG UAN WANTSTO'GEANff: , Is 26 years old, three ye-qfq. experience .s!|.Ff*i estimator'in the Sacrament6 Vailey.- Would lihc to ch.try for Southern California. Am emp-loyed now ant'ceh b@
estimatoiin Sacramento Val exceltent references from present-eniployerq- Addtc$t, Eoi 10.F, care California Lumber Merchant.
A oosition as manager or second man in retail lumbcr ;4.'"il;2 ;;";' ;iE ;."iJ ""a nave had several-vear*,
yard. Am 42 years Lxperience as inanager of retail lumber yard. Box S
Wants position, preferably on tlre -outside, in Southe.rn" California. Have'bien in Cllifornia for three yeans' know,' the ropes and have had both retail and wholesal-e expgri- I ence.- Can deliver thegoods. Address, box'11-F, .care-
California Lumber Merchant.
EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR EN PARTY WHO -HAS PORTABLE MILL boui p-p eo T_q _sP_Lrlsr4EES,- TrEs +NP,. -{Vb MTLLIoN FEET LoGS Now DowN sUCreD-SrX MILLION STANDING .TIMBER!-' RUNS ABOUT 75% REDWOOD, 25lb _ !r\ cI-osE To RAILi6e'o "nl,ii -r6n-3elE - ChEAE: Address, Box 6F, care Califoniia Lirmber Merchanl
Experienced wholesale lumberrnal,- -sales or office.
TOHN H. BUDD, 7to Wing_St, Glendale, Cal.
One eood paying medium size yard which will stand vestieat"ion. 'Located anlrwhere from Burlingamc to Dieg6 in town having good schools.and churches'. (
t"iii.ttL"i"t" io 6rst-le-tter stating size of town and ber of yards.
W. F. Kno& Fair-Oaks, CeLWanted: Assistant book-keeper in retail lumber and milloffice. Must be youngmah witt ocpcrience 'in this line and able to usb typewriter. Position pcrmanent with good opportunities f9r advancemcot R;;1; in own"handwiiiing with refereqces and full infirination. Address, Boi P-1, care California Lrrmber Merchant.
If you are looking for a good lumber yard, q' if yq1r want
Sheathing and lath combined in one piece.
Reduces materi,al coat.
Reduces labor cost.
Special advantages where quick-drying patent plasters are used.
Cracking and rcaling particularly on outside work g"".tly reduced.
Approved by building codes.
HOMEBUILDERS save money and get a better and mone serviceable iob.
CONTRACTORS save labor expence and duplication of work.
DEALERS find it aquick and easy seller and a profitable item.
ByrkitLath is a
Made by the largest producers of California Pinee Try
Sing a song of Service
The kind that makes you grin, Here's abunch of furniture All built in.
Disappearing ironing board You adjust yourself ; Disappearing breahfast nook Brings you in the pelf.
Disappearing benches Fixed for you to sit, Disappearing table Honest, it won't split.
Sitor stand to iron or eat Or to read a book; Cabinet for the bathroom, Plate glass-take a look. Made of whitest white Pine, By experts Put together, Giveyou satisfaction, Through bright or stormY weather.
Sing a song of Service, You won't need to worry; Pratt & Warner brings You Business in a hurry.
SUpphg Vcight 35 lh. Inst thc oruPlce Froc bcttcca co rtrdq rul r csingrroold rt, .rd halg
^lD rlotlro loAlD GflltllD S}l/pprg llciglt P lb. -}1 Ianrfl I etovc. A rc.l tiarq ffil -' ead rpre rercr. tdc.l 6. rF rncortr coull home
BATH R@M CABINET dtl Adjurtrblc Shclwr lld Plrtr GLrl MLrq. Medcto rt ia c rgda$ tdt