92 GLAUCO MATTOSO #4164 THE CAUTIOUS CASE OF THE "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" [RB] His birthday comes, Raymundo, then, insists the pastry can be only a layer'd cake with many a flavor! "Hey, I'll be amazed (he tells me) If you dare, my friend, to miss it". The time to cut it comes, "What do you think about it? It's the greatest cake!", he says believing that the truth he had belayed. "Is there such feast as mine? Can someone list'em?" The candles are lit up. The cake's so tall Raymundo tries in vain to stand above it he faintly blows: the flames don't flick at all! He tries again, but now he's more determined he jumps, but, then, miscalculates the fall lands on the cake! He's mired! What a turd...
O CAUTO CAUSO DOS PARABENS No seu anniversario, scisma e insiste Raymundo: terá bollo com andares diversos de recheio! "Si faltares à festa (me diz elle) fico triste!" Na hora de cortal-o, "Tu ja viste um bollo egual a este?", diz com ares de dono da verdade. "Em quaes logares ha festas como a minha? Alguem os liste!" Accendem-se as velinhas. É tão alto o bollo, que Raymundo fica em pé, mas nem lhe sae o sopro: de ar é falto! De novo tenta, empolga-se elle, até saltita! Calculando errado o salto, cae sobre o bollo! Atola-se! Obvio, né?