98 GLAUCO MATTOSO #4183 THE CAUTIOUS CASE OF THE VULCANIC PANIC [RB] Raymundo saw, when young, a zit had popp'd, as gazing on the mirror, on his face; it was a giant one, he was irate, to squeeze it, then, the vain teenager sought. It seemed to be a vulcan, red and hot, exhibiting a little yellow crater on top! Raymundo ne'er had seen a greater Vesuvius than his horrendous clot! The boil start'd to squirt, Raymundo squeez'd the crater, with his fingers, on both sides he feels that, soon, to squirt the zit won't cease! Would it be over now? Perhaps... it might, or will it be more bloated now? The fear will be the worst: he'll never be alright!
O CAUTO CAUSO DO VULCANICO PANICO Ainda adolescente, vê no espelho Raymundo que nasceu aquella espinha enorme em sua cara! Se abbespinha e tracta de expremel-a o rapazelho. Paresce-lhe um vulcão, todo vermelho, que exhibe uma cratera amarellinha no centro! Reparado elle nem tinha ainda num Vesuvio tão parelho! Exguicha o carnegão quando seu dedo pressiona cada lado da cratera, não para de exguichar assim tão cedo! Sahiu tudo? Paresce... Elle exaggera, ou fica mais inchada agora? O medo será fatal: jamais se recupera!