104 GLAUCO MATTOSO #4203 THE CAUTIOUS CASE OF THE MELLIFLUOUS TALK [RB] Raymundo's one is such a cringy speech: could he speak well or would he be that rude? And after many a gaffe, the toilet's lute is what are worth the words Raymundo speaks. Raymundo once had tried, a girl, to seize, he said: "Oh girl, you know well what I would like most: to be a lolly so I could watch as you suck'd a fine and dandy thing!" He tries his moves when in a candy shop: "I want to be the sweet you gently tuck'd inside your mouth" and drool'd: "you're what I sought!" One day, for all girls' sake, his dimming luck will end and then the girl he piss'd most off shall fling a cake towards the dumbest fuck.
O CAUTO CAUSO DO PAPPO MELLIFLUO A falla de Raymundo não combina: grammatica correcta... ou grosseria? Depois de tanta gaffe, o que seria discurso vale a lyra da latrina. Tentando conquistar uma menina, diz elle: "Sabes bem o que eu queria, aquillo que a melhor sorveteria ja viu... Tu, quando chupas coisa fina!" Tambem na doceria as tentativas fracassam: "Ser eu quero esse melloso quindim pelo qual tanto tu salivas!" Vae elle, qualquer hora, para gozo geral, levar, daquellas mais exquivas, um bollo pela cara, o desdictoso!