86 GLAUCO MATTOSO #4140 THE CAUTIOUS CASE OF THE BELLYBUTTON [RB] For some, the bellybutton is so tiny, for him it is a hole, but it's so deep, an end it doesn't seem to have! It reeks for dirty it is much! It makes'im grimy... On a Q-tip, the stuff which was insid'im is often deem’d to leave, but know that here the weirdest things exist: Raymundo sees his button had a bug, with him it lied! He tries to kill the beast with knives and prongs the monster going on and on, dove further Raymundo, overwhelmed, produced too long a wire, which he drove within to hurt it, and bled him: Late it is! The beast succumb'd: amid the blood a lice, perhaps, it were...
O CAUTO CAUSO DO UMBIGO Umbigo, que nos outros é bollinha, é nelle um buraquinho, mas tão fundo que fim nem ter paresce! E fica immundo a poncto de feder! Isso o apporrinha. Num cottonette, tudo que se anninha alli tende a sahir, mas, neste mundo, ha coisas expantosas, e Raymundo percebe que algum bicho dentro tinha! Tirar tenta com pinça, agulha, faca, e o bicho, se mexendo, vae entrando ainda mais! Raymundo contraattacca! Nervoso, acha um arame e enfia! Quando ja sangra, é tarde! Excorre do babaca, em meio ao sangue, um termite, ou quejando.