Custom Site Furnishings
omponents are versatile. They can stand alone. They can be flipped or mirrored. They can be unique and separated from the parent component. They can be used to build other components. You can construct your own components to populate a Flatwork Base with custom site furnishings. The tutorials in this chapter reinforce the drafting techniques you have already been utilizing to quickly and cleanly generate custom site furnishings. Each exercise introduces a new tool or method, builds on the previous component, and requires you to apply the skills you learned in earlier chapters. You will use the completed components to help populate the Flatwork Base from the previous chapter.
The Modeling Process The process used to create custom site furnishings is almost identical to the general steps used in SketchUp Process Modeling. To make custom components, follow these steps: 1. Draft the proportions and detail in a 2D plan. 2. Delete the extra edges and faces. 3. Convert the remaining edges and faces into a component. 4. Rotate the component to stand on the vertical axis. 5. Add volume and detail. 6. Add color.
Part 2: SketchUp Process Modeling