7. Copy the column of Building 1 onto Building 2. The
column component will need to be copied from the Building 1 instance into the Building 2 instance. Rotate the component so that it is parallel to the Building 2 face. Array-divide the component (4/) along the Building 2 face. 8. Return to Building 1 and Push/Pull the second verti-
cal face down from the roof, inward 6˝ on all sides. Repeat this step for Building 2.
Adding Mass to Building 3 This tutorial adds mass to Building 3. Building 3 will have some additional detail added in comparison to the previous buildings. As with previous buildings, the detail should be added to the side of the building facing the plaza. 1. Copy the roof downward 1´ and 9´-6˝ along the vertical axes. The second copied edge
indicates the split between the first and second floors. Draw an edge dissecting the length of the roof from midpoint to midpoint.
Part 2: SketchUp Process Modeling