Furnishing Components Site furnishings don’t need to be arranged in any particular order. This is true whether you are arranging the ones generated in Chapter 8 or similar pre-made components (Fig. 10-13). As a general rule, though, you should make sure each component type is on its own layer. Before you import your components, create a layer for each furnishing type and make it active.
Fig. 10-13: Import and insert custom-made site components from Chapter 8. Insert the bollards, pedestrian lights, park bench, planter bench, and hand rail.
Even when custom components are available, including pre-made components can augment model details (Fig. 10-13, Fig. 10-14). For this exercise, first import, arrange, and scale the custom components created in Chapter 8 using the Speed method. Next, add pre-made components (Fig. 10-14, Fig. 10-15).
Fig. 10-14: Include pre-made components to complement the custom site furnishings. Include additional components such as tables and chairs, trash cans, cars, people, and water jets.
Part 2: SketchUp Process Modeling