Fig. 16-4: The organized AutoCAD file containing only the linework needed to create a SketchUp file.
Fig. 16-5: The Flatwork Base linework is organized into an AutoCAD base file. This is the first file with lines that is imported into SketchUp.
The two categories of information will be broken up into two separate AutoCAD files. These files are then imported into SketchUp. 33One file contains the linework that defines the Flatwork Base (Fig. 16-5). 33The second file contains the AutoCAD Blocks (Fig. 16-6). For more information about organizing the AutoCAD files, see Chapter 17.
Generating the Geometry The AutoCAD linework that composes the Flatwork Base is imported into SketchUp first. The imported linework is then used to generate faces and surfaces (Fig. 16-7).
Fig. 16-6: AutoCAD blocks representing the site elements, furnishings, and vegetation. This is the second file imported into SketchUp.
Chapter 16: Overview of AutoCAD to SketchUp