Unidad 6
Las vacaciones
A.6 Escribe un diario.
A.6 – Criterios de éxito
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• Make sure you include all four points. • Start each point on a new line. • Use the structure and phrases from pages 92 and 93. • Make sure you are using the correct verb tenses. • Check your work for spellings, accents and agreement of adjectives.
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You are on a beach holiday with your family. Write a diary entry in Spanish mentioning all of the following points: • Say where you are staying, who you are with and how you got there. • Describe what you did today. • Say you met a new friend at the beach yesterday and describe him/her. • Describe your plans for tomorrow.
B. La gramática: El futuro y el condicional El futuro
for example: for example:
I am going to buy............Voy a comprar I will buy............................Compraré
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1. ‘going to’ 2. ‘will’
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We use the future tense to describe actions that are going to happen or will happen in the future. Just like in English, there are two ways to express the future in Spanish.
1. To form the ‘going to’ future, we use the following structure: Present tense of ir + a + infinitive Voy a escribir una postal. ........................I am going to write a postcard.
Vamos a alquilar un coche......................We are going to rent a car.
Van a hacer senderismo. .........................They are going to go hiking.
• Remember, the present tense of ir = voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van. • With reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun joins to the end of the infinitive but changes to agree with the subject of the sentence. Alternatively, the reflexive pronoun can be in front of the verb ir.
Voy a levantarme temprano...................I am going to get up early. Me voy a levantar temprano. .................I am going to get up early. Va a ducharse. ...........................................He is going to take a shower. Se va a duchar. ..........................................He is going to take a shower. Vamos a acostarnos.................................We are going to go to bed. Nos vamos a acostar................................We are going to go to bed.
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06 venga.indd 161
27/02/2020 17:08