E. Escribir un mensaje
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Writing a note is an optional question on both the Higher Level and Ordinary Level papers. On both papers, candidates have a choice of writing a diary entry or writing a note. There are four points to be communicated in the note and you MUST include all points. Each point is worth 5 marks, for a total of 20 marks. It is worthwhile learning one or two suitable phrases that you can use to start and end your note. However, there is no need to expand on the four points. Students often lose marks in the note for overcomplicating them by attempting to write too much. Sticking to the minimum can get you full marks once you have covered all points in clear and accurate Spanish. Be careful with the verb tenses because your verbs must be correct to get full marks. Make sure you write your points in order and structure your note with the day, date or time, a greeting and a sign-off. Starting a new point on a new line makes it easier for the examiner.
El mensaje
Sample note (Leaving Certificate Higher Level 2018):
lunes, 24 de enero
Hola Paco:
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You are staying in Granada with your Spanish friend Paco. Leave a NOTE in SPANISH for your friend, including all of the following points: • Say that your foot is very sore. • Tell him that you are going to see the doctor around one o’clock. • Say that you can’t walk, so you are going to get a taxi. • You will be back at the apartment before dinner.
Te escribo para decirte que me duele mucho el pie.
Voy al médico a eso de la una. No puedo caminar así que voy a coger un taxi.
Volveré al piso antes de cenar.
Hasta luego.
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07 venga.indd 212
27/02/2020 17:17