D. Escribir una carta formal HIGHER
Algunas expresiones útiles para escribir una carta formal
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Writing a formal letter or email is an optional question on the Higher Level paper. Candidates choose between writing it or translating a dialogue. You must communicate and develop five points in the formal letter and each point is worth 6 marks, for a total of 30 marks. The exam will always suggest points for you to write and you may choose to develop the suggested points or you may make up your own points. You must expand and develop each of the five points to achieve full marks. One or two sentences per point is not enough in the formal letter. Be careful to write in the formal register, using usted instead of tú and su instead of tu.
La carta formal
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Estimado Señor Jiménez ................................................Dear Mr Jimenez Estimada Señora Jiménez ..............................................Dear Mrs Jimenez Estimados Señores Jiménez ..........................................Dear Mr and Mrs Jimenez Muy señor mío....................................................................Dear Sir Muy señora mía .................................................................Dear Madam Muy señores míos..............................................................Dear Sirs
Le escribo esta carta para presentar una queja. ......I’m writing to make a complaint. Le escribo para pedir información sobre… ...............I’m writing to enquire about… Le escribo en relación con el artículo .........................I’m writing in response to the article published publicado ayer. yesterday.
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Lamento informarle que….............................................I’m sorry to inform you that… Estaría muy agradecido/a si… ......................................I’d be very grateful if… Le ruego me mande información sobre… .................Please send me information about… A la espera de sus prontas noticias..............................I look forward to hearing from you. Gracias por su ayuda en este asunto...........................Thanks for your help in this matter. Agradeciendo de antemano su atención. ..................Thanks for your attention.
Se despide cordialmente ................................................Yours faithfully Le saluda atentamente....................................................Yours sincerely Les saluda atentamente..................................................Yours sincerely (writing to more than one person)
H Sample formal letter (Leaving Certificate Higher Level 2014):
You read an article in a Spanish newspaper about the negative effects of social media on the lives of young people. You decide to write a LETTER/EMAIL in SPANISH to the editor of the newspaper.
(You may loosely base your letter/email on the points mentioned below, either agreeing or disagreeing with all or some of them. You should make five relevant points and each of these points should be expanded and developed.) • • • • •
Social media has many advantages. Young people spend a lot of time online. There are problems such as cyberbullying. Parents don’t know what is going on. Most young people use these sites responsibly.
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27/02/2020 17:57