Unidad 12
Temas de actualidad
C. El terrorismo C.1 El 11-M. Escucha y contesta a las preguntas en inglés. 1. Exactly where and on what date did these terrorist attacks occur?
CD 2 Track 68
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2. How many people were killed and injured in the attacks? 3. Who was responsible for the attacks? 4. What was due to happen three days after the attacks?
6. What was surprising about the protests in Vigo?
5. How many people took to the streets to protest in Madrid?
El terrorismo
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los disturbios sociales......... social unrest la democracia........................ democracy una dictadura........................ a dictatorship los rebeldes............................ rebels la guerra civil ......................... civil war una organización.................. a terrorist terrorista organisation un/una terrorista.................. a terrorist un atentado terrorista ........ a terrorist attack una amenaza de bomba .... a bomb scare un coche bomba................... a car bomb un secuestro .......................... a kidnapping secuestrar............................... to kidnap un/una rehén......................... a hostage los yihadistas......................... jihadists
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7. What did the government organise to remember the victims? (a) Five days’ mourning and a three-minute silence on Friday (b) An official day of mourning and a five-minute silence in schools (c) Three days’ mourning and a five-minute silence on Friday 8. Why did crowds of people flock to hospitals in Madrid? (a) To find information on injured relatives o (b) To donate blood o (c) To visit the victims of the attacks o
los estereotipos .................... stereotypes el extremismo religioso ...... religious extremism difundir miedo ...................... to spread fear radicalizar a los..................... to radicalise young jóvenes people por motivos políticos .......... for political reasons a través de video .................. through videos online en línea las fuerzas de......................... the peacekeeping pacificación force ser solidario/solidaria......... to show solidarity la paz ....................................... peace la ONU ..................................... the UN los derechos humanos........ human rights el Oriente Medio ................... the Middle East
C.2 Escribe las frases en español con la ayuda del vocabulario de arriba.
1. In the summer of 2017, there was a terrorist attack in Barcelona. According to the government, jihadists were responsible for the attack. 2. Terrorists radicalise young people through videos online. They use religion as a motive, but it is really religious extremism. 3. Peacekeeping forces are working in the Middle East to keep the peace and protect human rights. 4. We need to show solidarity with refugees who have fled their country for political reasons. 5. The main objectives of terrorism are to spread fear and to create social unrest. 6. The biggest terrorist attack in Spain was the bombs in Madrid in 2004. trescientos cuarenta y nueve
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27/02/2020 17:21