D. La gramática: La voz pasiva
In Spanish, there are two ways to form the passive voice:
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In the many texts you have read in Spanish, you will have come across the passive voice. You may already be using it yourself in Spanish, but have not formally studied it until now. Sentences can be formed in the active voice or the passive voice. In the active voice the subject of the sentence is doing an action, but in the passive voice the subject is the receiver of the action. Consider the following sentences: Active: Cervantes wrote the book. Active: Niamh makes those strawberry tarts. Passive: The book was written by Cervantes. Passive: Those strawberry tarts are made by Niamh. 1. Ser + past participle of the verb (+ por) and 2. Se + third person (singular/plural)
La voz pasiva con ser
Ser + past participle (+ por) Consider the following examples:
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El miedo fue difundido por los medios..................... Fear was spread by the media. La revista fue leída por mi madre.............................. The magazine was read by my mother. Los edificios han sido destruidos por la bomba..... The buildings have been destroyed by the bomb. Las casas serán pintadas por mis tíos. .................... The houses will be painted by my uncles.
• The passive voice with ser is less common in spoken Spanish, but more often used in formal written Spanish such as in journalistic texts. • This passive can be used in any tense: simply change the verb ser to whatever tense is required. • The past participle should agree in number and gender with the subject of the sentence.
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D.1 Escribe las frases en la voz pasiva con el verbo ser. Ejemplo: Cervantes escribió Don Quijote.
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Laura sacó las fotos de la familia. Mi hermano escribirá un ensayo. Los terroristas amenazan a la gente. El gobierno hizo muchas promesas. Las chicas entregarán los deberes mañana. Chris Hemsworth interpreta el papel de Thor. Los niños leyeron la novela. Mi padre vio la película. He invitado a mis amigos a la fiesta. La policía liberó a los rehenes.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Don Quijote fue escrito por Cervantes.
D.2 Escribe las frases en español.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
That play was written by William Shakespeare. Guernica was painted by Pablo Picasso. The concert will take place in the central stadium. The glasses were broken during his party. That law was introduced ten years ago. King Felipe was welcomed by the President of Ireland. Rafael Nadal will be interviewed tonight. The terrorists have been arrested by the police. Many young people are influenced by images online. Some neighbourhoods are exclusively made up of refugees.
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12 venga.indd 352
27/02/2020 17:21