Senior Players Will Be Missed By Becky Griggs To three senior girls, this year's girls basketball team Senior Jeri Wiley waited two years before she joined w a s worth waiting for. the team. " W h e n I first came here, I w a s burnt out from Playing basketball at Liberty w a s different than I high school," she said. "I came here to study, not to play ^xpected," said Lynn James, a senior w h o has been on the ball. After two years of watching the team play, I missed team for four years. "I expected to have one coach, but I it. W h e n Coach Reeves came, he gave m e a shot." had three. I thought w e would have better teams in the The senior girls are aware of their responsibilities to the past, but this one w a s worth waiting for." underclassmen on the team. "I feel like I should be a good This year is the fourth year that the girls basketball example by going to classes (academics), having the right team has been Division I. Seniors Lynn James, W e n d y attitude and showing them that I care," W e n d y said. Johnson, and Jeri Wiley have played throughout those Playing basketball has helped enhance Jeri's time at years. Liberty. "I've met a lot of people that I wouldn't ha ve met, Division I is like a totally different g a m e from high like other athletes," Jeri said. "It has also helped m e school," Jeri said. "I've had to relearn the game. The skill discipline m y time as far as studies." of opponents adds a lot more pressure. The girls are Lynn said that the seniors have developed one main quicker, stronger and smarter." thing. "More of a team concept. In high school, w e were All three of the girls claim that second year Coach Rick all the best. Here, w e had to learn to work as a team." Reeves and playing Division I have both m a d e a differA s the seniors leave LU, they will carry lasting m e m o ence for the team. "Our playing ability has increased ries with them. tremendously," W e n d y said. "Coach Reeves works with " M y fondest memories will be away games, and just us individually, and goes over more fundamentals. Play- having fun together as a team," W e n d y said. ing Division I makes you want to practice hard." "The team is very close," Jeri said. "Where one of us is, Reeves said that the senior girls have provided great you always see two or three more." leadership for the team. " W h e n I first came, they acThe "senior leaders" have been a fine example to the cepted the fact that I did things differently. Last season girls on the team, and their m e m o r y will be cherished in w e set a win record for Division I, and n o w they believe the years to come. "They've had a dramatic influence on they can win. I've heard m a n y people say, 'They play our team attitude," Reeves said. "They have turned the hard and they never give up.'" program's attitude around."
•Jeri Wiley
Photo by SID
W e n d y Johnson
Photo by SID
Lynn James
Photo by SID 119