Photos by Kim Davis She is also an officer in the I A B C (International Association of Business Communicators) club and a m e m ber of the yearbook staff. The responsibilities of being married m a y also conBy Kim Davis flict with Melody's class schedule. "Sometimes I miss As if going to school and working isn't enough? On class because our schedules conflict and w e only have top of that, m a n y Liberty students have the added one car," she said. "The professors are really underresponsibilities that come with being married. standing about things like that." Kent and Tara Gregory were married the s u m m e r of "Finding quality time to be together is the most 1991. According to Kent, this n e w lifestyle has brought difficult part about being a married student," Melody added changes. "It's been a lot more stressful," he said. said. "It's been exciting and fun, but there's a lot of stress. I This, however, is not an obstacle for Melody. "Evalways feel like I should be doing something - paying erything is give and take," she said. The sacrifices will the bills, doing homework, washing dishes - some- be worth it in the long run because w e will both have thing." our degrees. If it's worth having, you find a w a y of Junior business management major Jenny Warren doing it." married August 22, 1991, the weekend before school Although settling into a n e w routine is one of the started. Since then, her schedule has demanded al- biggest adjustments, couples m a y still feel the added most every minute of her time. "The hardest part is pressures even after a few years of marriage. having enough time to do everything," Jenny said. "I Will and Holly Honeycutt have been married for have to straighten the house, fix meals, do homework, almost five years. Holly is an L U graduate and works and I have the added pressure of working a job. If I full-time in LU's Admissions Office. Will is finishing want to do something else, I really have to plan ahead his last year in seminary and is working full-time as an and schedule it." L U security guard. In addition to taking 17 hours, working 25 hours a Between taking classes during the day and working week in the missions office and being a housewife, the graveyard shift at night, Will and Holly have Jenny and her husband Mike, w h o graduated from L U limited time together. "Holly is a constant friend that in 1991, are also d o r m parents. I can talk to, rely on and have fun with," Will said. "I Although this work m a y seem insurmountable at regret that I can't spend a whole lot more time with times, Jenny is very positive about the overall experi- her." ence. "It's difficult, but I don't regret it at all," Jenny The Honeycutts are, however, optimistic about their said. "Mike has been very supportive, so that's help- temporary situation. " W e realize that w e are making ful." a sacrifice, but w h e n you m a k e a sacrifice, it's always Melody Walker, senior journalism major, can also for something better in return," Will said. " W h e n I identify with this lifestyle. Melody has been married look back later, it will be worth it. I'm going to see its for one year. In addition to her duties at home, she is value as a whole and h o w the Lord gave m e the taking 16 credit hours and working 28 hours a week. strength to do it."
Married Students