"The Pirates of Penzance" "The Pirates of Penzance," Gilbert and Sullivan's goes back, no matter what the cost. The pirates attempt to take the major general's wards, comic opera, was an action-packed show for those w h o but the police rescue them just in time. Ruth then are entranced by pirates. Rachel Heer played Mable, the lead female charac- convinces the police that the pirates are gentlemen gone ter, and Johnny Prettyman played Frederick, the lead bad, and they are pardoned. male character. The ending leads the audience to believe that Frederick In the play, Frederick's parents give his governess will marry his true love, Mable. Ruth (played by Elizabeth Burns) orders to train Heer's role is a dream come true for her. "Ever since Frederick to be a pilot. Ruth misunderstands their I saw the show when I was nine years old, I wanted to orders and trains him to be a pirate instead. play Mable," she said. "Once I was in the chorus in a Ruth wants to marry Frederick. H e agrees to marry professional production of 'The Pirates of Penzance.' her until he meets Mable, the daughter of Major N o w m y dream has come true after seeing the show General Stanley (played by Joe Gray). Frederick then numerous times." denounces Ruth and plans to marry Mable. The play was directed by Dr. Wayne Kompelien. After Ruth discovers this, she and the pirate king Other cast members included: Christian Vandenheuvel, (played by Luke Woodard) persuade Frederick to Sergeant of Police; Dorie Donaldson, Edith; Carrie come back to her. Frederick, being true to his duties, Moore, Katie; and Jennifer Roberts, Isabel.
Photos by Vangie