The World, America and the Gulf War B y Ben LaFrombois
August 1990: Iraq rolled into Kuwait. January 1991: the U.S. triumphantly m o v e d into Kuwait, shattering the Iraqi presence and liberating the oil-rich nation. Displaying America's military strength, troops m o v e d into Kuwait City, the capital of Kuwait. A massive attack on Iraq w a s launched, with Gen. N o r m a n Schwartzkoff leading the way. A n unexpectedly quick and easy military victory w a s completed within 45 days. It w a s the first time our nation w a s at war since Vietnam, which ended in the early 1970s. The overpowering victory raised America's hopes and renewed its confidence. The military w a s raised u p from the ashes of earlier defeats. This victory w a s like few America has ever experienced, nor similar to what w a s expected. America dominated from the m o m e n t her planes began to fly until the last Iraqi w a s captured or killed. Fighting, especially in the desert, w a s second nature to the Iraqis w h o had been at war with Iran during most of the 1980s. The Iraqi army w a s Soviet supplied and trained and had years of desert combat experience. O n paper, America and its allies were even at a loss. Iraq had 545,000 troops in the region while the U.S. had'530,000. Iraq had 4,230 tanks; the U.S. had 3,360. Iraq had 3,110 artillery pieces; the U.S. had 3,633. displayed the technology the U.S. had acquired since the O n ground, the numbers were equal, but in the air and Vietnam conflict. The patriot would track an incoming at sea America outnumbered Iraq, having 1,800 more missile from the time it left the ground until it was close aircraft in the region, 1,800 more helicopters and 60 more enough to shoot d o w n . The system would fire a missile at ships. the incoming target and destroy it in the air before it could The U.S. build-up of troops began shortly after the damage anything on the ground. August invasion by Iraq. By January, the allies' presence M a n y heroes came out of the war, which began on exceeded one-half million. President Bush had garnered January 15, 1991. The first phase of the war displayed the support of most of the world's nations. America's air power. Thirty-nine days of continual air The U.S. Congress had voted to support the Gulf con- attacks crushed the Iraqi army, allowing the ground flict, first called Operation Desert Shield and then Opera- forces to clean up. tion Desert Storm, once fighting began. The American The first night of the war, America destroyed Iraqi people were behind the president. Even 45 percent of communications and airports, not allowing Iraqi planes Americans supported the use of tactical nuclear weapons to even get in the air. if needed. Overall, 35,000 sorties were flown. Fifty percent were The U.S. assumed it was going to have to fight a great combat missions. Amazingly, only 20 planes were lost in power. Estimates of Iraq's total army were as high as the entire war, a casualty rate of .06 percent. This figure 1,000,000 troops with great quantities of chemical weap- was well below the 3 percent planned. ons, long range shelling capabilities and the possibility of The victory in the air paved the w a y for ground troops nuclear weapons. to clean u p in 100 hours war. O n February 23, ground Another threat to victory w a s that Israel would enter the troops m o v e d into undefended Iraq behind Iraq's army, war, causing the Arab nations to unite against Israel. A encircling them and leaving them without escape. holy war would ensue, leaving America in the middle of By February 28 Kuwait City w a s free and U.S. forces religious warfare. began the cleanup. The allies only lost 149 troops, while Israel w a s attacked during the war by S C U D missiles, Iraq's losses were estimated at over 100,000. Totals could but did not fight back since the U.S. w a s already carrying not be determined since saturation bombing of the enout the war. A U.S. patriot missile system was set u p to trenched buried m a n y Iraqi soldiers. protect Israel from incoming missiles. Iraq lost 4,000 of their tanks; the U.S. lost four. Iraq los The patriot system w a s one of the heroes of the war, and 2,140 artillery pieces; the U.S. lost one.